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  • Stuff I would like added in future updates

    Just a quick wish list of stuff i would like to have added in a future update/s.

    weapon: grenade launcher; uses both your grenades so it can be fired once every life and has limited range

    weapon: sniper rifle; simple enough lots of damage a scope but a slow fire rate

    weapon: shotgun; shoots 5-6 pellets per shell and must be reloaded every shot

    two new bombs:
    C4; place able and can be blown up by right clicking
    mine; place it like a block change the color like a block so you can make it cammo :D
    you would have to choose one

    reduced smg recoil :/

    CTF; the current and only mode
    timed; each round takes 5 minutes and the team with the most points win
    To Death; fight untill you die last team with people left win a point
    FreeForAll; for the build only servers mainly. points disabled and there is no way to win although you can still kill

    kill streak rewards:
    3=temporary unlimited ammo and slightly increased health
    6=airstrike drops bombs on a part of the map
    8=nuke upgraded airstrike kills everything in the blast and fills an entire square
    12=some sort of heavily armed veicle i don't really care to much i can be a car or plain or helicopter or whatever else
    using these restart your killstreak

    Better anti greif system

    more commands!

    Admins; especially for the more serious servers its hard to moderate by yourself

    sorry if this seems like a lot but..it is

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago


    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    Too long; Didn't Read....0_0

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    oh :l

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    Nice Ideas, I like the fight to the death concept but it would only work well in really small maps as the last 2 people would struggle to find each other. land Mines if you think about it could bring a brutal new form of combat as they could not be seen, maybe instead of killing instantly they take away 25-50 hp and weaken attackers. Most real landmines blow of legs and other limbs rather than killing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Grenade launcher? No. I see abuse. Stick to grenades, you can already throw those pretty far.

    Sniper: Ditto.

    Shotgun: The way you put it, its useless for cqb against multiple enemies unless you give it several shots.

    No C4.

    NO KILL STREAKS. This isn't CoD.

    "Better anti greif system".

    Posted 13 years ago

    launcher better be the granade but more distance other wise no sniper yes shotgun maybe pump action c4 i like it kill streaks .... mabye they are okay everything else yes

    Posted 13 years ago

    There were about a dozen other threads on this topic you could have voiced your opinions in, MegaDwarf. Please use the search function.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok sorry

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    @thunderstorm i'm mainly talking about admins and possibly commands to to help find them like a command maybe to display the last person who modified a block

    and about the shotgun thats why shotgun is so short range from up close you do quite a bit of damage with just 5-6

    or maybe more

    just a thought

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    @mrhappy your right about the fight to death maybe it could always display their locations?

    also they would be visible just easy to walk on if you weren't paying attention

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago
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