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  • Bugreports and other bad stuff in 0.36

    Bug: uuumm.. Well, I forgot those bugs, which I had to say, but the bad stuff: Rifle's max bullets 10-40. Why the hell? There isn't at all point in going to tent anymore (unless you have the intel)!! Blocks: Why does the max count need to be 50? It's good that it IS 50 in the beginning (actually only good thing in 0.36), but hell maxim should be at least 75! I understand nades to be 2, but not any other thing. I generally forgot 70% of this text. I'm generally unhappy with the new version.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok, now I remembered one bug: If you build something, which is only on one block, and you destroy one block from somewhere else in it, whole thing comes down.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, I don't agree. Also, when you destroy that one block connectign to other blocks on the ground or anything it goes away. Basic physics. Its been in the game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Most of the changes are just temporary workarounds for variables that were moved server-side... I'll try to make things better in the future, but realize the game is still in a testing phase.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes I know, I just didn't like these additions. I just wanted to tell it to you. @Thomas, I meant that if there's something like uum... a TREE, and you destroy one 'leaf' from it, whole thing comes down.

    I remembered one thing which I wanted to say: The guns should destroy blocks, just a bit more health for them.

    2nd Edit: I remembered one bug: When you die, you don't hear the hit or the gunfire sound.

    Posted 13 years ago
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