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  • How to grief and not get banned...
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    First way: Be a troll and votekick the people trying to votekick you. This one's only if you don't care about how childish you will seem.

    Second way: This one stems from an earlier thread on griefing and a wonderful word called schadenfreude, which describes please gained from causing others distress. Kaede-Chan pointed to this as a motive for griefing, but some other people objected and said that wasn't the case at all. Here's a chance to prove her wrong.

    Enter a server hosting a map you wish to grief. I recommend the SuperCool building server, there's a lot of elaborate structures to destroy. Press [F1] to save the map to your computer.

    Now take that map and host your own server running that map. Title the server something appropriate for the occasion, like "<yourname>'s Free Grief" and open it to the public. You may now destroy things for the sheer hell of it without causing anyone else undue distress. If you host with PySpades, you can godmode people so that they'll never run out of ammunition or grenades, for a really fun time breaking stuff into small pieces.

    Somehow this has never caught on... which is why I agree with Kaede. Still, the idea is out there, so if you ever really just want to blow stuff up, there is a way to do that without being a complete jerk.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Some people grief because they think they are helping the other team win.

    They call it "espionage" and are really fucking annoying. Especially since the other team never votes to kick these guys, and it encourages other people to grief as well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The guy who coined the whole "espionage" thing, people use that as an excuse now?


    Posted 13 years ago

    @outwrangle: Yes, that irritates me.

    @Spengbab: No matter what they call it, it's still wrong, and we know it, and I bet they do as well. Hopefull some of the anti-griefing measures that have been proposed will get implemented and show these kiddies that it's not a legitimate tactic, after all.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Psssh, some guide. You forgot to mention to call those people hackers/griefers to get them kicked faster, ya nub.

    Nobody hosts a griefing server, because in 'griefing' a griefing server no one gets butthurt. It simply isn't funny. That's why.

    Reread the thread, she wasn't arguing that griefers grief for schadenfreude (fact), she was saying that all griefers are envious of others, which causes them to grief (opinion).

    "So griefers envy the people having fun in the game, and wish to destroy their fun."

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Thunder: In effect, they do. Although you're right, technically it isn't griefing if nobody minds. I wouldn't call Kaede's opinion unreasonable either... your own comment at least backs up the second clause: "So griefers... wish to destroy [other players'] fun."

    I have found that breaking things just to be breaking things is pretty fun, actually... there was one session on Supercool while the host was updating some of the PySpades features and said he wouldn't be saving the map for that session, so he didn't care what we did to the map. Everyone promptly fell to destroying everything, and it was pretty fun. I don't derive fun from making other people rage, so for me the experience was quite destructive enough.

    Oh, and SuperCool's war server povides an already-hosted opportunity to break things if you really want to. "Exccesive griefing" is frowned upon, but anything the enemy is using is fair game. There's no natural terrain left, so that means breaking down builds, some of them quite elaborate.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm gonna try this... but not tonight because it's way too late :p

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    @MegaDeuce: Have fun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I kick for "espionage". When I am on the server I will often cancel votes too unless people give me a reason and/or people confirm via chat.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Prove me wrong.

    Edit: You can't because you know I'm right. Feeling happiness at "people getting butthurt" is the same as feeling schadenfreude.

    Not that any of this matters, who cares what you fucks feel. Troll away while you still can, you'll all be gone when registration comes. I will personally make sure of that.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    "she was saying that all griefers are envious of others" - Thunder
    "Feeling happiness at "people getting butthurt" is the same as feeling schadenfreude."
    - Kaede

    I would say this all stems from the griefers attempting to make up what they have lost.
    Specifically, social issues. I had the opportunity to "study" these sorts of people at a Minecraft server. Undoubtedly they are the same people.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Griefers grief for schadenfreude. (FACT)
    Griefers seek schadenfreude because of envy/self esteem issues. (OPINION)

    I never denied that I grief for schadenfreude. Schadenfreude is why I grief, its fun to see people complain and cry about how their building was destroyed. You however, seem to think that all griefers suffer from envy or low self esteem, leading them to seek schadenfreude, which is obviously a complete lie.

    I doubt registration will do much. Look at Minecraft.


    Again, nothing but OPINION. Not facts. Unless you have some serious survey results or some other study on why anonymous people online destroy the fun of other anonymous people online, that's irrelevant.
    You don't know what how people are from playing a little game, so you 'studying' them is pretty damn retarded, considering they are ANONYMOUS, meaning that you DON'T KNOW THEM IN REAL LIFE. Just because someone chooses to be a dick in some shitty game online, does not make them a real life asshole.

