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  • Just my request on what needs to be fixed and other suggestions

    Sensitivity- sensitivity is way to high if you scroll across the ground it makes me sick. your best bet is an ajustable sensitivity in configuration

    Fog- fog should increase 20-30 (maybe more?) blocks extra of veiw or a sniper class that can acheive that through scope

    A Missle Luancher- Now wait and settle a sec... you need a light weight launcher to go with your smg class that penatrates 2 deep and about 3 side but damages 4-5 more. too many snipers can take cover and lobing grenades is impossible because they're weak

    Connection- I play on my comp that i have set up to play minecraft about 8hrs a day with a pretty good connection yet i cannot get on some servers nearly impossible

    Medic- some way to revive your self maybe a whole new class that can sense life depeletion probably with an lmg

    Melee and Sidarms- definately need to be had for close quarters but with the ML the smg shouldnt get a sidearm

    Sniper- reduce the power of the rifle and boost out a sniper that can gain distance there is absolutely no sniping the smg nearly has the same range and a scope that decrease the fog in that area and a movement lag of long distances

    Allowing texture packs- I play minecraft and im use to different texture packs and its rahter nice having different choices in my game look. i hear you can change it but it seams there are no "pack" for the game. some thing intresting to see for a game like yours

    not comming on here to say you need to implament it now. i have had minecraft since the begining of beta and i know you have to wait for what you want but just a friendly idea for what should be done

    Posted 13 years ago

    Totally agree with the connection! Sometimes it lags so much... >.<
    Allowing texture packs? What do you mean with that? You can change the look of the game by changing some files in your AoS folder...

    Posted 13 years ago
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