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    New Ace of Spades Forums: http://buildandshoot.com/

    a while ago Ben started a poll about a new weapon. But now the sniper rifle is the top voted weapon. So I decited to start a project: the "TOGETHER AGAINST THE SNIPER RIFLE!!!" project.

    If Ben adds a sniper rifle all the campers would sit in their little bunkers/towers with the new snipe and headshot everybody, like a pussy. Because I think the with new snipe you would be able to zoom in. And then you got really no chance against that campers.
    And the semi really does the job. So he should really implement a pistol, MG, shotgun or something like that but NO SNIPER RIFLE! Because camping around and headshot everybody nearby would totaly ruin AoS.

    All guys who agree should post a command with: YES, I'm against the sniper rifle!
    Maybe we can something if we are enough.

    Posted 13 years ago

    sorry for double posting

    Posted 13 years ago

    Exactly my thought, I voted for the melee weapon because then people might actually try and sneak round instead of just staying in a crappy 2 x 6 house they made. Sadly even if you put up this thread it won't make a difference. If the majority of people want to have a sniper rifle and camp then that is what will happen.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Oniac a melee weaon would be best

    Posted 13 years ago

    i think the mg would be the best. Plus why do we need a sniper? We have one already. its called the reskined semi. with a scope instead of iron sights

    Griefer Hunter
    Posted 13 years ago

    double post


    Posted 13 years ago
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