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  • Killstreak,Multikills,Rewards,Ranks,Titles, and Anti-Grief

    Some Ideas that I've seen in other games that would fit well in this

    Rank Titles For Kills and bricks laid for a round
    Example: Recruit for one kill
    Guard for Ten Kills etc..

    Builder for 50 bricks laid
    Bricklayer for 100 etc..
    Note: Ranks and titles is reset with round , but not server kills of course
    Ranks are viewed in Tab screen

    Killstreak and Multikill Rewards and Announcements

    MultiKills Announcement
    Example:After Double-Hexakill announcement is made

    Killstreak Announcement
    Example:After 3 kills player is announced as on a rampage
    After 4 kills player is dominating
    After 5 Kills player is a monster
    After 6+ kills player is godlike

    Killstreak Rewards
    Example:After 10 kills streak 10 bullets and 5hp
    After 20 kills 20 bullets 10hp
    After every 10+ kills same rewards as 20 kills

    Killstreak Killer Rewards and announcement
    Example:Killing someone with a 10 kills streak rewards 10 bullets 5hp
    Killing 20 streak killer rewards 20 bullers 10hp
    Killing the Kill streaker 6+ announces the player killed the God like "players name"

    Anti-Griefing rules

    Anti-Building Griefers
    Example:Your Team color bricks cannot be destroyed by your team after 3 seconds
    Your Team can nominate a King brick destroyer status
    Your Team can revoke king brick destroyer status
    Notes: The enemy can still come and wreck your fort so if you want it to stand defend!
    Only one king brick destroyer per team

    Anti-Teamkill Griefers
    Example:Teamkill equals 15 second respawn timer
    Spawn pentalty is doubled every teamkill
    After 10+ teamkills player spawns with no weapons (guns or gernades)

    Posted 13 years ago

    A lot of these have been suggested before, and rejected as bad ideas. Perks for killstreaks aren't that great for AoS, although simple notifications are OK. Player-placable indestructable or "tough" blocks would get spammed by griefers, and a filled-in bunker is just as useless as a torn-open one.

    Posted 13 years ago

    so basically make a kill feed like halo

    Posted 13 years ago

    The rewards can be very little, its just annoying when you spend 5 minutes to get in a good sniper nest, then run out of ammo. Maybe double the ammo load and reduce the HP from spawn as a sniper class.

    I agree somewhat that a filled in bunker is somewhat useless. But on maps that are at sea level its better to have some cover to move forward. Even if it is just mounds.

    Also, that's why I thought a king block destroyer status on a player would help to hollow out the bunkers if they are spam filled. And thanks for your input. Trying to help this become a more enjoyable game.


    I never played Halo. So i dont know exactly what u mean. But, if you mean the announcement for kill streaks and multikills. Then I got those ideas from LoL.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Serverbot does most of the stuff you suggested.

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago
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