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  • Something to remove blocks... RPG, Detpacks, Grenade launchers?

    Was just thinking of a way to get people to build more.

    Lets have some sort of explosives, that you can use to blast holes in walls.

    To balance a guy with a grenade launcher or RPG, you could make them move slow, which would suck.... Or you could have slow reload speeds.

    I like the idea of a slightly random flight projectile, so it is used more for base breaching than it is for fragging. Like the first Day of defeat mod. If you hit someone with a bazooka, you where REALLY lucky.

    The detpack idea is a cool one because they would have to be at ground 0 to blast a hole. They could not spam it very easy. If it becomes "Spammy" you could add a randomly offset timer so people had a 1-2 second variance in when the bomb will detonate so hey could not time when the bast happened.

    i think it would add a HUGE amount of game-play, and excitement, to have demo guys up front with detpacks, trying to breach a fortress wall. Try playing the old Day of defeat mod for Half life 1, there is a Normandy beach map where you storm the pillboxes, and have to blast holes with bandoleers grenades (You have to place them on the ground, and prime them for a whole second before they where set.)
    The game play was awesome trying to cover your bandoleer runners. on the flip side, it was a total riot trying to snipe off guys trying to breach the fortifications, while dodging sniper fire.

    I see people scrambling to fix the base rather than sitting around camping / snipping. They will want to have secure snipping positions so any breach would be a threat to them.

    The damage from the explosives could be nerfed too, so that they are more for block removal than for killing.

    To make setting the detpacks more challenging, you could add an audible "countdown" beeps, so you could locate and disarm the detpacks. This would make so that team players would have to set up positions to "cover" the detpack area until it blasts the fortification.

    For grenade launchers I suggest the explode on impact type rather then the quake "Bouncy" grenades, and a slight inaccuracy.

    For rockets , grenades that are thrown and grenades launched, you could add a wind direction vector! That way you would have to judge by the wind direction and force to get your grenades to land where you want them to. (like golf games). It would make hitting someone with a "hale marry mortar shot" a LULZ-able experience. It would also promote people to use them just for base busting rather than de-populating the enemy team. i dontlike the idea of random things falling from the sky though.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    I like these ideas. I strongly support the idea of satchel charges and have even suggested this before, as this would make destroying enemy fortifications more varied than "mine until you get shot".

    I also like the idea of an underslung GL, and the open-ness of the maps would prevent them becoming "noob-tubes". However, I do think all grenades should have their ability to destroy blocks removed - they rely on shrapnel, not explosives, to do the damage. RPG's and Satchels could take over the role of base destroyers.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea i guess the bug maps would help with that.

    Another way to keep them from spamming is to just have 1 per side per map.
    In Day of Defete it is a pickup right by the spawn point.
    That way there is only a couple on the server at any given time.

    It would really decrease the amount of "stale mates" when playing.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    You could just have 3 - 4 guys with SMGs pour lead simultaneously at whatever building you want destroyed.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    it could very easily be used as a greif tool, i don't think it should break blocks

    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    The only way to get rid of griefers is with blacklists and vote bans. No matter how balanced the guns are, the jerks are still going to be there.
    We just need a way to perma-ban people from servers. They will grief until they have no servers left to play on.

    I was also thinking of only having the block blasters in certain game modes like CTF where you need to breech the fortress. Modes like team deathmatch dont really need this. (although it would still be fun!)

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    RPG - Panzerfaust
    Detpack - Satchel Charge

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    This is why psypades needs to get implemented into the main game, if you've ever played on any of the HK servers they berma ban people (well not permaban, just an amount of days that surpasses there lifespan.)

    Posted 13 years ago


    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Satchel Charges ^.^
    I think it would work if it took about 2 seconds to plant one, with a 10 second timer on it and a 5-6 block radius of destruction. This would be great for breaching fortified positions, though I do agree with what JoJoeStinky said, that it should be limited only to game-modes that require it.

    Also, Mortars/Artillery/whatever would be an amazing tactical addition, it would be mainly for bunker busting and suppressive bombardment, and (assuming it is player-controlled, which it should be) would require communication, teamwork, planning and skill to use effectively.

    So, basically, we need more things that go boom.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Mortars mortars mortars, I've also suggested that! Satchel charges could destroy blocks more horizontally than vertically so griefers couldn't use it for digging holes.
    More about mortars: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=4590

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea mortars would be really fun, especially if you had to judge your shots with the wind.

    Would be like Tiger Woods 2011

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    +1 for this, i'm an avid BF:BC2 player and i've come to expect my cover to explode when an enemy spots me early, but even though cover can definately be destroyed in AoS there arent enough tools to do it with,

    placable "C4" or rockets would be awesome for that

    Posted 13 years ago

    they need to make grenades more powerful. and they need to get a sniper i forgot the name of the gun but it has bullets with a charge in it that lets it blow through walls and stuff that would be awesome for the game

    Posted 13 years ago

    Explosive weapons are too griefer-friendly.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Play Enemy territory, you'll understand why we need a mortar.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    EVERYTHING is griefer-friendly, so I don't get what your problem is.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1 satchel sarge, blows a 2x3x2 hole in a wall. Hurts enemies too, but you only get 1 per life. 5 second fuse, after you push a detanator.

    Posted 13 years ago
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