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  • Zombie infection Roleplay
  • 12311

    ^oh yeah you gotta use TEH UBER DISK 1 for the next zombie slaying quest
    P.S YALL SUCK AT RP >.< *facepalms*

    Posted 13 years ago

    __|_|____ \ | /
    (||) / | \
    <mah ray gun OH YEAH BITCHES!

    Posted 13 years ago

    __|_|____ \ | /
    (||) / | \
    it messed up man, damn

    Posted 13 years ago

    The Humans invented vaccine, used an god mode hack, end of story.

    Posted 13 years ago

    LTPinkyConehead initiated a votekick against plyer KomradeTyler chat /y for yes.(6 players needed.)

    Posted 13 years ago


    I said jk at the end >.>
    Just a question, what was the scariest video game any of you have played?

    Posted 13 years ago

    forget what it was called, it was for gamecube, it pushes the buttons of your sanity, randomly in the game, your head explodes, and you play the rest of the game, without a head, it also tries to trick you into thinking your entire memory card was deleated, with a bluescreen of death.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Erh.....I guess mine would be....life.
    Other then that, dead space, fear, and silent hill are amongst the top.

    Posted 13 years ago

    *A mysterious man walks out of the darkened backround. As he draws closer you see that the tall male figure is holding a bolt action hunting rifle, and an AA-12 automatic shotgun is slung over his shoulder. He is wearing a rather dusty thick black leather jacket.
    As he walk before you, he raises the rifle and fires in your direction. Just then, one of the undead fall out of the bush behind you with a large hole in its head. It would appear that it was sneaking up on you. You all turn to the mysterious man. He then says, simply...*
    "Boom, headshot."
    *You are in shock and awe of this strange marksman. You stand there, stunned by the man with the rifle who may have just saved your lives. The man then spoke again and said...*
    "Well that was a close one, good thing I never miss. You guys must be more vigilant, you know. Them undead aren't as dumb as the movies made them out to be. Any way, my name is Markus Long. I am the best shot in the entire country. I never miss my target, ever. Now isn't that a useful skill, seeing how them zombies only die if you hit them in the head.
    Well, I think you lot need some one of my skill to keep you all out of trouble. So, I am now going to be leader of this little group of yours, okay? Okay. Lets go."
    *You are a little confused on how he became leader, or why he is part of your group. In fact you barely even know the guy, other than what he told you. But he does seem to know a lot about killing the risen dead, so maybe sticking with him might be the best idea for know.*

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    >.< Nice that is what I wanted to see

    Posted 13 years ago

    *Markus Long and his confused followers are walking down a road, they pass a sign reading: Fort Jones Military Base - 1 1/2 mile. Markus then jumps into the bushes and signals for the group to do the same.

    Roaring down the road at high speeds is at least five motorcycles. Large biker thugs with shotguns slung over their backs are the riders. Markus spots something trailing behind the bikes. He takes a closer look through the scope on his hunting rifle. He is shocked to see that a man is being dragged behind the bikers. Even worse he notices that a woman is sitting on the back of one of the bikes, she is bound by rope and duct tape is over her mouth. She is crying while watching the man be dragged over the rough stone covered road.

    The bikers ride up to a house down the road, and stop. The biggest biker dismounts and walks over to the man they had been dragging. He is barely gasping for breath as blood pools around him. The biker then continues to raise his shotgun and finish off the victim. The bikers carry the bound woman into the house.
    Markus now turns back to the group and explains the happenings he just saw.*

    --Okay, now you guys need to pick what happens next. Should the group pressure Markus to raid the house and save the woman, steal the bikes, or continue walking toward Fort Jones? The choice is yours...--

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    steal, the bikes, but don't save the gal, we might find another one for repruducing, children to save the human race, somewhere else, if, we take the bikes, then we can get away faster, I have some spare lighter fluid we can use to re light the bikes, and high jack em, I also have plenty of wires for the job. I also don't need a helmet cause I have a trafic cone. :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Feed yourselves to us zombies :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ that would hurt, so no

    Posted 13 years ago

    *Markus follows the advice given to him and with the help of the group they steal the bikes sitting in front of the biker house. As the group drives away with their new bikes Markus looks back, wondering if he made the right choice. But he still leads on. With the bikes the group makes it to Fort Jones much quicker.

    The group rides into Fort Jones as the sun is setting. The streets are empty and not even the animals in the surrounding forest are making sounds. The first thing Markus notices is the gun store to his left. He thinks about his ammo and maybe arming his group better. He looks to the right at the local general store, where much need food and other useful supplies may wait. Then he peers down the road at the local inn, and thinks that beds might be a nice change. Finally he spots the town hall with bomb shelter, and wonders if anyone is still alive in there.

    The sun is setting and the air is becoming colder. He now hears moaning and shuffling coming from the woods. He has to pick now. He turns to the group and thinks.*

    --Once again make a choice. Will you take shelter in the gun store, general store, inn, or town hall. This choice will affect how the zombie attack is handled. It is all up to you.--

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    the gunstore, would be handy, and will be difficult/ easy, cause im only good with stuff like slingshots (then again I can throw nades, and shoot pointy objects from the sling) the general store, would be better to go to in the day, cause it would be crwling with zombies that you can't see at night, the inn would be pointless cause they'd eat us in our sleep, and the covers will restrict us, the town hall is just stupid, and will get us killed due to masses of zombies, the safest bet would be the gun store, as long as we take shifts. And then wake the group up if zombies aproach us. So, gun store it is, plus we might see some bleeping epic people, that are still living. So yeh.

