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  • Why do people grief?
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    seriously, I just had a guy on my own team destroy a 2 story (I think 20 bricks tall on a 10x10 platform) castle that I had been working on for half an hour. For whatever reason, my chat wasn't working so I couldn't try to have him kicked but I think he was hacking as well by the speed at which he could dig out the bottom of it with a spade (like 6 squares a second). But seriously, WHY do people do this? I would be less pissed off if it was the other team, but it wasn't. And I had to watch my entire thing fall to the ground cause someone on MY team was a hacking jackass.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, probably because you were building a castle.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Because it upsets you enough to make you post about it

    Posted 13 years ago

    Stop building a fucking castle and go shoot shit you pussy

    Posted 13 years ago


    Wasn't I on blue team with you a little while ago? I was a Deuce21 at the time.

    Veteran Modder
    Posted 13 years ago

    Most likely.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ace of spades =/= Minecraft
    Building fancy stuff is a form of griefing for those players who want to play a war game

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, go buy minecraft if you want to build fancy castles

    Posted 13 years ago

    i dont get it. why do some ppl defend griefer and blame the builders ...
    whatever you build gets griefed, and if you ask "why" they just say "this is not minecraft" or some stupide reason to defend their lame actions. it is a lack of respect!
    sure AoS isnt minecraft as well als diablo1 isnt diablo2 but that doesnt mean that you are not allowed to act the same in each game.

    sometimes you cant even build a 100-200brick defense without anyone destryoing it because its "too fency". just beceause they never touched a brick themselve.

    every destroyed building means that the builder will invest just more time to rebuild and then finish it. every subsequent destruction just leads to slowing your own team down.

    this sure just applies to those who want to play the game without the initial intention to just grief everything.

    for all pure griefers, its an old story
    (_)_)=D <- small peen & no life

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think what they are trying to say is, that it is useless for the team to build such big building, since a 50% smaller one would be as good, and sometimes people grief it just to point it out to you(maybe..). Or they are just trolls. Just a tip, don't build your fancy castle for half a hour; it will be destroyed by enemy or by your own team anyway.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know about you lot, but I personally like it when I come back into my base and there's a huge fuck-off castle in it. It gives me a sense of security and stuff. And then I compliment the lads who built the thing.

    Besides, a bad frontline player is worse than a useless builder. A bad frontline player might follow you around while you snipe and shoot constantly at the enemy, scoring little or no hits and revealing your position for the whole of the world to see. A useless builder just builds stuff, and that useless stuff might actually come useful when the enemy caps intel and it respawns close to the previously useless building.

    It ain't all bad.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I completely agree with you Lester. Altough some builders need a kick in the ass when they wall off the base tent and bury intel. And so do some offensive players who build tunnels in such way that they become liability instead of asset.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There is nothing much to griefing really. Arguing about tactics stuff (eg. buildings) is usual every game, and completely legal.

    The real problem is, that the reason behind most griefings is this:
    XY is on blue, and cant get the intel. He presses G. He griefs around intel. He presses B. He captures intel.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's sad how this forum turned into a pile of CoD faggots.

    If you used your brain before commenting on this topic, you'd ask yourself WHY ON EARTH WOULD BEN PUT BUILDING ELEMENT IN THIS GAME IF HE WANTED IT TO BE CALL OF DUTY CLONE WITH SHIT GRAPHICS???!!!

    Seriously guys, telling someone NOT to build stuff in this game is purely RETARDED.

    Please, next time you want to post in any thread, use whatever you have in your head.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    On flapjack server I built a tower with a bridge on top of it, than a lot of people joined, and we built awesome bridge straight to the enemy base, it was very awesome to play. The most surprising thing was there is was no griefers in long time. My nick ironically was Griefer.

    It's probably already destroyed:

    It's a lot of fun to build something useful together, we diffidently need building mode. Also I don't see any point in griefing either, even a retarded monkey can do it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I grief because it is the enemy's property which they use against so thus I destroy.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dont think that counts as griefing. Building a giant castle may not be critical infrastructure. Griefing to me is when someone on your team destroys your towers to defend your intel, or they dig directly to the intel, or they take out front line defenses. Almost always the griefer switches to the other team.

    The Griefers tend to violate the spirit of the game.

    P.S. chat doesnt work with CAPS LOCK on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    :P I violate the spirit of a game. Destroyed a whole damn fort :=D
    But people also greif because they believe that the building is useless. I asked a griefer and he said there was no need. ''Enemy uses it more than us'' kinda wierd as it was on our side.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeh Lester, I did not mean they wouldn't be cool, but making a fuckin big castle in middle of nowhere is just useless in some situations.

    Posted 13 years ago

    one time i just couldn't build my fort around the tent cause an idiot griefer was like "this isn't the intel, thus its useless you don't need a fort here" and this was b4 vote-kick

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Every time somebody mentions Call of Duty without knowing what they're talking about I'm going to kill myself.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Because they are socially inept unlikeable attention whores that are both rejected by society and found particulary obnoxious by their environment.

    In order to make themselfs look powerful and drag attention to themselfs they hide behind a screen and internet anonymity while destroying the work of others in a virtual world.

    Sometimes they are bored aswel. A common thing about almost all griefers is they are overal totally lacking in any sort of skill.

    Whether it is a FPS or minecraft, they are never capable of actualy amusing themselfs by killing the enemy, contributing to and helping their team or building nice structures; simply because they are unable too.

    Instead they simply ruin the game for others, by hacking, exploiting, destroying stuff others made, killing team members, exposing key team assets to the enemy, feeding the enemy, ect.

    They are pretty worthless members of society; comparable with leeches.

    The worst thing you can do to them is ignoring them and then permabanning them from the game while at the same time reverting any damage done. This is a great way to make themselfs feel miserable and rejected at the same time.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Jacob, you just described the 4 chan /v/irgins to a tee.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "The worst thing you can do to them is ignoring them and then permabanning them from the game while at the same time reverting any damage done."

    You made an entire post making stupid assumptions and childish insults. Take your own advice and ignore them completely.

    Posted 13 years ago

    seriously dont blame the builder you retards

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's easier to grief than to build. Therefore griefers will grief. There should be some sort of system in place though to ban players temporarily or permanently

    Posted 13 years ago

    An interserver banlist.

    Repeated offenders are permabanned.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The worst part is when someone decides to start griefing not intel fortifications, or even random built stuff, but cover and towers and such.

    There needs to be some way to quickly mark someone as a griefer so that the rest of the server can, based on their good judgement, quickly votekick the bastard before he levels everything.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Building is key to gaining more land, which in turn makes it easier to get intell. So building is just as important as fighting - maybe even more important. Fighting means nothing if you don't get the intell in the process.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There should be an I.P ban for like 48 hours to whoever gets kicked from a server! If you like this put this as a signature or post it on other forums to spread the word so Ben can see it and add it to the next patch!

    Posted 13 years ago
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