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  • Doubling the games dimensions

    I just though of this while pooping lol, what if Ben doubled the dimensions? It would only take 5 minutes for him in slab6 (2 clicks per model).
    Then, mods could become more fluid and detailed since they have twice the amount of blocks you could change color with. The gameplay wouldnt change, but mods would have many more openings in terms of detail.
    For example I was thinking about the wire on TF2 sniper mod, if we had twice the dimensions the wire wouldnt be the same size as the barrel.


    Posted 13 years ago

    pics or it didnt happen... oh wait wrong forum topic =€ lol anyway that would work but it would require more code once bens done with his 900 page coding book

    Posted 13 years ago

    Cool idea, but the way you said it "Doubling the game's dimensions" made it seem as if you wanted the maps to be 1024x. Yuck.

    Would be a little more work for modders, but will pay off for the ones who want to mod in high res.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Might need a bit more than your standard granny's rig, but not too much I think. It would indeed be helpful for people who like to make model mods.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it wouldnt cause to much stress would it, since the models would still be the same size as we have them now. It'd be easy to take the old mods into it, and/or edit them to look smoother. Im mostly talking about red dot sights and heads.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i hope he does this.
    I can't tell you how much I want to be able to make a hat.
    also it's not that easy to double the dimesions I think because slab6 is and editor not the program that made Ace Of Spades.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ same

    Posted 13 years ago

    frosty....re-word that in english please?
    I meant for all the kv6 files/models it takes 2 clicks and they are all doubled. This would only really change gun model and faces from people who want slight curves

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh you meant guns, i thought you meant player skins, well this is what happens with player skins:

    when part of the player has more blocks in the game either:
    A.Shrinks it down (too many blocks on the head leaves you with a small head lol)
    B.The game just can't read the file, meaning the game is unable to start-up.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I mean guns and player skins, heck everything may as well be doubled.
    I know, but thats only because ben coded it that way. If he made the defaults 2x the size, we could still paint them then more fluidly

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think what the idea here is isn't a change in size, but one of resolution.

    The models would remain the same size, but more blocks could be fit in a smaller space.

    It wouldn't require any changes to slab6, which would just end up showing the models bigger, with twice as many blocks. But ingame, the blocks would be rendered as smaller.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yea, thats what I meant. It'd add another layer of potential detail to the game. Im not saying works of art, but enough that you can get a proper mouth, or a smoother curve on ammo clips, hair, etc

    Posted 13 years ago

    Isn't 512x512 built into Voxed? I don't see any reason why not too increase the map resolution, as well as maybe being able to adjust some of the atmospheric variables. But without a new editor there won't be any custom maps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Im not talking about maps though, still a neat idea. I think the player limit should go up to 44 or something

    Posted 13 years ago
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