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  • Tent Camping.....Needs Solving

    Ok so i have been playing on this game for about a month now and I have found four things I dislike about it only four things, though these things do not make me not want to play they just annoy me.

    and Tentcamping

    The last one is one that a lot of users seem to turn a blind eye towards. I don't know why I mean the tent gives the user near invincibility (everything unable to kill the user except a rifle headshot) and infinite ammo and grenades. It is kinda annoying watching one, two, and in some rare cases three people sitting in a tent and simply shooting away at people while everyone has to aim for their concealed head and hope the cone of fire doesn't spite them and make them miss (granted I am not that bothered by the cone of fire it's just that it makes tent camping that much more annoying.

    Now I am not bothered by regular camping that's fine, I consider it a fair and legitimate strategy. Tent camping on the other hand I consider cheating and an abuse of a game system that shouldn't be there. My suggestion to solving this is making it so that sitting in the tent does not continuously heal you, whether this be by having to be forced to move in and out of it or by a set time limit that must be completed before another replenish can take effect.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions? If so feel free to post, or hell feel free to vent your rage about tent camping I do not care...just don't go too overboard.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i agree there should be a refill cooldown for the tent

    Posted 13 years ago

    IG-solution: Hide somewhere, aim carefully, put a bullet to his braincage. :/

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    Do you mean from your team or the enemy? If they are on your side they cant hurt you unlesss you break a brick, and you can EASILY kill them, even with the smg.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Mod your self a different tent. the one in my mod is shorter and more spacious, but i haven't released it yet.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok just a note here....any scenario that is mentioned here is implying that the enemy is hiding in THEIR tent. Hiding in the enemy tent is perfectly fine...if not hilarious as well.

    JosephAllen, I know your idea is sound and all...but when u are going for intel, hiding in a spot won't give you enough time to run from ur hiding spot after killing the camper and to the intel before they respawn and either kill you or camp back in the tent...its really annoying knowing that the person has no ability to properly camp and has to resort to using near invincibility to win. Besides...the tent obscures their head if they are hiding right, if you screw that up ure gone.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it's perfectly acceptable- it's THEIR spawnpoint afterall, and if they're forced to use the tactic it's because they're being spawncamped. I've been forced to do it on hallway a few times and it still does not guarantee safety. If you're near their enemy base and charging their tent, you're doing it wrong.You either keep moving around getting cheap kills, or sneak in, grab intel, and sneak out again.

    Posted 13 years ago

    one can kill a spawncamper....its just a matter of finding them...besides a spawncamper cannot shoot multiple people at once. I go spawn camper hunting on hallway...its fun. Just because it is their spawnpoint does not mean they can abuse a tent that gives them near infinite health...that and the fact that tent camping makes it so that nothing but the rifle can kill someone is a bit overpowered. Leaves smg users in the dust if u ask me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I always hide in their tents right before i steal it bury it way under ground. It works so often that i wish i still had fraps.

    If its on the map, its fair game i say. If you can't gain the advantage you should not be fighting. That is a big rule in war.

    doux élitiste
    Posted 13 years ago

    I love tent camping... In the enemies tent.

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    I see absolutely no problem with tent camping. Don't spawnkill, that's a simple way to avoid being killed by a tent camper. If you're going for the intel, use teamwork.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    You could also kill them with a grenade. If they are within the 3x3x3 radius of the explosion, they will die instantly.

    You should get another tent, like exile said. It's quick and easy, imo.

    I've never really seen this problem so much, and I think that's why people don't complain about it.

    The Kirk
    Posted 13 years ago

    not all tent camers tent camp because of spawn kill...i see alot just run for tent simply because its funny....shooting at ppl and calling them losers because they cant kill them.

    To exile...i would bury it if i could. But on the map where it happens most, hallway, you cant simplybury it

    Posted 13 years ago

    Throw a grenade in the tent. It does +800 damage at point blank.

    Pvt Ryan
    Gold Member
    Posted 13 years ago

    I've never really seen tent campers before...

    My tent is a gunship, so I don't have this issue :D

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    this might be helpful:


    Posted 13 years ago

    Well either we have a cooldown of 20 seconds or whatever, or we restrict the amount of times you can refill at the CP - e.g. 5. That means if you have just restocked, killed someone and just wanted a very quick top-up, you couldn't.
    Although it wouldn't matter very much, it would still be very slightly annoying.

    Posted 13 years ago
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