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  • Spite Kicking

    I have been playing this game since the .3 days... not from the beggining but a loyal follower none the less. I began to hate this game when hacking became a problem, couple updates later we were back on track. Custom maps came out, AoS got infinetly better. Yet there was always the greifer problem. It got worse and Ben made a better Kick interface and now even on maps like Pinpoint(my favorite and where you will always find me) people are able to build fortresses again without fearing that a platoon of greifers is sure to be sent there way.

    but in the last few days i have noticed a problem with the kick system and for the first time today expieranced it myself. I am a respected player/builder on pinpoint and always play the game for the good of the team, whether we need more fighters or builders, i /votekick inactive players to open up spots on the team for active players. I kick greifers and never greif myself.

    Now kids are votekicking anyone they want to, whether it be out of spite, random or they just dont like another person and labeling them as greifers. without thinking the whole game instantly vote yes and possibly many honest players are being kicked.

    I have no idea how to fix this, maybe someon else does. plaese dont make me hate this game again.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It can't be fixed until registration. Until then: assholes will be assholes, no point complaining about it here or anywhere else. I've given up on playing the game in any serious way until we have registration.

    Edit: You could try setting up a private server with players that are invite-only. Good luck. imo, isn't worth the effort.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    this game still isnt user freindly enough for me to even attempt to host a server. ive just read countless complaints and wuestions on why you can only ever get a server up 5 % of the time...

    Posted 13 years ago

    A few days ago, a few kiddies on the enemy team in an aloha server were pissed because I kept killing them, crying HAX every time, then tried (unsuccessfully) to get me kicked.

    Haters gonna hate.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago

    i think i saw that, influx. were you deuce21?

    Mr. Freeze
    Posted 13 years ago

    Nope, I was Influx. The only time I am a deuce is after an update and I forget to reset my name.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh man, on pinpoint green had this huge fotress that they sniped from, and a little bunker near the >< to kill us, so I took the semi and started sniping them all from the fogline, actually getting some kills despite the cone then rushing them with grenades, at one point even got 5 kills with 1 nade. After I did this 2-3 times, they started screaming AIMBOT, HAX, CHEATER and tried to kick me /5/ bloody times. Luckily, no one on blue voted, and I felt like a boss.

    Needless to say after and hour me + blue were spawn trapping them like mad.

    To votekick someone (Ive done it before) just say they were greifing, youll get +6 votes instantly.

    Posted 13 years ago
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