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  • 0.58 review. Shotty Sniping Proof Inside.
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    My first review, hopefully I'll do more.

    As usual I went on the internet to check if the new update was out yet. I was incredibly eager to release my exciment by blasting people in the face with the new shotgun, then I saw it; 0.58 download.
    I then proceded to download it and then I went on a few servers to test everything out. they are split into sections:

    Rifle Accuracy.
    Myself (and probably many people) are happy that the accuracy of the rifle is back, though like Ben said it decreases with continuous shots. I was having a hard time at first with the rifle because I got so used to the cone after a while, nevertheless it was a good period of rifle revision: how to get good headshots.

    SMG balance.
    The Smg is AWESOME now, though not my prefered weapon, the accuracy of the smg is alot more comfortable aswell as it's recoil. The range for it is nice too. It's pretty useful for when you go behind enemy rifle cover and you unleash hell upon them.

    New weapon: Shotgun.
    The Shotgun is a pretty damn powerful weapon, deals a high amount of damage to players it is also useful for going behind enemy cover and taking about 5 people down (in most cases with you). But it seems ben forgot to balance this weapon out unfortunatly, when I was on the server some people (do note that it takes skill to do this) could SNIPE with a shotgun. about 20 or 30 blocks away I could get blasted in the face by someone with a shotgun from a distance where theres a slight glimmer of them in the fog. It's just ridiculous, shotguns aren't meant for sniping; snipers are (or in AoS's case, rifles). The Shotgun has a pretty balanced ammo count aswell as reloading time.

    The new fog effects are nice because now we can have day, night, disco...
    It allows players to fully imerse in the game, giving a more realistic feel, now we only need lighting effects.

    The default AoS servers are laggy, the ping count (in the pretty useful ping display) is quite high, and more lag means less fun gameplay (like when I was going to use a shotgun on a green in front of me, I lagged and walked right in front of him -_-")

    +The rifles accuaracy.
    +The SMG has been balanced well.
    +coloured fog! (well this point doesn't count so much)
    +New weapon: The Shotgun is powerful but...
    -...Shotgun's range is too far, It's needs to be balanced.
    -The Normal Servers are laggy.

    And there you have it, my lovely review. please comment below!

    *note to people who slam this game: I just wrote a review with good and bad points, and it was a fair review, Is it that fucking hard to actually say/write something decent about the game?

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    the shotgun is actually ridiculous. I killed someone with 2 shots when they where 3/4 to the fog line. I know that they are semi accurate in real life, but in real life can you respawn, So the spread has to be a bit more, like make it 15 blocks then it becomes semi-useless.
    Sniping is bawss now, you better not go into the open if the enemy has 2+ guys with rifles.

    Posted 13 years ago

    shotgun in my opinion is good if you snipe someone they are mostlikely low on health

    Posted 13 years ago

    You guys are idiots.

    First of all, A shotgun is a medium range weapon. Most shotguns are effective up to 100 yards away. It not like in call of duty where the bullets disappear magically after 5 feet.
    Second of all, For all of you "1 hit kills on the fog line" with a shot gun, did it ever cross you mind there person was hurt before you shot them?
    At medium ranges on a standing target, the shotgun hits them with1 or 2 pellets maybe every 3 to 4 shots.
    At long distance it gets even worse.
    The fact is bullets continue until the fog limit, meaning that you should and can get a lucky hit with he random spread of the shotgun. This will happen even if you increase the spread.
    The shotgun is perfect right now, quit whining because you got killed by one. That does'nt mean it's over powered.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @mrt8062 but you mean that the sniper is good though because you then take the kill.
    Imagnine there wasn't a sniper picking them off with the shotgun, then you'll see it's range is overpowered.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    @muncher, im guessing your a deuce. and also the chance that someone else hurt them is very low.
    EDIT: also I saw your post on psyades 0.58, it proves my point that your a deuce.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I get timed out from every single server I play...

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate the update,for ppl like me you can't join any servers cuz of the lag!

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Dw Winston, hopefully psyades and maybe a new update will fix things? otherwise, check your internet settings.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    i think people need to realise that the shotgun sniping "problem" is actually a much more realistic twist on the typical videogame shotgun. in real life a pump action shotgun could be used as a rifle by someone with very good aim from up to about 100 yards, unlike how most videogames show shotguns as really weak and inaccurate from long range

    Sneaky Cheetah
    Posted 13 years ago

    Slugs lethal to 400 yards
    Lethal to 10 feet

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Sneaky if it can snipe though it might aswell not be a shotgun. :S.
    but if it's supposed to snipe then I want better recoil.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think people need to stop using how shotguns act in real life as justification for how they act in AoS. I have not played 0.58 yet but gameplay balance is what matters, not realism. If people think that having less range would make the game more enjoyable then so be it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    fuck the update i cant download it

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    I love all these Ad hominem attacks.

    I can't disprove your point! I'll just call you names! That will show you!

    Yeah no. Shut up kid.

    1. You can't prove they weren't hurt, and the chance 5 pellets or more hit them at the edge of the fog is extremely small. In fact, it's probably impossible. The only way TO kill someone on the edge of the fog line is if they are hurt. There is no other way.

    2.Well psyspades is shit. IT makes it so we can't use the default map, makes you use those shitty dirt nade, and has those god awful killstreaks. You probably think pinpoint is the best map.

    So yeah, either research first or shut up.

    But it works fine in gameplay. Just kids think they can one shot people at the edge of the map, which is just not true.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Guys...I was spawn camping. The person had full health! We dont give a fuck about real life, read my posts. Just even the game up a bit.
    @muncher you r-tard, you can change all those on spadille. Let the hosting go to the grown ups

    Posted 13 years ago

    Grown-ups would want to play on the default map. You know the map the game is supposed to be played on?

