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  • Bob's Thoughts

    I know most of these have probably been suggested before but here’s my take。

    Sniper Rifle
    The scope is a closed off basic sniper scope。
    60 to the body, 100 to the head, and 35 to the limbs
    5 round magazine
    1 second interval between shots
    reload time is slightly slower than rifles。
    Blocks take 2 hits to destroy
    The Sniper rifle is highly unaffected by wind, unless the wind is high and the bullet travels far does it have some effect. Shoots the flattest (in terms of left to right) and has no spread (unless caused by wind)

    Satchel Charge
    Can be switched out with grenade
    After being placed, it detonates in 40 seconds. explosion is around a 4x3x3
    rectangle。 Anything in the range dies,damage radius is around 60 damage within 3 blocks, 30 within 5, 10 within 7. All figures is accordingly outside of the actual explosion. Can be resupplied and carries two. must be within a block to place. Disarmed by hitting it with a pickaxe. Makes a semi-loud ticking noise that gets faster and faster. Not as loud as a gunshot, but if you're just walking around it would be like a faint tick.

    Land Mine
    Switched out with grenades
    Carries 2 with resupply
    Shown as a small prick thing out of the ground when placed。Detonates when walked on。 Disarmed by mining out the block。Anyone within a block dies, Anyone within 2 takes 50. Destroy's the block it inhabits。

    Switched out with grenades
    Carries 1 with resupply
    Anyone that is viewing the flashbang when it explodes is blinded for 4 seconds. Can be cooked with the same fuse and throw length of a grenade.

    Swapped out for firearm
    50 Bullets with 100 spare
    An even more intense recoil than the SMG.
    Headshots = 35, Body shots are 15, limbs are 7.
    Reload time is around twice as long as normal.
    500 RPM
    Can be mounted onto a block for stability.
    Crouch and right click a block to mount it. Makes your head in the air above the block (so it's visible to fire). Doing so limits your RPM (to around 250).
    6 hits to destroy a block

    Spades replenish block count when used.
    Spades replenish block count when used to a max of 2 blocks.

    If you votekick someone, the vote is public.

    A small icon on the HUD. It would basically effect longer range shooting. Brings a unique aspect. No Aesthetics and completely random. The stages it would have is small (meaning less unless it is really far away or a medium range with a high recoil weapon) Medium ( Matters at medium range for all but sniper Rifle) Large (Sniper RIfle has some effects, not too major but annoying, anything at medium range will be a pain to hit with the rifle, High recoil weapons start to have trouble) And Extreme (Sniper Rifle has trouble at medium long, battle rifle caps 100% accuracy at Medium low, High recoil weapons capped at Low Range. Wind does nothing when the bullet is in a isolated area.

    Bullet Drop
    Simple enough, further the bullet goes, the more it drops. Nothing too crazy, but after some amount of blocks, the bullet will drop so it doesn't go on forever on the straight path. How heavy the bullet drop is varies by weapon.
    Sniper Rifle
    Battle Rifle
    In order of biggest drop to flattest in effective range.

    Scope/Sight Sighting
    Each gun's scoping should have a "Range"
    The Battle Rifle would have a medium scoping range, which is just field of view. SMG's and LMG's would have a slightly smaller viewing range due to effectiveness of the shot. The sniper rifle would be able to see 15 blocks further than regular field of view.

    Battle Rifle Edits (A.K.A Semi)
    A better crosshair for the spread. Higher spread (only a tad). Lower Recoil (again, a tad)

    Trench Gun
    Launches 10 pellets. Each pellets does
    25 to the head
    10 to the body
    6 to Limbs
    5 Round magazine that reloads each shot separate, allowing you to reload and shoot in emergencies. Carries 25 shots separate. Reloading is 30% of a regular reload for each shot.
    There is a half second delay between shots.
    It takes a total of 14 pellets to destroy a block.
    The shotgun, like all of them, has a somewhat large cone of fire. The pellets do spread after a couple of blocks. Wind affects it at low amounts and bullet drop fastest (but like all drops, not crazy). The actual spread out of the straight path takes 3 blocks, but within that, it's good.

    Swapped out for regular blocks
    You get 10 of these babies. It's just like a regular block, except it GLOWS. Everything that is empty in a 3x3 area is brightly illuminated. The layer after it is less, and so forth until it is dark again (at around 7x7) If you don't want that for life, we could always use torches or something.