    Posted 13 years ago

    -btw im in the survivors cuz my atempt at rp was first but markus is still leader-
    so hurry not much time to choose follow your own plan and let me cover yall
    or pick a different solution?
    -new option has risen-
    -teammate sacrifce-
    -if u choose this option this will happen-
    *grabs markus's rifle*
    *shoots zombie in head*
    *kills rest of zombies in gunstore and in the area*
    okay markus time to shine you take the rest of the group
    ill kill these dicks
    *goes to gunstore, and sets of an alarm leading all the zombies to himself*
    imma clear the way for you...
    *grabs a rifle*
    yeah go to the general store
    *hands rest of survivors handguns and gives markus his winchester.45 rifle*
    dont worry ill take on the zombies go to the store find rations and take these bags
    *hands out bags*
    you will be safe if not ill light this green flare
    *zombie grabs teammate*
    yea im fine *injects self with needle*
    go *bullets fly*
    oh shit bikers?
    *bullet hits nearby*
    Oh fuck i knew this didnt help my karma go on ill hold em of
    *shoots at biker*
    one down five to go!
    *while your teammate hasnt been saved you have a safe retreat*
    "go in peace freind"- jinx's final words BUT WAIT YOU R TEAMMATE HAS BECOME INJECTED BY THE BIKERS but rest assured he can take as many of the punks he can take with him!

    Posted 13 years ago

    * as you walk in the general store you find a man looking at the ammo and the guns*

    * the man points a your face*
    "zombie or living?" he asks?
    * The man responds livin*
    "Im John. They call me the sprite for my magic in killin zombies"
    "looks like you could use a member in your group"
    *John shoves everything in his backpack then walks out the door*
    "you comin he asks?"
    *then meets up with the group outside*

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    *Zombies begin to close in while the group now including Sprite opens fire on the undead. Markus pulls the AA-12 off his back and blows away several zombies. Markus turns and shouts...*
    "Get to the town hall, I'll try to hold them off. GO!"
    *The group runs to the town hall as Markus fires away. Sprite shoots the lock on the door and kicks it open. Everyone rushes in. Markus backs through the door and shuts it behind him. He quickly pushes a near by desk up to the door. Markus says...*
    "It won't hold forever, but it will do for now. I want someone on the roof thinning out the zombies outside. A also want some one to guard the door and pile anything not bolted to the walls on it too. I want someone to come down to the bomb shelter with me and look for supplies and any other people who might of fled here."

    --Okay, pick your jobs. The jobs are sniping from the roof, guarding the door, and joining Markus in searching the shelter. If you want to join the RP, the bomb shelter is a great place to join.--

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    when this is done, I'm putting this on Fanfiction this is gold (I'm giving credit to you guys when I'm done though)
    Also, I'm helping markus in finding shelter.

    Posted 13 years ago

    *a sudden bang on the door*
    open up! i wasnt killed!
    *you realize its jinx*
    come on i see that i can snipe on the tower plus i raided all the nearby outlets!
    Ive got toys too for dealin with the undead!
    i almost bit the dust i dont wanna make that mistake again! come on!
    *as he talks he bursts rounds of kalashnokov rounds into the undead horde*
    *he also has slid all of his extra weapons through the door*
    -let him in and he'll take alot of dead freaks out on the rooftop-
    "remeber that cure well i lost it thats what brought me back but i have the chemicals used in it so maybe we can test it to see if it works in letting the dead rest we can use it as a coating for bullets and arrows!"

    Posted 13 years ago


    "Turn around, and face your shadow, Daniel..."

    Daniel: WTF? Why do I have to turn around?

    *Head gets eaten by a zombie from distraction.*

    The end.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Should we trust jinx, or put him out of his misery?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Come on! if ur gunna do it tell me soon!
    *a chainsaw revs up* oh great they horde's gotten much smarter!
    *more .45acp rounds are unloaded*
    i sieriously almost sacrificed myself your gunna*zombie gets slashed*
    ahh...What the hell *explosion* come on let me in i could help y'all
    hurry before i get diced *chainsaw hits door*
    aww what i shot you alrea... WHOA STOP SWINGING AT ME!
    *you hear a loud BONK* ohh yeah HOME RUN!

    Posted 13 years ago

    well well, whatdya know the biohazard crew is here...
    *another explosion*
    well, that ruled out chopper extraction.
    A survivor!
    imma see if he can be er...
    *a huge zombie with chainsaw slices the biohazard control member in half*
    i really just wanna little break please?
    if i dont get killed by zombies i get killed by you guys!
    i dont even know why i tried im just gunna get shot BY MY OWN HUMAN FRIENDS...
    well i tryed... oh so thats how 'ya wanna play eh?(talking to zombies)
    *SPLAT!* oh wow didnt know a head could do that!

    Posted 13 years ago

    *lettin jinx in, then goes with markus*

    Posted 13 years ago

    im the corner camper who is no fun

    Posted 13 years ago

    *sitting in a store listening to random music*

    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks guys!
    i knew it
    ill make post longer but i gotta eat

    Posted 13 years ago

    k, lol

    Posted 13 years ago
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