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  • Game mode: Domination/Conquer

    Well, I haven't been playing ace of spades for too long. But, I've noticed that the game pretty much lacks an overall goal. Some servers uses TDM as a server script, but still there's barely any goal in it.

    My suggestion is to either script or add a game mode that is about dominate ground until you've received x amount of ticks. Currently I'm thinking about 2 ways to make this work.

    1: Make a map somehow and put out several points that both team needs to capture, this will either make a ticker tick down or you need to hold all or x-amount of points during x-time to win the map.

    2: Use a pinpoint-like map (I'm sure you know what map I mean), but having it a bit wider, and not choking down in the middle as much. Then simply it's a ticker that's ticking down, the speed it ticks in depends on your advancement on the map.
    As the map is split in 2, marked by a choke point - Once you advance ahead of this line (probably needing check points to decide how far you've advanced) decides how fast your opponents ticker will tick.

    If I'm being unclear, then I could try to explain a bit better.

    edit: blah, I'm tired as hell XD, I'll reread this timorrow and fix all horrible grammar and spelling misstakes

    Posted 13 years ago

    A domination mode would go very well together with AoS, like gin and tonic. The reason why is because most maps in AoS are pretty big to fit the game mode perfectly. Another reason is because this could finally make teamwork, which hasn't been shown a lot lately, much more important.

    Mr. White
    The Gentleman
    Posted 13 years ago
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