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  • Barbed Wire and Other Weapons

    One new blocks should be barbed wire. you place it, and people of the opposing team are hurt if they touch it. Buy barbed wire can be destroyed by grenades and grenades only, or a turret, artillery strike, or any other explosive devices.

    You should also implement turrets, where you sit in them and aim with your mouse. it fires semiautomatic explosive rounds, or fully automatic light bullets. They can only be destroyed by 60-90 rounds of a rifle, or 3 grenades at pointblank range, or 3 hits of any other explosive meterial.

    Artillery is also a god additive. you must get a killstreak of 7 or more to get it. You fires a tracer round into the general area you want it to be in, and explosives come raining down around that area.

    Killstreaks and achivements would also be nice. Also customizable weapons, classes, and field medics.

    Another thing can be a machine gun. It has 3 belts of 100 rounds each, but you walk slower carrying it, and can only fire it without moving.

    Also, adding an official sniper rifle would be good, instead of an infantry rifle. it has a better scope, but you can only fire it through the scope while staying still. It should have 4 clips of 5 rounds each and can cut through blocks in one blast.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Some of these been suggested already use the search button next time.

    Posted 13 years ago

    All of these have been suggested in one form or another.

    Also, please limit your suggestions to one per post.

    Posted 13 years ago

    screw wire we need tent or steel materials but cars or jeeps would be good though

    Posted 13 years ago

    Killstreaks and achievements....

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh my God Toast, you're right! I also noticed that this game has guns and the goal is to kill each other. Better get rid of those too, or else AoS will turn into CoD somehow.

    Posted 13 years ago

    O snap!

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    outrangle is right

    Posted 13 years ago

    No, Aos is unique, if you want this game to be exactly like cod, go play cod.

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    I know, right? That's why we should get rid of guns!

    If people want to play CoD, they should go play CoD.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate people who go to the extremes of things. Obviously by aoS being like call of duty he's not talking about killing people. He's talking about having stuff that would work for CoD gameplay, but not AoS. For instance: Call of Duty has different movement speeds, AoS doesn't, therefore it's nearly pointless to have light weapons, or heavy weapons.

    It's pointless to have barbed wire. Unlike CoD, the game is made of voxels, which can only get so thin (If you've ever fucked with slab6, you'll know what I mean), how would we make a barbed wire fense? It'll just look like a bunch of blocks with blocks sticking out of the blocks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    trust a 12 year old to post cod stuff ....

    Posted 13 years ago
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