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  • Bio Hazard | Proof Of Concept | Pyspades
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    Since now in Pyspades you have a Option to have the pickaxe as melee damage it is now possible for this game mode...




    Blue Team Has a Player Limit Of 6

    Blue Team Have all Normal Things But Have less ammo

    Blue Team Members Cant Respawn

    Green Team Has a Player Limit 26

    Green Team Has 50% Extra Health

    Green Team Only have Pickaxe and Spade




    Intel And Tent Spawn Spawn in a Cube Made of admin blocks so they cant be used...




    you can use chat to upgrade...


    /1)More Bullets 50 Points (25 More Bullets)
    /2)More Bullets 100 Points (50 More Bullets)
    /3)More Grenades 100 Points (2 Grenades )
    /4)Upgrade to SMG 1000 Points
    /5)More Blocks 500 Points


    I think this would be really good game type and increase the amount of people who play ace of spades...

    if this can be done id like some one to do it, cause it would be amazing :)




    BOBBUNNY suggested...

    I think 2 systems would have to be there.
    Human and Zombie system.
    Because we all know zombies will win eventually, they get an upside. Each time they gain points, all zombies get points. You get points by inflicting damage, killing humans, death, and probably more. These points are spent on upgrades such as damage, weapons, health, armor, etc.
    Humans are kool, so they have some perks. Killing a zombie awards 10 points, hitting them gives you 3 points. Chances are there will be more ways, cause only 2 is just boring. For points, you can buy weapons (there shall be more), armor (if it is there), better and more blocks, ammo, nades, and upgrades for your items.


    [Komrade]Nowa90 suggested...

    make it so you start with shotgun, then for 700 points you get semi, 1200 you get rifle (or some amount where it takes like almost a whole ammo count of the shotgun to get). zombies should be able to destroy blocks in 4 hits by melee you teamwork would be needed.


    [C.H.]Richtofen suggested...

    You'd also need a spectating mode if you were to be the end of the wave of zombies if it were a online addition (assuming they came in waves like in CoD zombies). If not then why just start with two zombies and move up? Of course it might make it alot easier, but people love challenges not just the fact its a simple zombie game.


    NM suggested...

    I got an idea too...
    First, zombie team got one randomly chosen dude (Or 3 or 5) to start with, and they try to infect the human team, when a player on human team dies, he goes to the zombie team. Human team shall have VERY little amount of blocks, and you can buy more of them. When everyone on the human team have been defeated, the last survivor will get a some sort of award (Points for next round?) for staying longest alive.


    [HK]Fleek% Suggested..

    suggesting about special zombies.
    yoono about survivors vs. special infected
    basically green zombies can choose classes
    regular zombie (normal speed)
    fast zombie (20% moar speed, 20% less damage)
    jumper zombie (30% moar speed, 25% less damage, can jump over 5 blocks)
    slow zombie (20% less speed, 20% more damage)
    jugger-zombie (30% less speed, 30% more damage, can't auto climb)
    my idea is also that the zombies get piled together in 1 building, and they cant leave or attack through at the beginning of the round.
    first 20 seconds of the game everyone will orientate.
    after that, blue team has 60 seconds to build and such, preparing defenses.
    also blocks cant be put near the zombie safehouse
    after that its (enter configurable time limit here) minutes of fragging and fun.;


    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, not a bad idea.
    Pedobear approves.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think more ammo should be something like 50 points, 500 is quite alot, anyway I play the dod:s zombie mod and i think aos with it would be even better :D

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I was thinking more along the lines of some sort of AI zombies like killing floor or something.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    You get more satisfaction if you kill a human while a zombie... well i do :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    L4D2 :3

    AI would take a while to code, humans(most) are smarter and would provide more interesting tactics and gameplay.

    Posted 13 years ago


    plus if it was official he could add zombie claw weapon and stuff like that giving us skin makers more to do =3

    Posted 13 years ago

    Assuming that a "zombie claw" is used, I'll need a good skinner to make a rolling pin skin for it.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^i could it would be easy...

    id start off with a gun that has a arm on it and remove the gun add second arm and gor it up abit :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think 2 systems would have to be there.
    Human and Zombie system.

    Because we all know zombies will win eventually, they get an upside. Each time they gain points, all zombies get points. You get points by inflicting damage, killing humans, death, and probably more. These points are spent on upgrades such as damage, weapons, health, armor, etc.

    Humans are kool, so they have some perks. Killing a zombie awards 10 points, hitting them gives you 3 points. Chances are there will be more ways, cause only 2 is just boring. For points, you can buy weapons (there shall be more), armor (if it is there), better and more blocks, ammo, nades, and upgrades for your items.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ nice :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe in a later update but epic idea

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^then i could add the shotty to the menu :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    make it so you start with shotgun, then for 700 points you get semi, 1200 you get rifle (or some amount where it takes like almost a whole ammo count of the shotgun to get). zombies should be able to destroy blocks in 4 hits by melee you teamwork would be needed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ suggestion added

    Posted 13 years ago

    ehhh no ... not a good idea in my opinion cuz no one would really want to be the zombies


    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    sounds like i could b sucsessfull but it does need refining

    afro samurai
    Posted 13 years ago

    wait, are the zombies going to be humans or cp?
    Also, zombies need to walk at a slower pace.

    Posted 13 years ago

    (I would totally want to be a brain eating zombie)

    Also if you would do multikills with grenade you could get some combo bonus stuff or if you kill zombies fast enough, you get more points too.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yea, thatd be c00l. I think there sh0uld just be 2 z0mbies at first, then when y0u get infected y0u change sides. Defiantly need pre-game l0bbies f0r it th0ugh, d0nt want pe0ple j0ining halfway.

    Srry, my o is broken

    Posted 13 years ago

    Add the dirt grenades as a perk, then when zombies tear through a wall a quick fix is ready.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    only when you have the shotgun though, and SMG/semi come with normal nades. Or add dirt nades as a thing to purchase.

    No, this isnt going to become a COD knockoff

    Posted 13 years ago

    pls dont add this

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^lets be honest you said this is not minecraft you are the only person who mentioned minecraft sooo... please dont post things that you can not back up ...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, make this an offline game mode, thatd be cool.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^but making zombies ai would take a long time to code at get correct...

    Posted 13 years ago

    According to the description, this is technically possible to do through a script. You should maybe learn Python yourself and ask around in #pyspades.

    pyspades developer
    Posted 13 years ago

    Please no zombie mode, it would make AoS so much more like a generic shooter. The only way zombies could work would be with a lot of human players (say, 20-30) against huge waves (starting low, then eventually around a hundred per wave and growing) of zombie AI. This would force people to actually build fortifications and work together. This would work better if you were guarding something from the zombies, so the team would have to focus their defense on that point.

    That would be far more intresting and in the spirit of AoS than straight zombie survival mode against other players, or with only a few people against AI.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it should be you start on a flat map thats 3 blocks above water. You have 4 minutes to build walls, towers, traps, etc to defend the intel/item. You could make a line of sniping towers and have it like a first person tower defense :P

    Posted 13 years ago


    I'd buy what you're sellin'

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago
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