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  • Need Help For Map
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    Hey I'm looking for help making a map. I've been wanting to play a World War 1 trench warfare map, but I can't find any. And I tried voxel, but its just too freaking confusing. So if anyone wants to try this and I can help with ideas and such, that would be awesome!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm trying to make Vimy Ridge, but don't you take my idea. Or I'll kill you.

    That Guy
    Posted 13 years ago

    Haha ok. I just really wanted some kind of world war 1 map, because it fits the game. How far are you on it?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok. I'm game. Well... let's do Battle of the Somme or something other than Gregery's Vimy Ridge. Lay some ideas on me. I have a reasonably decent British Mark V tank so that's a start.


    Posted 13 years ago

    Do you know how to make maps? Cause I don't.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nm you made that awesome Urban Tank Fight map.

    Posted 13 years ago

    In theory, yes, I know how to make maps. Looking at that map today I see so many things I could fix. I was rushed and about to go on a trip while my mother was being hospitalized. I was so distracted. I could do better. But it's still a fun map. I'm a bit busy at the moment but seriously... come up with some ideas that are good and I am happy to share credit with you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That does sound a bit distracting. But that was an awesome map, especially the planes and tanks. And it doesn't necassarily have to be a specific battle, more just World War 1 trench warfare in general. And it shouldn't be that deep, to prevent tunneling. So just have a large, mainly flat map, except for some small hills and artillery craters, with large trench systems on either side. And the trenches should probably be close enough to shoot the other trench.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And maybe a neutral trench system in the middle, for the teams to fight over and capture.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like to see a map like this, that forces people to fight the same way pinpoint does. Maybe have it be half the width of a regular map with water damage on the sides. Also, I would like to see the map be 4 blocks deep for some tunneling, but any deeper and the tunnels might become ridiculous.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I definitely don't want it to be pinpoint. I want some more strategy, except for charges at enemy trenches. Closer to default maps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And if you don't want to do World War 1, I was also thinking of a Korean War map, Vietnam map or Berlin Wall. So whatever you want.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Keep those ideas coming. So far I see that people like "shallow maps" that allow people to tunnel but not too deep. I like that. I'd prefer to stay on the WW1 theme here. Maybe something along the lines of "Beneath Hill 60" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beneath_Hill_60 map: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~dccfarr/hill60map.gif

    Posted 13 years ago


    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd like to see Bunker Hill

    Posted 13 years ago

    heres some help
    open: Alt+F2
    save: Alt+F3
    add brick: Insert
    deletebrick: Delete
    Colour brick: X
    insert sphere: Home
    delete Sphere: End
    choose colour: Enter
    change how you look around(e.g inverted, normal): Y

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I wanna see Somme

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Bunker Hill? I actually live in Boston. The battle was fought on Breed's Hill. Anyways... it's off-topic and I don't plan on doing any Revolutionary War maps. And, Winston, stop that. It's easy enough to read the actual instructions for Voxed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok so it is it gonna be a big hill with tunnels leading through it? And should it be controlled by one side, or in the middle, and have the sides fight over it?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Here's a good model for one teams set of trenches.


    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it was you that requested trenches yesterday. i am thinking of incorporating trench warfare in the center of my next map :).
    No promises, but I think it would be a lot of fun to have a trench system in front of each others base.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Love it!
    A good old battlefield with trenches!
    None of that new bunker stuff.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well there will be some bunkers in the trenches. And it needs some muddy water in the middle along with artillery craters. And maybe a few dead trees.

    Posted 13 years ago

    just make the majority off it trenches plz :D

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    It will be, but there needs to be no man's land too.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah. That graphic shows the sort of realistic trench systems that I think would be cool. The more I think about, hill maps with tunnels seem to have been done before. Too bad we don't have artillery in-game (yet) but with pyspades' airstrikes it should be similar. We seem to be reaching a vague consensus here. Considering AoS's low-level of detail maybe we should just keep it loosely-based on the Somme. My working map name is going to be simply, No Man's Land. How's that sound?

    So what we have so far. Trench warfare map with complex trench systems for either side. (Having one trench system in the middle to capture and fight sounds interesting too, though. Thoughts?) I have a WW1 tank model ready to go and was thinking of having them be "disabled" somewhere in the No Man's Land in the middle. We should probably have some broken trees and stumps littering a shell-pocked landscape. (Based on previous experience, making realistic shellholes is actually more of a pain in the ass than it sounds, but the results are cool.) Probably want some ruined village buildings scattered about here and there. I have some buildings from one of my other maps that could be suitable after being "damaged" a bit. This is where I could use some assistance. If some model-makers out there are reading this... anybody have any ideas or want to make some additional eye-candy for this? Things like barbed-wire, while great in theory, just look lousy so, as much as I want it in there, I don't think it'd help. Somebody want to fire up Slab6 and model something and prove me wrong? (Save as KVX format so i can quickly import it into voxed.)

    Am I missing anything else? We could also, perhaps, create a mod pack to go with this. Too bad we can't really do Tommy helmets and Pickelhauben for the models because of the way things work in AoS but c'est la vie. Maybe some gas mask faces? All in all, Blue versus Green is close enough I guess. Someone must already have Lee Enfields and Mausers and what-not ready to go already in one of the myriad custom weapon packs. We could make something new to replace the intel and redcross tent. I have a red cross truck model which looks pretty cool as a replacement for the tent... what would intel look like in WW1?

    ADDENDUM: Ah, right I knew I missed something... how deep do people want this map to be? I am going to go for something like 20 or so blocks deep. This would allow for some tunneling and burrowing under opposing lines but not at some absurd depth.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You can do Brodies!
    I just discovered you could chip off the top layer of the helmet, however nothing else, that way, we could make a cool little brodie, I could work on a full pack for this, I'm pretty good with slab6 :D
    Also I have a SMLE, a MP18, a Maxim, and a mauser, is that good or what!
    Also i have a medic for the tent :D
    Trenches should be 2 blocks deep also.
    Should I start work on the pack now?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    "No Man's Land" is awesome name! I just thought that having a third trench system would add more strategy because you could charge and capture it to force the enemy back, without them having your base trenches and spawn camping.

    As for the tanks, a couple of destroyed ones in the middle would be really cool. And I also thought that some airplanes would be cool, like the Red Baron's plane. The red cross truck is a good idea, but I don't know what to do for intel. I'll look for somethings that can be used as objectives.

    As for a skin pack, I had thought there was one for WW1, but I can't find it now. For the players, we could just change there colors to make them look a little more like real uniforms.

    I think the map should be a little more shallow, because it would be pretty easy to tunnel in that. Maybe 10 or less? Buildings might be good, but it should look more like a European country side, not a city or village. So maybe like a bombed out farmhouse?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I made a WW1 pack, It includes uniforms an SMLE rifle and a Maxim Machine gun, should I give it to you, if yes would you prefer brodies or berets?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago
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