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  • My take on medics and ammo bearers.
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    Wall of text time, so get ready.

    Simply put, add a selectable medical kit and an ammunition pack. You can only carry one at a time (this should enforce teamwork), and it would be chosen in the same way that you choose your weapon. Press "." to choose your weapon, once that is done, the next selection would be brought up (if the shotgun gets implemented, you should be able to choose between "buckshot" and "slug" ammunition after that weapon has been selected), you would then press 1 or 2 to choose either the medical kit or the ammo pack.

    Both of the items could be used in two different ways:

    The first method.) You hold the kit/pack in your hand as a selectable item. You would left click on a nearby team mate to heal them/give them ammunition. There would be a counter at the bottom right of the screen (just like with every other item; rifle ammo, grenades left, blocks left, etc.) that would deplete after each use.

    A.) An example for the medic kit: it would start out with "100" healing power (so to speak). Each person that you heal by clicking the left mouse button would take ten points from the ammo count. In total, ten people can be healed this way. In order to heal yourself, there would be a little selection at the bottom right of the screen (just like when you're selecting the color of a block) that would have two options; one for self healing and one for team healing. Both of them still use 10 "ammo" per person.

    B.)An example for the ammunition pack: this would also start out with 100 "ammunition" (again, just an example). You can left click on nearby team mates to refill their ammunition. Once again, 10 people in total can have their ammunition replenished using this method. As with the medic kit, use the arrow keys and/or the mouse wheel to choose between self service or team refilling.

    The second method.) You would right click to be able to drop the medical kit/ammunition pack on the ground. To prevent players from camping on top of each kit/pack, it would still retain its ten-use limit. If a player were to get shot while standing on the pack, their health would momentarily drop, but be replenished instantly, resulting in one use of the kit/pack. The same concept applies to the ammunition pack; if you camp on it and shoot, your ammunition will be replenished after each individual bullet. Conversely, you could just allow the original person who placed the kit/pack to pick it back up again, removing the camping aspect all together. After each kit/pack has been used up, it will disappear.

    After reviewing this, I think 10 uses per kit/pack might be a bit too much. Lower it to 5 or less.

    I'm pretty sure that coding/scripting in all this junk is going to bog down the game a little bit, so I am definitely looking for some feedback. Trolling is allowed; have at it.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    10 even 5 uses for a Medic pack?! No. I didnt read the thread, and i agree that some form of kits should be implemented but a medipack should be single use only and heal 50 hp. Ammo pack should be a 1 time deploy able and it should slowly fill anyones ammo who stands near it, after it has given out 40 semi rounds, or __ smg rounds it should disappear.

    Atleast your ideas arent far fetched like vehicles and kill streaks and all that junk.

    Posted 13 years ago


    NO JK

    Good ideas. Only thing I would add to this is a percentage indicator below your teammate's names, for both health and ammo.

    Posted 13 years ago

    10 uses?

    Make it 3 broseph.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    @spengbab no that would make too much text on the screen, I would keep it unknown

    Posted 13 years ago

    Captain, my solution to this would be a small health bar that only shows up within 10 blocks of your teammate when aiming at him

    Posted 13 years ago

    I meant when you aim at them.

    The percentage would appear below their name when you aim at them.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How come this thread feels like "Battlefield 2" to me? ;/ (Maybe because it's the only series I've played that uses this feature?)

    I do like the idea of a portable source of HP and ammo though. Not bad.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    But yes, I agree with some of the others that the number of health/ammo packs should be smaller, I'd say 3 or 4.
    I would suggest the first method, administering medical help and ammo kits would be better than chucking them onto the ground. I think having the packs dropping onto the ground could be some coding messy times.

    the "supplier class" features across a huge variety of shooter games, however I am certain everyone has encountered those moments where you just dream about having a bit more ammo or health.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So you choose your team, then choose your weapon, then choose your ammo, then choose your bag?

    Isn't there an easier way to do it? that's navigating four screens before you even spawn!

    Posted 13 years ago

    we all know Ben doesnt plan on using ammo types, so it'd be you choose your team, then your gun (semi,smg,shitgun) then youd get a med pack, or grenades (best idea?) Medic pack heals 40HP each use, and is decided by if you are aiming at a teammate or not. 3-4 uses, and can be refilled at the tent.

