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    I agree with Drury.

    Leave spawnkilling the way it is. If you're really as helpless as you people try to make yourselves out to be, you will eventually spawn somewhere else where the spawncamper can't hit you.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I should've mentioned the weird spawning zone sometimes at pinpoint/faceoff/hallway spawning you at sea (especially at hallway)
    spawncampers don't see you thats good, but intel runners get shot in back by someone who spawned in sea (hallway)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I disagree with Drury and POMF.
    Currently, spawnkilling is just free kills for the enemy and delay/annoyance for your side. There's nothing enjoyable in spawning, getting killed before you can even see the enemy, then having to wait even more.
    3 to 5 seconds of invincibility would do fine. Of course, there's the same problem for the enemy; getting killed by someone just because he had luck and spawned in the right place is stupid. Therefore, freshly spawned people shouldn't be able to do damage either.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I didnt really read the thread, but this could cause alot of issues as well.

    I have quite a bit of experience hacking, and i know that this invulnerability could be exploited by finding the values while invulnerable compared to the values when regular. Someone could then freeze these values and BAM, invulnerability indefinitely

    I do agree this should be implemented though, just food for thought

    Posted 13 years ago

    [HK]OxyMoron, all variables will obviously be moved to the server, unlike in earlier versions.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Drury, have you ever been to hallway? The only way I have ever died there is from spawn camping.

    POMF, so you are saying that we should keep giving people free kills and making it impossible to move past the spawn point, espically in hallway?

    Also, OxyMoron, you forgot to read one important thing: During invulnerably, you can only move, and all values are becoming server-side, making hacking impossible.

    Conclusion: Drury and POMF are most likely spawn campers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I forgot about the nothing other then movement while invulnerable so i suppose your right.

    Are the variable currently moved server side? Because quite a few hacks still work fine.
    Also, even if these things were moved server side hacking would not be impossible. It is still possible to sniff packets and send corrupted packets to edit the variables. Yet, that is way above the heads of most players.
    I do agree this should be done, but i wont be happy about it sometimes i like spawn camping.

    Posted 13 years ago


    ......Keep up the good work!

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    chicken wings
    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate getting spawnkilled (just like anyone else...), but I do not want any form of temporary invulnerability.

    Your entire team has the advantage of...wait for it...spawning in their own base. It's only a matter of time before the spawncamper is dealt with (unless your entire team is terrible). I love wrecking spawncampers on hallway. Build a 3-block high wall on the back end of your base's little island and wait for them to shoot at your friends. It's not that hard (quite the opposite actually, I've been accused of hacking multiple times for killing spawncampers specifically on hallway).

    Eh, there's plenty of "bad words" I'd like to call the people who are actually supporting this/whining about spawncampers, but I will not.

    "Deal with it."

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    However, without a period of invulnerability, this game is not about skill, rather, it's about being so sad you need to spawncamp.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well then, I guess our definition of "sad" has two different meanings. Making threads on an internet forum to complain about being killed by someone in a war game falls under the "sad" category in my book. Of course, I could understand if people are bitching about hackers and such, but getting killed 1 second after spawning in a virtual world and taking it to heart is not good for your long-term mental health. Sort of like people who complain (on the forums, of course) about griefing (although griefing is a much more sinister and widespread problem). I don't really enjoy spawncamping, and I absolutely hate being spawnkilled, but it is a valid and very effective (judging by the responses in this thread) tactic. Then again, I'm not a complete retard and I'm usually able to escape while being spawnkilled less than three times in a row.

    If you get spawnkilled more than twice in a row by the same person, then you are definitely doing something wrong. You can also thank the "Lottery Rifle" for getting rid of the skill factor.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I have actually, yet the ones still working are hardly worth it, and too much trouble if im just wanting to play a few games.

    Also ITT:

    Posted 13 years ago
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