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  • A rough analysis of roles within the game

    A rough analysis of roles within the green liberation army and blue commonwealth.

    Some are quite specialised, others are very high level.

    Engineer - A very flexible role that involves the building of fortifications and bridges for the player and his teammates to use. This can either be in defense of the team's backyard or right on the front lines. This role is covered rather well at the moment, though it seems mostly incidental to the fighting. On the other hand what is built can be of great importance to the battle. Also makes tunnels for building faster routes to the front and trenches.

    Intel Grabber - An intel grabber will generally aim to skirt the main bulk of the enemy forces and snatch the enemy intel before legging it back to their own lines. Usually found as individuals or small groups, though if successful enough in a push, a big group of blue soldiers can also perform this role (where as groups of green usually end up being fragmented by hilly terrain and the need to defend their lowlands). They usually make use of tunnels and stealth to achieve their goals to avoid the enemy noticing their presence. A good successful intel run is one where they don't have to fire a shot.

    Sapper - Generally an offensive role, in which the player attempts to deny usage of fortifications to the enemy. This is usually achieved by undermining the structure so it collapses. Depending on the location and the amount of attention/manpower that the other team is focusing on the structure, It can be a near impossible job for one person to achieve. Sappers also share a role with Tunnel Rats in redirecting/eliminating enemy tunnels.

    Sharpshooter - The goal of a sharpshooter is harassment of rear areas and area denial of isolated places. generally before engaging the enemy in a location they will build a concealed network of tunnels and foxholes to fire from. The preferred fighting distance is long range, sniping at unsuspecting enemies who will hopefully have great difficultly at locating the sharpshooter. Mobility and constant changing of firing positions is advisable, lest enemy tunnel rats overwhelm your position. They usually work best alone as th.

    Soldier - Soldiers make up a significant portion of a team's players. Their main job is to draw in and engage the bulk of the enemy forces and they are usually found in groups. This role can be split into defensively or offensive operations. Offensively they try to hold as much of the map as possible, pushing into enemy fortifications when they can. Defensively it involves defending the intel and checkpoints along the river. They rely on their rifle and mainly use grenades in close quarters, to drive enemy from cover or to check their advance.

    Tunnel Rat - They enter enemy/allied tunnels and attempt to clear out enemy combatants. They generally engage in close quarters fighting and have a heavy usage of grenades to negotiate turns/force entry into tunnel/foxhole denial. although digging tools can be used to the same effect. Outside tunnels, they usually attempt to countersnipe sharpshooters.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Wicked descriptions, nice wor. i would say im probably more like the top three :P

    Sneaky Cheetah
    Posted 13 years ago

    Nice, I'm sort of mix of many of these: soldier, sometimes I destroy enemy stuff like Sapper, and I definitely aim for Intel Grabbing. I usually rush and when I notice I cannot go further, I will start blocking the enemy off so they can't proceed to our base. Or then I just go for intel, sneakkkk.. :-D

    Cool, too bad you can't bold here, it would clear up the text a little bit. Nicely written.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nice. It looks like I'm 80% Sharpshooter, 10% Engineer and 10% Intel Grabber.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    quote danhzee"" nice comment there danhezee

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I removed it because i was going to be statastic by saying ARE YOU SURE WE CAN'T BOLD. At that time i didnt know how to Bold

    Posted 13 years ago

    I am usually and engineer/sharpshooter/tunnel rat

    Veteran Modder
    Posted 13 years ago

    im usualy a blend, but i favor engineer and tunnel rat

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago
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