    I read your post, I didn't get how a spread could be a "bat" more. Leave the spelling to the grown-ups

    Until I get some solid evidence that you can kill someone at with to shots on the fog line, I'm going to keep calling bullshit.
    And when I mean evidence, I mean real evidence. It has to happen every time. If it's just a lucky shot, then it's not evidence.
    The fact is, the shotgun does not reliably kill someone at far ranges. It defiantly does not one shot them. Any competent player could easily turn around, and boom head-shot before you could shoot more then 3 times. It's not a long range weapon no matter how much you lie and say you sniped someone with it.

    Also, grown-ups don't say r-tard. I stopped saying that in 4th grade. About 15 years ago.

    Posted 13 years ago

    with TWO shots on the fog line
    leave the spelling to the grown ups.
    if its a lucky shot its not evidence? If i potshot someone in real life and get a headshot, the bullet isnt evidence?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @muncher OBJECTION I asked them ;P and do you ever pay attenshion to chat? AND I myself was getting killed by a shotgun sniper, and fyi psyspades isn't shit, because of psysades we have melee, rollbacks, admins, banning and being able to tell deuces like you how to change thier name, I DID research, and who better to tell the facts than myslef since I was killed by a shotgun sniper!
    And also:
    Don't call me Kid, Respect your elders muncher.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh and one final thing muncher before we KO your arse. YOU leave the spelling to grown-ups. Considering you can't spell a four letter word. Shot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You can't say something is overpowered in a game if it only happens once out of one hundred times. Then it's just luck.
    I can get three shots in a row with the SMG at the fog line if I'm lucky, does that mean the SMG is OP? No, It means the recoil was just random in my favor.

    With random spreads there will always be lucky shots. Jut because you got one lucky shot does not mean the gun is overpowered, it means the random spread was in your favor.
    That does'nt mean the weapon is OP.

    Luck shots are going to happen. Deal with it.
    Unless you can two shot people on the fog line, consistently (that means 5 out of 10 times), then it's just random luck.

    One time you got killed by a shotgun is not research. You have to test it multiple times to see what the outcome of multiple tests is. Just saying you got killed once does not give you tested point or any evidence. Neither does just restating your point and saying "I'm right your wrong". you have no evidence at all, and are just spouting shit.

    Also, melee isn't worth playing a shitty map on, rollbacks are buggy at best (still the only good thing of psyspades), kid admins like you ruin the game, having team damage on all the time encourages team killing, and banning just gives you kid admins more power.

    @[HK] CaptainOAP
    You can't KO someone on the internet. You and your friend are just trying to throw petty insults out to prove your point, which doesn't work at all.
    Until you guys get video proof of someone being two shot on the fog line 50 out of 100 times, you have no proof or point. But you can't do that, because it does'nt happen.

    Also, shot is spelled right I don't know what you are talking about.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @CaptinOAP *high five*

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Pro-tip - there is no random recoil on the SMG, it alwasy sways left to right while going up.
    Also, I jsut killed someone with 3 shots AT fog line while being shot at by an SMG spammer, and killed him. Of course he had full health, he just spawned at was AFK,

    Also, Ive yet to play with team damage on. I doubt everyone uses it, or enjoys it. Rollbacks are awesome if done right. Remember, it has to be done right to be good - like fish.

    EDIT: Stop making it from 1/2 times, to 5/10 times, now to 50/100 times.

    HAHA IT ONLY HAPPANED 9,999,999 out of 2,000,000 it's just luck!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @muncher umad bro?
    I'm a good admin, I don't turn team killing on (unless under special circumstances e.g to kill griefers) And also, you couldn't get a shot at the fog line because the SMG has a medium shooting distance and I wasn't killed once... I was killed five times (perhaps more)! *ace attorney music* and luck? what about the rifle pin-point accuracy on the first shot? and melee is fun, good for going behind cover. And I ban the greifers, or Trolls like you.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Nowa90 thanks for the tip, I must try it out.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    And? That does'nt give me any proof you can 2 shot people on the fog line reliably with the shotgun. Your word isn't shit.
    Still waiting for that 50/100 on video kid.

    Posted 13 years ago


    "Grown-ups would want to play on the default map. You know the map the game is supposed to be played on?"

    To rephrase that:

    "I like the default map, therefore anyone who likes anything else is childish and knows nothing about the game!" (including Ben, apparently)

    This is even more laughable than your "shotguns work this way in real life so they should work this way in AoS too" argument :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I will record now, a shotgun kill from the fog.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And? That does'nt give me any proof you can 2 shot people on the fog line reliably with the shotgun. Your word isn't shit.
    Still waiting for that 50/100 on video kid.

    No just disappointed.

    You still have yet to do more then say "OH IT HAPPENED TO ME!!! FOR REALZZZ!!!11"
    I haven't seen any photo or video evidence of this happening reliably.

    Also, the SMG shots continue till the fog line. It's perfectly possible to kill someone on the fog line with the SMG. Once again, research before posting.

    I never said pin-point accuracy was luck. A random shotgun spread relies on luck though.
    Also, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a troll.

    I have to go, I'm going to the beach with my girlfriend.
    When I come back I expect a video of you killing someone, with the shotgun, on the fog line, with two shots, 50/100 times.

    @ [Komrade]Nowa90
    it has to happen reliably 50 out of 100 times, with two shots.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Nowa90 will get the proof (I don't have fraps or decent recording software).

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago
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