    I mean who am I? Using your logic, me griefing, automatically makes me a basement dwelling, jobless, white 13 year old butthurt about not getting an xbox live subscription renewed who has no real friends?

    I think not. Stop playing wannabe psychologist already.

    Posted 13 years ago


    I didn't make a full post Thunder, if that's what you mean.
    I agree with you HALF in saying schadenfreude is fact. Yes, I agree. What you must understand is schadenfreude is not the final answer. Schadenfreude is a motive, however it is inspired by something else. Envy is a complicated emotion. It is also ONE of the keys to schadenfreude.
    No, I would not use my logic to think you are a "white 13 year old butthurt."
    I would ask you to stop assuming about me. Argumentum ad hominem.

    I would never take the unchangable position about anything of a griefer. But it is my understanding that this can be the case.
    Although I agree, observation of an anonymous person is vague, there is much to be learnt. Griefers are people too. So knowing real people, you should be able to relate it to someone anonymous. Characteristics my friend.

    Yeah, I probably am a bit of a wannabe psychologist. But that is no reason why what I have to say is "pretty damn retarded" or "irrelevant".

    But also, I think you misunderstand what I mean with "missing out". Envy is a complicated emotion, I don't think people being envious is as obvious as you make it out to be. Envy is insidious. Envy can happen to anyone, they don't necessarily have to be losers.

    But still, I think envy is the case of most griefers. Unless it is done in groups, that's where it just gets too complicated.

    Griefing is simply putting someone down, without having the courage to do it to their face.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm hosting a Free Grief Server, if anybody wants to do some mindless damage tonight...

    Edit: Seriously this is pretty awesome.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    I never said all people who feel schadenfreude have low self esteem, I said it correlates. Reading comprehension.

    Again, not that it matters. I really couldn't care less about people like you, and understanding your reasons for doing what you do makes absolutely no difference to me.

    MegaDeuce is proving a fine point with his free grief server. What's the fun of breaking blocks if you aren't ruining somebody else's fun in the meantime?

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Honestly, does the reason people grief matter? Bringing it up just seems to cause pointless arguments in which neither side can be swayed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    >latin phrases everywhere

    Posted 13 years ago

    Silly Griefers, Schadenfreude's For Kids

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Lol, I've already admitted that I am a snuffleupagus. Whether I'm taking pleasure in "renovating" some kid's random statue , or taking pleasure in seeing some kid bitch about me killing him 10 times in a row, I'm a snagglepuss.

    It's strange how hypocritical I am; I absolutely hate when people grief my team's shit when I am actually playing the game the way it was meant to be played (and I attempt to get them votekicked and such), but I also enjoy griefing on occasion.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Destroying "some kid's autistic statue" is NOT griefing. If you do this, you are NOT a griefer.

    Destroying your own team's strategic structures IS griefing. If you do this, you ARE a griefer.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Silly Kaede, AoS is full of kids

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    there should be a spy option where you can turn enemy skin and cant shoot but once you start breaking blocks you turn actuall team color

    Posted 13 years ago

    When i saw the name of this i...not what i thought

    problem about 99% of greifers are noobs and greif because they suck at the game; many of them aren't smart enough to create a server

    @keade it's different kinds of greif, both are. greif is causing others trouble for your own enjoyment
    greifing some guys house is greif because your causing the owner greif
    breaking your team's stuff is greif because you cause your team greif
    breaking the other teams stuff is not greif because you do it to weaken they're side and not only to cause them trouble

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    Just checked out MegaDeuce's free grief server, and I have to admit: I love breaking stuff. Upsetting people has nothing to do with the experience for me; I just want to blow stuff up. Admittedly, I have about as much fun levelling enemy fortifications on a war server.

    My one complaint is that he didn't use PySpades so he could godmode people for infinite grenades. Maybe next time?

    @MegaDwarf: They don't have to host anything. MegaDeuce has the covered at the moment.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i know but in general
    btw i did goto the server it's pretty awesome

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    "Destroying "some kid's autistic statue" is NOT griefing. If you do this, you are NOT a griefer." - Kaede

    I would rephrase:
    Destroying "some kid's autistic statue" is STILL griefing. But who really cares?

    It is a "minor" grief, no one cares about some statue or art in the ground, it doesn't relate to players.

    Yeah, your probably (are)right. Knowing why they grief is pointless.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @stootiGee the owner does, and greifing it doesn't help you so if you do you are an asshole

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well it makes the autist leave, which, in general, is a good thing, because it opens a spot for someone who actually wants to play the game.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    people play differently
    and often it will get the greifer kicked and they don't play

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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