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  • "Griefing"

    This isn't minecraft. This game is war.

    But of course, in wars are certain rules. You could grief the other team structures, but not the structures of your team, that would be betrayal. And yeah, if you are a traitor, you deserve to be kicked I'm not disagreeing with that.

    But in the other hand, if you grief the other team structures, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE KICKED. Why? Because that's how war is, destroying the other team structures is strategical and it isn't greafing.

    Why did I made this thread? Because i got kicked with pretty much no reason from a server, and I don't want this to happen on every server. I got kicked just because I said that a bridge - made by greens- was a big autism. The players started saying, "dealwithit.jpg" "this is a building game too!" And then I got kicked. With not a real reason.

    We should do something about that votekick, some users abuse of it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I've thought it's obvious that you are allowed to destroy enemy stuff. Naturally it is part of the game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, me too. But on that server everyone that tried to do something to the bridge, or in my case, offended it, were kicked.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't see a problem in kicking people who teamswitch to destroy the enemy buildings, but if you're just destroying it by normal enemy means and getting kicked, I'd say to forget about that server and find a better one.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It does get annoying when a third of the team builds a castle on the other side of the map from the intel and just sits in it.

    This game is fun because the buildings serve a real purpose and it's not a place to really be artistic.

    You can argue its what you want to be, but the fact that the score board rewards killing and intel captures basically is the rule of thumb that, you should probably help your team accomplish those goals.
    Minecraft is a great game because it has no goals, so go play that. I hate to say that to sound like those guys that grief constantly and then say "go play minecraft!" but ... they do have a point.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah. I was just on a server a few minutes ago and some the players were trying to get me kicked for destroying the structure that they had built. Luckily I didn't get kicked, though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I get really annoyed at builders. Especially ones that only build. Even if they see the enemy or can easily capture the intel. Fair enough people who build things like forts and pillboxes, they are strategic. But countless times have I seen people (fair enough not so much now) build gingerbread houses and things. Minecraft Classic is free and you get to build anything. As previously mentioned, people who say 'GO PLAY MINECRAFT NUB!' (like me hehe) have a point. Don't take up spaces in a game instead of letting people play who actually want to. I got opped on a Classic server for building a tower.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I love when people make huge fortresses designed so that the enemy can easily use them against us. Buildings do not need four walls!

    Posted 13 years ago
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