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  • Some seamless maps to share, and some questions

    I got started learning the map editor today, and made a couple of really nice maps.
    I made the diffuse map from the heightmap in an advanced texture mixer (texturemaker).
    The map ws generated seamlessly so when you get to the edge of the map it seems to go on for infinity.
    here is the link:

    You guys are welcome to use them any way you feel fit :) they include both bitmaps and the converted map so you can see it in 3d.

    My questions are:

    1.Can we make smaller maps? Pinpoint is about my favorite map of all time. i want to make smaller maps like this, with a bottleneck in the middle!

    2. How do we place spawn points and other game specific entity's like the headquarters?

    Once I get everything I need, I am going to try making a script to make image majik (or graphics majik) generate perlin noise seamlessly, run the converter, and upload the map for my server to run.

    That way we will never be stuck on the same map :D!!
    Every game will be a little bit different!

    As you guys can see with the included files i can make some really natural looking hills and valleys, with the right colors.

    Here is the script I made to run the converter:
    Title Converting and running game
    echo off
    echo on
    color 0A

    rem #########Clean up from last time
    del "E:\app\game\Ace of Spades\map.vxl"
    del "E:\app\game\Ace of Spades\_heightmapeditor\map.zip
    del map.vxl
    rem #########Run convert
    converth.exe moon.bmp moonh.bmp
    rem #########Copy over files
    copy map.vxl "E:\app\game\Ace of Spades\"
    rem #########Package
    7z a map.zip *.bmp map.vxl
    for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:" %%d in ("%time%") do rename "map.zip" %%dH%%eM%%fS.zip
    rem #########Backup and run voxed
    cd ..
    voxed.exe map.vxl


    As you can see all I need to do is get the IM commands, and add the FTP post commands...

    The above script is really nice, just drop your files in the folder, and run the script.... The next thing you know the editor will pop up with your new map loaded!
    It saves the map in a zip file named as the time and date of creation.
    Well, that is it for now.

    i hope you guys find the files useful! As soon as i get the needed info, i will start mapping

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    1.Can we make smaller maps? Pinpoint is about my favorite map of all time. i want to make smaller maps like this, with a bottleneck in the middle!

    I believe you can make the water damage the players (like in Juusteli pinpoint lava damage), but I don't know is it a server or map thing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. No. Maps are currently limited to 512X512 maps. There's been some talk from Ben about allowing for smaller maps but I don't think it's a priority at the moment.

    2. The spawn points random. The server places the tent and intel on the highest non-water point in the areas defined here: http://i.imgur.com/s9rom.jpg
    I've noticed that in custom maps the intel/tent points always appear in the same spots so it most-likely basing it's "randomness" on the mapfile itself in some manner. Not an issue with randomly generated maps obviously.

    As Tek2 pointed out, for some reason, you can, in fact, make the water do damage. You edit the config file for the map you are running. But this is only for the (amazing) custom third-party server 'pyspades' which you can get here: http://code.google.com/p/pyspades/

    Posted 13 years ago
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