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    Welcome to the Hunterkillerz clan page, one of the foremost clans of AoS, we have pioneered the concept of clan war's, by fighting in the very first official clan war, against the Admin team and ben askoy himself. We also brought to the community the idea of clan armoury's.

    Every day we, the [HK], strive to enrich the community, Bringing in new idea's and concepts that have so far helped to shape the community and clan's you see today..

    Because of this, we will accept only the best, the most experienced fighters, the most respected forum users. And every member of the [HK] is expected to act with maturity, and tolerance to others.

    Joining [HK] is a ONE TIME opportunity, If you are kicked out or choose to leave, you will NOT be permitted to enter again, ever, under any circumstances.

    For info on how to apply, go here: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=4480#post-64363

    At the moment our recruitment is "Invitation only" this means that any application you post will be ignored, unless we have extended to you an invitation to apply, even then your application may be denied".

    Klan Armoury. This will be updated whenever a new piece of gear is commissioned and delivered, ill post here on the thread letting you know when its updated. The armoury is on the forums.

    Link to clan forum (mandatory) : http://hkcentral.forumotion.com/

    Preview of klan armoury: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Sh0KHy8-k

    Preview of klan skin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfD-VLXGg3o

    -------------CURRENT RANKS ----------------------------

    [Klan Leader] "Exterminator": [HK]DeathEnhanced
    [Second in command] “Assassin”: [HK]mman789
    [Cartographer]: [HK]JukelProNabb
    [Recruitment Officer]: [HK]OxyMoron
    [Generals] "Mercenary":[HK]xXIchigoXx / [HK]caseyunionrotc / [HK]Frosty
    [Sergeants] "Commando": [HK]SneakyBastard / [HK]*_Azn_* Hack / [HK]fleek%(SMoke WEed)
    [Corporals] “Hunter”: [HK]Musculaire / [HK]Infiltrator82 / [HK]CPT_CRUNCH / / [HK]ChocolateCop / [HK]GeneralE / CaptainOAP
    [Lance corporals] “Killer”: [HK]I3atwaffl3s
    [HK]Godlike64 / [HK]Lachlan / / [HK]Valen666 / [HK]Craig / [HK]Teevatar / [HK] ajc99 / [HK]TB / [HK]Technohawk / [HK]TautwiZZ / [HK]Danny
    [Private] "Fighter" [HK]Cpl.Ductape / / [HK]PINATABOY / [HK]prototype
    [Grunts] “Tracker”: [HK]dannify / [HK]Gree / [HK]RocketSled / / [Hk]xXdiggyXx / [HK]sporeman52 / / / [HK]Lavos /
    Total: 36
    ---------------------IRC CHANNEL------------------------------------------

    [HK] IRC channel! channel name > #HunterKillerz

    [HK] after much deliberation has decided it is NOT interested in alliances at this time.

    --------------------CLAN MOTO---------------------------------------------

    [HK] Moto: Join clan's.....get drama :D

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    If you have any other inquiry's please contact me at:[email protected]


    Check here or on the blog, for the latest clan updates.

    27/7/11: HK members...DO NOT comment on the komrade clan thread, email me if you have a question or issue.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Thread has saged.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Added: Saged hmm wtf you talking about?

    Rushin Time
    Posted 13 years ago

    Where's the incentive, if you won't even show people what the armoury looks like? Also what qualifies a group to be 'standing in the way of progress'?

    What does progress even mean in this case?

    Posted 13 years ago

    nvm it hasnt saged.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Beret, the armoury is for existing members, i put it together after various requests, it isnt ment to be an incentive.

    Im most likely not going to put pics because I want it all kept exclusive to HK.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    Through discussion among our ranks we decide which clan's to war with. We dont publicly release information as to why or how we decide.

    But I assure you the vote is always unanimous.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    AND i can assure you that your not gonna get much people by being a communist. Do you know why other clans like ours [LoT] has so much people? its because kills doesn't matter. its about having fun okai?

