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  • Master Server Disconnect

    Madgee looked far and wide on this forum and the internet in general for an answer and I have found nothing to help me. Well, the problem is I can make a server just fine, it says it connects to the master server, and then about 20-30 seconds later, it disconnects. However, upon continued refreshing in my browser and in spadille, I never saw my server listed.  I used to be able to host a server and the only thing that I could think of that changed was our router, we got a new one. However, before you go on about forwarding my port I have forward the stupid 32887 port to mars and back. I honestly cannot not fathom how I could have messed up the port forwarding. I even tried making the server while directly connected to my modem and I get the same issue. The same thing happend with pyspades too. It will connect for about 20-30 seconds, disconnect, and then reconnect repeating the process. However I still never see it on the list while refreshing. If anyone could help me at all and get this to work it would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have the same problem. 32887 port is open and everything else.

    Posted 13 years ago

    sure you don't have any software firewalls running, such as Windows Firewall?

    some modems have firewalls built into them so double check that as well

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well Windows Firewall is off but I still tried to open my ports there. I also allowed the program and opened ports in my norton firewall so I can't really see anything else that would block it. I can only think that it is the ace of spades program malfunctioning or one of the firewalls that isnt correctly opening the port.

    Posted 13 years ago

    happens to me too

    2011-08-06 11:57:35+0200 [-] Master connection lost, reconnecting in 20 seconds...
    2011-08-06 11:57:35+0200 [-] (Port 53593 Closed)
    2011-08-06 11:57:35+0200 [-] Stopping protocol <pyspades.master.MasterProtocol instance at 0x05BBEE68>
    2011-08-06 11:57:55+0200 [-] pyspades.master.MasterProtocol starting on 58927
    2011-08-06 11:57:55+0200 [-] Starting protocol <pyspades.master.MasterProtocol instance at 0x05D6B198>
    2011-08-06 11:57:55+0200 [pyspades.master.MasterProtocol (UDP)] Master connection established.
    2011-08-06 11:57:56+0200 [scripts.protect.ProtectProtocol (UDP)] (master client connected)
    2011-08-06 11:58:11+0200 [-] disconnected
    2011-08-06 11:58:45+0200 [-] Master connection lost, reconnecting in 20 seconds...
    2011-08-06 11:58:45+0200 [-] (Port 58927 Closed)
    2011-08-06 11:58:45+0200 [-] Stopping protocol <pyspades.master.MasterProtocol instance at 0x05D6B198>
    2011-08-06 11:59:05+0200 [-] pyspades.master.MasterProtocol starting on 62008
    2011-08-06 11:59:05+0200 [-] Starting protocol <pyspades.master.MasterProtocol instance at 0x05D5BCB0>
    2011-08-06 11:59:06+0200 [pyspades.master.MasterProtocol (UDP)] Master connection established.
    2011-08-06 11:59:06+0200 [scripts.protect.ProtectProtocol (UDP)] (master client connected)
    2011-08-06 11:59:22+0200 [-] disconnected
    2011-08-06 12:00:25+0200 [-] pyspades server started on 08/06/11 12:00:25
    2011-08-06 12:00:25+0200 [-] Log opened.
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [-] scripts.protect.ProtectProtocol starting on 32887
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [-] Starting protocol <scripts.protect.ProtectProtocol instance at 0x030A1788>
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [-] pyspades.master.MasterProtocol starting on 62113
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [-] Starting protocol <pyspades.master.MasterProtocol instance at 0x05B7AA30>
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [-] Started server on port 32887...
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [pyspades.master.MasterProtocol (UDP)] Master connection established.
    2011-08-06 12:00:26+0200 [HTTPPageGetter,client] Stopping factory <HTTPClientFactory: http://aos.nateshoffner.com/blacklist.json&gt;
    2011-08-06 12:00:27+0200 [scripts.protect.ProtectProtocol (UDP)] (master client connected)
    2011-08-06 12:00:42+0200 [-] disconnected

    Posted 13 years ago

    You need UDP port forwarded to 32887
    for ppl like me that take's a very,very,VERY! long time, that is why my clan has no server.

    Try psyspades.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Even after all this time I still cannot connect a server to the master connection for my life. Is port 32887 not the only one that is used? How come pyspades always says MasterProtocol starting at *whatever*

    Posted 13 years ago

    download the latest beta ubuntu, 11.10. It has a very simple application for that. But remember, you must install it, and even then there is a chance it won't work

    Posted 13 years ago
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