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  • [WIP] [MAP+MOD Pack] Last Bastion. [DEMO]

    I have packed up all the current progress into a ZIP(dropbox)
    This is the >DEMO< of the map, and only the map.

    Here is the Screen Shot Catalog so you can look at all the highlights of exploring and creating the map!

    Last Bastion is a key note in my current work in a (Story based) MAP and MOD pack. Two great tastes made to taste great together.

    The map features a little back story, and a minimalist approach to a custom-designed warzone, reducing clutter and increasing the Vanilla Spades atmosphere.


    Minimizing Detail! (While keeping logical supports and firing lanes.)


    Clearly marked, predefined underground passages!

    Stairs that don't suck!

    But to really drop you into the Last Bastion mind set, i will also include a modification to the origional AOS weapons and equipments where applicable.

    New Guns!

    So to wrap this up, I have written to top off the final release with a text file that will include a tiny piece of back story and the inspiration to what leads me down the path to introduce my DOOM2.WAD design skills into a new area, Voxel editing. I will work on this as often as i can allow my self. I'll up date this thread if any thing truly worth posting about comes up while I'm working.

    Added demo links and SS
    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Do you just use Slab6 to render your sight-view image?

    Haha, sorry, i'm new here, just poking around.

    It looks really cool :D

    Posted 13 years ago


    it nice

    Posted 13 years ago


    The Man
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Cere Well, i wanted it to reflect the same model type as the origional SMG but then i quickly noticed that my Semi rifle sights did not match. so they both are made in slab six and scaled up to size with the perspective. i have all the files needed to re-create the images over and over again so i will likely be tweaking the sights several times over the course of the projects.

    Looking back, i should have done it at x8 or x16 instead.

    Thanks, btw.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Okay, cool. My first render in my thread didn't turn out the *best.* (was the M41-A).
    Maybe i just did it a little sloppy, but hey. I did turn on both shaders, though, so...

    I might try making the aspect ratio the same, and then use a HUGE resolution, then scale it down. It might turn out more "hi-res". I am not sure though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    could always take some detailed pics from google using the "large" tag and try to reconstruct it like i did just much bigger than mine. I mean, yeah you don't get that real to life feeling but its not too hard on the eyes.

    I just like the block-effect for sights. I've used hand drawn and image-searched sights.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the feel of the blocks, keeps you in the game. My m41-a Seems the coolest out of my guns just because of that, haha...

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah once you got the gun itself made, save it, copy it, use the tools to double the size once, then twice then start carving and editing the gun accordingly. usually won't need a third but the bigger it gets the more little details you can use. i use "Face Shading" to remove the stupid edges and shadows. it'll take a while tho so save a few screen shots at a time so you have choices down the road.

    Hell you might even have to splice them together at one point. i did and its still not perfect.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    You could also render with Bounded Cubes to keep the gun looking exactly the same from the un-scoped version. I might make one of each, idk..

    Posted 13 years ago

    Currently looking at reference doccuments, scale models and blueprints for a few minor structures and one major structure.

    I wish we could import KV6 models as 1hp decoration entities. It'd be cool to put some chairs and laptops in here.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the look of this one, I like the slight 'rolling-hills' map - I've always liked the gen but felt they are a bit too high/bumpy in some ways.
    I'll look forward to seeing this on some servers!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Looks awesome =D

    Posted 13 years ago

    Is anyone hosting this? Where can we download it?

    Edit: Cool, thanks!

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sorry deuce its still in the build phase.

    When i have the major land-points set up i'll pack up a demo and send it out, just for you.

    Its true, GM. The map is a more "low level" area, but i kept plenty of hills and dunes on the primary traffic zones. There is plenty of land to walk on and at least two or three blocks above the permanent layer on most of the lowest points on the map. So tunneling should still be plenty possible and useful for sneaky people.

    my only regret so far was not rotating the map 90 degrees when i had the chance.

    Some peeks at progress

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago


    So far so good! posting the DEMO and some more screen shots on the OP.

    The BLUES get a head start on this map, but the greens get a little more land to cover. This was intended but should result in some interesting skirmishes later down the road when its done.


    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think the next few steps are going to be minor clips and edits to the land to give green just a little more room to grow once blue has the center.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm hosting this, waiting for more people to join to see how it plays :D

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow tanks deuce! i'll be there as soon as i can.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Glad to see what it looks like when the greifers roll in

    i'll have to make sure to change the sand colours to some thing more blue-friendly
    As it is, you can hardly read general chat from blues.

    Live and learn!

    I'll work on it some more while i wait for some more people to show up.
    I also ping pretty hard on that server, shame too because shooting is 70% of the game lol.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago


    Just fleshing out a few areas intended to attract deuce attention. carved out a few passages through the sand from the craters and a few minor edits so far. I'm seeing this map as done soon, so i will be tweaking the mod files some more to finish it up and i think after that we can call a V1.0

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I wanted to post a minor update to this thread.
    i am going to be on a Nine day train ride around the states and through Milwaukee. I have been gearing up for this travel for the last two weeks so i am afraid i have not had time to really work on the map.

    I HAVE, however, worked on re-securing my sound studio. So i will be able to re-tweak the audio portion of the mod soon. We should see some primary updates to the Wav folder soon, which i should add will not be much longer/louder than the origin files. I am using monitors and dB meters to determine a softer balance between the old sounds and new ones. I would like to take some of the high range frequencies out of the game in the long run and leave a more defined mid range with a "future" model to them. I would like, in the end to leave Ww1 behind.

    Izzy also mentioned the map looks good with a darker fog. I wanted to have a "late afternoon" look to the map at first but shading of course changed that idea. I'm hoping the next release will allow me some more room.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm gonna try and host his tommorrow

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh thank you! I will do my best to keep an eye out for it. If you do get a server up i hope i have the time [and ability] to join it!

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    No prob man the server should be called Zherhec or something like that.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey AOS, I'm still alive. I've recovered my computer, i rescued all my work, so i can continue work in a few weeks, right now i am having troubles getting the pc bumped up to Service Pack 3, oddly enough.

    Once I'm all geared up I'll be back to normal production. I'll throw out some random maps as well to keep my self motivated when i have that power.

    Sorry for these wicked delays!

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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