    Posted 13 years ago

    *NOTE* Soon to be added is a rank system which is being devised literally as we speak.

    People will join at the lowest level, and afteer proving themselves in various ways, they will advance and thusly gain authority and power within the clan.

    After all, i dont make ALL the decisions, its a democracy =].

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    Thank you for the advice. and true we only have 6 members at this exact moment.
    The reason for making this thread was publicise the existence of the klan and alert any potential candidates.


    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    So, are we on your hitlist?

    Komrade Korakoff
    Dictator of Komrades
    Posted 13 years ago

    DeathEnhanced, you're a great player, but even though you hate clans doesn't mean all others do. You do know that there are probably no clan haters at all on the forums right? You have a better chance advertising on the servers themselves, just make sure it's not Sham or a server directed by a clan.

    Posted 13 years ago


    misconception, i dont hate ALL clans. Im making this one mainy to have fun with ppl and secondly to war others, which is also mostly for fun. clan war :3

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Test - avi works =P

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Is the Komrade clan on ur hitlist?

    Posted 13 years ago

    To be fair with you, your klan is one of most...what's the word im looking for?.... developed maybe? you have your own servers, a handful of members.

    You could make it better by getting some custom gear together and making a clan blog which you update regularly.

    But other then that, your doing pretty good. So no, at this moment in time the komrades are of no interest to our operatives.

    trust me, you'd know about it if you were =] lol.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ke - blump.

    And NO the armoury is NOT mandatory...you just get access to it if you join....

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Hmmm is the armory maditory(knowing you'd have no idea anyways)?

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    So it's a truce, an alliance, or whatever with you guys? To reply to your statement, forcing people to use our own skins would be, well, prisoner-like. If they want to, then do it, if not, then yeah. But I think default with simple modifications is fine.

    Komrade Korakoff
    Dictator of Komrades
    Posted 13 years ago

    Who says im forcing anyone, im just saying if you join you have ACCESS to the armoury, you dont have to use it if you dont want to.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Awsome so I guess I just contact you though the e-mail adress?

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago


    Your interested in joining? awsume, then put the [HK] at the front of your name and email me, ill send you the password.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Alright see you on the battle field!

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Welcome to the clan bro, i usaly hang out on the Aloha hallway map, if im online, thats were ill be! =P im going there right now in fact....hope you liked the armoury and blog! =P

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like to offer my abilities to you and the clan if you are in need of them. I have been doing graphic design for about 5 years now and have made many custom scopes for this game. I also design skins and all types of kv6 files for aos. I realize you already have a guy who designs alot of your gear but im sure i could make some additions. I also am fairly skilled at this game and have been playing since release, just havent been active on the forums. Either way, if your interested drop me a reply. Just as an example, here are two scopes i made a bit ago. http://imageshack.us/g/839/semid.png/
    The first is a semi, pin point accurate red dot sight. The other is a holographic sight intended for the smg. I can take any requests as far as scopes, sights, gun skins, and skins in general. Happy hunting

    Posted 13 years ago


    Iv seen your work before and i have to say i am impressed. And those sights there are a prime example of your skills.

    Are you offering a freelance service, or is this a clan application? in which case you would be accepted and immediately given the rank of corporal (ill be devising a general rank or similer soon, in which case you'd be promoted to that).

    Either way your services would be greatly appreciated.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well thank you, my post was intended as a clan application as well but it wasnt so clear. I appreciate it, do you have a skype or some way to stay in contact rather then the forums? I can work pretty quickly and i need to be able to show you the projects before they are finalized. Do you have a server you prefer to play on? Lately i have been playing aloha us central hallway. Also, anything in particular a high priority to you? A custom weapon skin or something? Im sort of bored at the moment.

    Posted 13 years ago

    when i click on HQ or armoury theres an error, it says i dont have perrmisson...

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago


    Does it not give any options to enter that password i gave you?

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago
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