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  • Stat Tracking, match making and more!

    A client that showed server ping, name and players in it would be amazing.

    I'd also suggest a mode like conquest in battlefield.
    Perhaps just a death match as well where you play to a set amount.

    This would all be awesome.

    It'd be great to also have stats tracked, as in time played, kills, deaths, captures, friends, assists ,etc.

    A map maker would be amazing, and I know Ben said he would add it, but some way to support custom maps would be great as well to, perhaps the server list would have cc_mapname, next to a custom, and when you join it would download that map, and then official levels would have as_mapname.

    Just a few suggestions!

    Posted 13 years ago

    good ideas

    Posted 13 years ago

    I might be able to show Server Ping, I can show the Server Name, and I could show the Players Name. As of right now though, It's only basic "Is the Server Running?" and "How many players?"


    Posted 13 years ago

    "A client that showed server ping, name and players in it would be amazing."

    There already is one. It is not part of the game but might be developed into it.

    "It'd be great to also have stats tracked, as in time played, kills, deaths, captures, friends, assists ,etc."
    Plugings will be developed soon for the game as it grows more popular.

    Posted 13 years ago
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