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  • Going Prone/Wall hugging/ Weapon suggestions

    I am 99% sure that this was probably said before and that I am 100% going to get trolled for this.

    But I would highly suggest going prone on this game, since there are only so much as 2 levels of shooting, and prone would put you in quite a position of tactical advantage (no that's what she said jokes now). Also wall hugging would be nice, to not have your head or body stick out as a obvious target.

    Before you start calling me a 12 year old COD nerd, please realize that I did get all these ideas from playing paintball amply with my friends. And these are quite realistic tactics that would save your (censored) on the battlefield.

    Flamethrower: A flamethrower would probably amount to a lagthrower on some people's computers, but it would seem as so a rather fun tool to use. It could have a larger damage amount but a way less smaller range and would seem good as a KV6 file.

    Mines: Mines could in some way amount to less griefing then grenades and allows for tactics are such. (no mines around intel) (FF shouldn't be on for mines)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Search for mines- they've been suggested and discussed a lot. A flamethower has been talked about too. As for Prone and Wall hugging, I'd find both completely unnecessary. If you're sticking out, that's just your own poor spatial awareness.

    Posted 13 years ago

    wow, now people are giving respect to those who might've posted this so they don't get bagged...........firstly can you deactivate mines, and if so how would you deal with a mine in a tunnel at base dirt situation......secondly, prone for aiming is a good idea but can you crawl? and if so wouldn't you just get SUPER CLAUSTROPHOBIC going through a 1X1 tunnel that your making? and the flamethrower idea is.......ummmm.....nevermind :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago
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