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  • Bigger Maps, Taller Buildings

    Maps are all 512x512 pixels. Given the scale of the players, that works out to about a fifth of a mile on each side (about 300 m for you non-Americans). The height limit is 64, which is about 130 ft (about 40 m for the SI users) This is way too small for a realistic city map.

    Check out this map of Gettysburg, a typical American small town and former battlefield. Look at how little of the town could be represented in the 1024x1024 ft map, only a couple blocks.

    Here's an image of some famous buildings, with the limit drawn for scale. Look at the Burg-Dubai! It's laughing at us. If you're building scale skyscrapers, they're gonna have to get cut off at about the 12 floor.

    I'm not saying every map needs to be huge, just that there should be support for large maps. Say, 2048x2048 wide and 512 pixels high? That would let you have about .8 miles on a side and 100-story buildings!

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Tall buildings piss me off, id rather not have them get taller. plus maps are big enough as they are now, unless they quadruple the player count or something then they can double the maps dimensions.

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    The player count is supposed to double eventually if I remember correctly. Map size will also increase, but I'm not sure as to how much.

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, but quadrupling the size of the map while only doubling the player count would be a bad idea. especially now, id honestly support it though if we could...i dunno, completely control the dimensions of the map? like make maps smaller than they are now for TDM or bigger depending on the max player count.

    Class-A Tree
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ahem.. Maps are all 512x512 pixels.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd like to see the player count increased first to be honest. Even on current maps during a full 16 vs 16 match, most of the land is still empty and unused.

    For instance, playing on the aloha castles server, the castles and their walls are pretty big yet it is still ridiculously easy to sneak through because no one actually stops to guard each and every tower since their simply isn't enough manpower to do so. Theoretically, having 32 vs 32 player matches would greatly increase the amount land used (and the overall scale of most battles).

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Even with 16 on 16, I can easily sneak all the way across just by going 1 coordinate down. It wasnt so bad with random maps, but with customs everyones after the church or pinpoint etc. 21 v 21 would be around the ideal number, or heck even 32 v 32.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i Agree with POMF here, The maps are pretty empty as it is.

    Most of the popular maps i see, focus all the players into 1 spot maybe 10-20 pixels wide. i think even if we doubled the player count, the current map size would still be fine.

    Im actually currently working on a map, and im really glad the map isnt any bigger, because i dont want to put too many hours into it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @SIMOX: thanks! I was thinking 1024 ft, not pixels. I changed it now.

    @Everyone else: Soooo, I might be in the minority as far as wanting a *bigger* map, but I think most people would want more than one map size or even a user-defined dimensions. Look at all the wasted space on a map like bridge wars or pinpoint.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago
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