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In your opinion, what game mechanics would need to be changed/added to make espionage a legitimate tactic? |
#48172 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
and by espionage you mean?... |
#48173 Chipou Class-A Tree Posted 13 years ago |
We would need a jail to throw the traitor in. They would get freed when the jail is destroyed by the other team or when the other team's intel is captured. And they could get team killed at any time. |
#48178 Pvt Ryan Gold Member Posted 13 years ago |
@Chipou Spying on enemies and sabotaging fortifications. @Pvt Ryan I would like an enemy capture system in place, but I'm not sure how it would work. |
#48185 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
You could kill them and they would respawn in jail. |
#48190 Pvt Ryan Gold Member Posted 13 years ago |
"@Chipou ...so helpful, im asking like is it like a guy switched sides and is doing that? did a guy enter and start doing that to his own team? because both is classified as griefing. the only way that would be acceptable would be if tf2 classes were implemented (which they wont, so it wont ever be acceptable) |
#48206 Chipou Class-A Tree Posted 13 years ago |
If you teamswitch to destroy enemy fortification, thou art a coward and a scoundrel. May thine unworthy posterior be votekicked. |
#48211 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
@Chipou Yes, as the game currently is, those behaviors would be classified as griefing. That's why I'm asking what sorts of game mechanics would need to be added to change it from griefing to a legitimate tactic. After all, griefers gonna grief, so it might as well be turned it into a legitimate gameplay element. Then again, this may be a horrible idea since it would only encourage more creative kinds of rule breaking. @1337101 Players are going to do it anyway, so we might as well find a way to use their mischief to enrich the gaming experience for everyone. At least that's the idea. |
#48432 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
Covering up for griefing, I see. |
#48440 Spengbab Moron Posted 13 years ago |
@outwrangle: The way to enrich the gameplay for everyone is to... ...make better admin controls so the twerps get kicked and banned faster. That's just how it is: You cheat, you get kicked. |
#48452 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
@Spengbab Fuck no. I hate them. Thing is, they won't go away. Maybe, instead of ruining the game while combating them, we should embrace them and turn griefing into another dimension of how the game is supposed to be played. @1337101 Espionage is a part of real war. It's not cheating. |
#48648 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
@outwrangle: Yes, but in real war you can always actually shoot the guy causing trouble. That's not always the case in AoS. I'd also like to point out that while I like realism, when realism is definitely detracting from the gameplay it has no place in a game. Cheating doesn't belong in AoS. Are aimbotting and foghacking and speedhacking OK? |
#48652 1337101 Modifier Posted 13 years ago |
@1337101 No, cheating doesn't belong in AoS. However, it doesn't HAVE to be cheating if the game mechanics are changed balance it out. So, in your opinion, what game mechanics would need to be changed/added to make espionage a legitimate tactic? |
#48655 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
So let me get this straight. The act of players switching from one team to the other to either spy or grief structures should be implemented as another in-game tactic. Espionage. You know, water will always be water, no matter what phony label you manage to plaster onto the bottle. |
#48664 Spengbab Moron Posted 13 years ago |
^This would nerf griefing. |
#48668 Pvt Ryan Gold Member Posted 13 years ago |
@Spengbab Who says they have to switch teams? What if they could put on a disguise and sneak over to the enemy side without actually joining their team? The only way the enemy would be able to figure out if you were a spy would be if they moused over you and noticed that a name didn't pop up. Griefing is only griefing because it makes the game less fun for everyone. If, instead, it became a part of the game, it would no longer make the game less fun and so would no longer be griefing. The question I am asking is how would the game have to be changed in order for espionage to be fun for both sides. @Pvt Ryan That's the idea. Griefers are basically trolls, and if they see that they aren't making anyone mad, they'll quit (or find another way to piss people off). |
#48671 outwrangle Member Posted 13 years ago |
Griefers wouldn't waste their time to do that. I should remind you that griefers most of the time are against their team, not for it. |
#48737 Spengbab Moron Posted 13 years ago |
-no sound when you run |
#48754 PineApples The PineApples Posted 13 years ago |
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