    Every 10 minutes, it switches. It is a gradual change meaning it gets darker or brighter as the sun sets/rises. At midnight, it is really dark. Think isolated in a tunnel with small amounts of light. This allows for more tactics.

    Larger differences with shot blocks
    If I shoot a block, I want to notice. Perhaps make it bullet holes instead of darkening the color. Also up the SMG bullets needed to destroy a block.

    (By Request)
    Switched out primary.
    Projectile acts like a grenade when it hits something (less shrapnel and a layer of 2 more of block destruction)
    Comes with 1 loaded rocket and 3 spare.
    Reload time is 2.5x of a regular gun (Rifle/SMG).
    How to balance? Accuracy and arming range. The target has to be at least 30 blocks away in order for it to explode, otherwise it just does a point of damage to a block (3 to break) and 40-HS,25-BS,20-LS. The rocket itself is a projectile and is heavily affected by wind and drop. Along with that, it's base accuracy is pretty bad. It's pretty hard to hit a smaller target.
    Did I mention that when you fire, if there is a block behind you, it's destroyed and if there is a person, said spade takes 60 damage.

    Barbed Wire
    Swapped out for regular blocks
    Carries 10
    Durability-9 (regular block has 3)
    When placed, any spade that tries to go through takes 5 damage per second. Movement is slowed to 60% of regular. Auto-climb does not work on it and if you land in it, have fun crawling out. It takes 3x time to destroy it with any conventional manner. Shovels require 2 hits to destroy (does not mine out other blocks) It is still like other blocks so it'd be easier to just mine out the block under it.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago


    Replenish block count.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Added some stuffs

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    We already have a long-range weapon. May as well just throw away the semi completely if you add a sniper, there'd be no point to using the semi if we had the choice of a sniper rifle.

    Or just do that and replace the semi with a handgun, but that's still a bad idea, because the semi pre .53 was already more than good enough for just about every situation besides close range.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Kaede, there is no point going into every topic that contains ideas for the game and naysaying about sniper rifles.

    In my opinion, most of the gun and item ideas being bandied around the forums will be implemented (or ar least attempted) at some point, so it's a case of when, not if, snipers are brought in. The Poll exists so that the most popular gun gets put in first.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago

    How about semi less recoil (higher fire rate to) 90 damage to the head, 45 to the body, 40 to limbs.
    Sniper 3 rounds 1.5 sec between shots,100 to head ,70 to body,45 limbs, 1.5 times longer reload than semi.
    Smg less recoil, 25 rounds,slower fire rate, .75 the reload time of semi.
    *Shot gun (if added) 6 shells ,1 hit kill within 15 blocks, 2 hit from 30 , and 3 hit from 45-50 and no farther range , same reload as .25 seconds for each shell needed to be reloaded.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Why must everything be forced to swap out for something else?

    I like how you set up the satchel charge though- I think only getting 1 is a bit unfair though, and the timer should be set at a minute, so that defenders have at least a chance of disarming it. Otherwise why bother allowing it to be disarmed in the first place?

    Everything from flashbangs onwards would just drain all the fun from the game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    look its a bunny! what happens if you put a landmine in a tunnel then? :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    Because, we have limited slots. However I do agree a bit and have rethought the satchel charge.

    Yes it's a bunny.
    And if you put a landmine in a tunnel then chances are either someone(s) dies or they just mine out the block.

    Sniper VS Semi
    I do admit I probably should have been more in-depth with the sniper rifle. But the general argument of sniper just does semi better is stressed. Semi is a battle rifle. It's purpose is a medium- semi-long range combat rifle. Of course you could try and put a sniper scope on it, but that doesn't help the spread. The sniper rifle has the ability to deliver 2 shot body kills along with a somewhat flatter trajectory. In the sense of medium range, the battle rifle would win simply because it set off shots faster and with little spread. In a long-range situation, the sniper rifle would win because the spread would make sniping a pain in the ass.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Added more

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    More explosives! Actually,2 satchel charges would be better, possibility to set variable time (30/40/i dunno lol). Also, something like rocket launchers? It could be just AWESOME.

    Posted 13 years ago

    wind won't work because the bullets are hit-scans, not projectiles.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Really? Ah hell, all bullets are hitscans these days.

    On rocket launchers, I can add some details and thoughts to it if you want, but having a panzerfaust adds lots of griefer potential, along with lack of use of teh buildings. (Although I guess rockets would be a projectile, new sights would cover drop and possible windage)

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Update agains

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Shameless bump.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago
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