    Posted 13 years ago

    This would only encourage teamwork if the health and ammo packs replaced the weapon and grenades. A red plus on the helmet would be nice too.

    Pvt Ryan
    Gold Member
    Posted 13 years ago

    over powered? you would see one guy camping you shoot him, he crouches , comes back up , you shoot him, he dosnt die , your like WDF? hacker, you shoot him around 7times just to find out he spotted you and killed you, how this works = there is a healer crouched by him hiding by wall. you = -.=*

    edit: i think there should be armour or at least kelvar and a kit that repairs armour?
    review pls?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make it five uses, but each use only heals ten or twenty health. That way, they have to prioritize who to heal, and it won't make it impossible to kill someone.

    Posted 13 years ago

    also if you heal somebody like 5 little red pluses spin around him so it shows that he is being healed/ healing takes 5seconds

    ^ 20 hp yea i agree

    Posted 13 years ago

    tl;dr version: Class suggestions.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Okay, minor revisions.

    1.) Five uses per medic kit/ammo pack (I want this to be more of a team tool, not a one-time disposable unit).

    2.) Medic kit refills 30 percent health per use (enough to refill your entire health and sixty percent of another person's health), ammo pack gives one clip of ammunition for every click of the left mouse button.

    Keep 'em coming, we're not done here.

    And I am disappointed by the lack of trolls, come on now.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sorry, no idea how to troll.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Judging by the majority of your forum posts, I beg to differ.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Name 5.
    Also, I like your edits to the medic kit. Nicely balanced.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    I have never played bbc2 is it good?

    Posted 13 years ago

    i think the medic kit and the ammo kit should be like this,
    1. choose it
    2. put it on the ground
    3. aim cursor over it
    4. right click
    5. a little box opens (like the map)
    6. options to take bandage or needle (press 1 or 2)
    7. bandage - 30-40hp
    8.needle - 80 - 90 hp
    9. you cannot choose needle if you are at 30-99hp
    10. medic kit cannot be picked back up
    11. an enemy can use your medic kit
    12. only 1 bandage and 1 needle per kit
    13. kit dissapears once everything is used up

    ___other ideas____
    when you are using a medic kit you crouch

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dont really like all these choiuce idea, think if your in the heat of battle do you want to do all this? I think the med kit should lay on the ground and take 1 block height, and anyone in a 5-10 block radius gets healed. maybe 30hp every 4 seconds, that way you could still kill them with a headshot, or a quick fire of the semi to hte body etc. Also would help teamwork from the other side, and having to shoot the ame person, or use grenades more.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What the fucking shit will u do with 10 bullets in an smg

    [MLG] paul
    Posted 13 years ago


    I'm only fluent in the English language...please elaborate.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    i do believe, that he said (forgive me my imbecile is a bit rusty): 10 rounds in a smg would not be very useful and defeat the purpose of the ammo pack to begin with for those that use it, perhaps a mag would be more appropriate?

    Posted 13 years ago

    What the fuck are you people reading?

    I specifically said, word for fucking word: ammo pack gives one clip of ammunition for every click of the left mouse button.

    One clip of ammunition for the SMG is 30 rounds.

    Jesus fucking Christ.


    I'm not surprised to see that a fucking idiot such as yourself has joined HK.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I reckon that health should not be carried by players but rather dispensed by placable static tents.

    Others seem to agree. http://www.google.com/moderator/#9/e=6f3a1&q=6f3a1.2a3d45&g=&v=4

    Posted 13 years ago

    IMO if there's a healing in the form of an item, it should start with, say, 200 "ammo" and go down by 5 or 10 when left click is held facing a player.

    Posted 13 years ago

    In my opinion the ammo/medkits should play like the ones in bf:bc2
    Infinite boxes, deployment recharge, one deployment at any given time, a steady flow of health/ammunition and ammo/medkit dissapears on death.

    It may seem over powered but it will definately give team players an advantage over "Lonewolves" and will encourage team play to eliminate the other squads using the same tactics.

    ALTHOUGH!! at the same time a "Lonewolf" with a medkit/ammo box would be able to pick people off at a distance whilst retaining ammo or for somone to get in a firefight and patch them selves up.

    There by supporting all types of gameplay ^_^

    Posted 13 years ago
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