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  • (website) Unreal Modders Haven (Now with an Ace of Spades Game Server)

    Hello, I'm the webmaster/developer for a small website called Unreal Modders Haven, we started in 2006 (different name), and have up until now support Republic Commando, and Killing Floor. I recently decided to expand the website to include Ace of Spades, and just today added support for it. The website is http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php

    Unreal Modders Haven has two primary features, tutorials for mapping, and modding, and a download repository of files.

    I've added three new tutorials for Ace of Spades, covering the basics of creating a map. They can be found on the http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php?page=tutorials
    1. http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php?page=tutorials&command=view&id=34 Getting Started - A general overview of tools used for mapping.
    2. http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php?page=tutorials&command=view&id=35 Bitmap Converter - Creating Bitmaps, heigthmap, and using the Bitmap Converter
    3. http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php?page=tutorials&command=view&id=36 Creating Decorations - Creating Decorations with Slab6
    4. http://umh.sandcrawler.net/index.php?page=tutorials&command=view&id=37 PySpades Map Editor - Editing a map, as well as creating a new map.

    Tutorials can also be added to the website once registered.

    To add files to the downloads section you will need to register. Its a simple form that you fill out with various bit of information, upload your file to the website, and a screenshot and that is it.

    In order to make Registration as simple as possible (I know people don't like to register on websites all the time):
    * Facebook Connect Registration, be logged into Facebook, click the button, and then pick a username.
    * OpenID login support, you can use an OpenID account to login.

    To Register:

    Our Server:

    The server is going to rotate a different map (from our downloads section) weekly. As long as there are different maps in the downloads section (hint hint nudge nudge)

    Thoughts/Comments/Problems ?

    - Sandcrawler

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    great! thanks for making these, should be helpful for anyone who wants to get into mapping

    Posted 13 years ago

    I updated a few of the pages today that have to deal with Uploading Files to the website. (mainly just changed the page navigation)

    This is a screen shot of the New File page:

    Its a simple form to fill out that will create an entry automatically into the Downloads Repository, that a user could then search using a string of words, and find an entry. Users can also Browse the entries by category, and sort by rating, downloads, author, and version.

    After you have uploaded a file/pack you can easily go back and edit/update the entry.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Added a new tutorial on Pyspades Map editor:

    This weekend we also brought up a Game Server, that will be running a different map (from our Downloads Section) Weekly.

    Posted 13 years ago
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