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  • Pripyat Ukraine Urban Assualt [V1.0]

    I've re made the abandoned city of Pripyat Ukraine, as well as the entire Chernobyl Power Plant for your war time pleasure.
    Firefights from the apartment flats to showdowns at the radioactive nuclear power plant, this map is a wild one. Enjoy! (DOWNLOAD AT BOTTOM)



    Highrise apartment flat^^^


    Courtyard sprawl^^^


    Dreary ferris wheel^^^


    Downtown arts district^^^


    The dreaded Chernobyl NPP^^^

    Download link:

    Any comments questions/whatever feel free to send me a PM, an email at [email protected] or a message at Doshtopolis.tumblr.com

    Posted 13 years ago

    Don't the trees look a bit too healthy?

    Looks like a well set out map though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Somebody host this!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea the trees could be darker, possibly fallen down, thanks!
    And thanks Kanye, I'm glad you like it!

    Posted 13 years ago
    Yea the trees could be darker, possibly fallen down, thanks!
    And thanks Kanye, I'm glad you like it!

    Not fallen

    That will happen on its own.

    just wash out the colours a tiny bit with a more gray/orange hue if you can manage. However, the current green goes well with the back drop. I think they look fine.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea I know what you mean, I'll see what I can do, right now though the biggest issue is resizing the whole map so that Green doesn't have to walk a mile to get to the city. That should be done sometime tomorrow. Then I'll maybe add a little abandoned village outside town for small cover, and work on those trees a bit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Beret: Maybe it's based on Pripyat today? I mean the radiation would still be dangerous to people but at least nature has returned?

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well done. Nice detail on the buildings... I like the mural inside one of the buildings. There's a few glitched out parts of the terrain you probably should have edited out but pretty minor but it's right smack dab in the middle of the map... floating land hunk. But, still, good work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    in 10min half of it will be gone due to infestation of dueces or just griefers

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea it was sort of a mix of the two, it's meant to be abandoned but that's hard to pull off while still making it visually pleasing.

    Thanks, glad you like it, and thank you for pointing out the bug, I'll be fleshing out most of that space in between blue and green today so that should be cleared up in the process.

    Yea I suppose you're right, but ill be adding to the map so it'll be less of an issue over time i'm sure.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Is anyone hosting this?

    Edit: Why yes they are. I'm hosting it as "Chernobyl Map"

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow awesome I'll definitely be playing that!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Bad news, because of the way maps are created in AOS I cant get the city in the center, it'll have to be an attack and defend map.

    Posted 13 years ago

    This made me reinstall STALKER, thanks for the upload!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks, and im glad, those are badass games, probably my favorites!

    Posted 13 years ago

    was this converted from Minecraft?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, It was originally a side project to a map called Broville that I build on with a team. But I saw that the windows and buildings made a good battle scenario, the Minecraft version was also made by me, btw, love your island map, it's one of my favorites =>

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Money: Thanks for the clarification. I hope I find myself playin' on this map sometime. :P

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    it's awsome!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Joseph: Thanks I do aswell!

    Thanks Sharpeye glad you like it!

    Posted 13 years ago

    this is an awesome map!!!! not exactly like from cod4 but very good!

    Posted 13 years ago


    Thanks! I know it's not like COD or laid out just like the actual city, but I'll remake allot of the landmarks from the real city later, glad you like it!

    Posted 13 years ago

    hosted it overnight, blue's side is good but greens are pretty vulnerable because their side doesn't have enough land so they're usually the ones to cross the open water without any cover while blues just camp to snipe them off

    not necessarily a bad thing but i think gameplay would be improved by giving greens more land and adding some little islands in the middle for cover

    you guys do nice stuff in Minecraft, what are the chances of the team hand-building an exclusive Ace of Spades in-game map? i'd be happy to host a private server for a few months or however long it takes to complete. you could start off on a random gen or we could create a ground/water layout to your liking or whatever you want to do. let me know if you're interested at all, designing for tactical gameplay might be a fun change of pace for you guys and i know the AoS community would appreciate it, plus the exposure would be great for everyone

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea, the green side is still very much an issue I'm trying to work out, I need to figure out exactly how many blocks x and y one AOS world equals in Minecraft terms. That way I can precisely place land structures, and give them fair game.

    Also, that's a pretty good idea, Oldshoes was pretty appreciative that people have taken a liking to Broville in the AOS community, I'll definitely talk with him and see if he would approve all of us making a exclusive AoS map, that plus we could convert V10 of Broville once it's out (soon)
    Thanks for the idea Izzy, ill get back to you!

    Posted 13 years ago

    To Izzy

    I've talked to the gang and they seem to like the idea, we're planning on making an official uh. Broville team, map for the AoS community, most likely after Broville V10 is out, which were in the home stretch right now, so soon. Thanks again for the idea Izzy, keep up the awesome work with your maps as well!

    Posted 13 years ago

    awesome, i'm looking forward to seeing happen

    let me know if you need help with anything i mentioned earlier

    and thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hosting it right now, look for the mRKDGaming.com Pripyat server.


    Posted 13 years ago

    Awesome thanks! I'll be playing on it shortly :>

    Posted 13 years ago
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