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  • What's the worst server you've ever been on?
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    I'll start. I was just on a server called Burritos Bunker Buildoff, and right when I get there, the admin M_Velacott teamkills some Deuce. The Deuce says he was breaking his own base, yet the tool of an admin refuses to believe. I point out that he has no proof one way or the other, and he "warns" me. I go on with my business, and he kicks some other Deuce for saying "nigger".

    He keeps going on about having order in the server and that crap, and I've had enough, so I get some friends on, switch to the team he's not on, and try to votekick him. Then, he just randomly kicks me, for no reason. What a dick.

    What's the worst experience you've ever had on a server?

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    That "HK" server, god its so full of shit, and the admins are poopy >:(

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    everyone join and kick his circlejerker(s)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can't even get in that one, because of the global banlist. All welcome, my ass.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I know, I was just there.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @[HK]DeathEnhanced Yeah, the admins are asses, theres SO much lag, it's impossible to kick someone, and the maps it host suck.
    But really...uh well I useually dont play on random servers so the aloha servers. No moderation whatso ever and it's full of douche bags(mostly).

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Every single server on the main server list. Seriously, why can't people just host a randomly generated map?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Sham's server. I got banned that time I impersonated kaede. I didn't even grief anything or say anything offensive. I just got straight-up banned for life.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Goon Haven

    Since i got banned by noobs cuz i played way too well. (Reason:obvious hacking, yeah right.)
    Get 7 kills on that server = airstrike, full health, full ammo.
    So i kept killing cuz those ppl sucked hard.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was on one, I forgot what it was called, and a bunch of people started going crazy, saying things like KILL ALL JEWS and JEW CUNT, and when I told them to stop being such assholes, they called me JEW LOVER. And when I tried to get an admin to help, it turns out he was one of them. Then they tried to kick me, but luckily there were enough normal people on the server.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ForestBurger: Sounds a bit like my server. :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Aloha Island. I got globally banned for 'cheating' when all I did was spam dirt grenades (fun btw) and pickaxe people to death (and all attempts to contact Stack have failed). Go figure.

    Come to think of it, anything hosted by Izzy seems to suck realllly bad.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Any server where they try and enforce a truce so they can build some random effigy, one of the Stalingrad servers had a "Blue Disco" and the people behind it got all uptight when you tried to play the game properly, boggles my simple mind.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Forgot the name of server but i join and they like OMG it's a [PS] and i automaticaly got kicked and that was when [PS] just started like a day after.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I hate hallway, it's filed with nothing but spawn campers and snipers. Plus, the hallway is frickin death alley.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^I Agree with you.Hallway is just filled with spawn camping noobs.

    The Man
    Posted 13 years ago

    And most of the time its not even really a hallway. Everyone just digs through the sides.

    Posted 13 years ago

    hallways just needs to die....

    Posted 13 years ago

    hallway would be fun if all the map generated blocks where invincable and u could only build as high as 5 blocks under the top so that ppl couldnt spawn snipe

    Posted 13 years ago

    HK sever

    Posted 13 years ago

    IM the host of Burritos Bunker Buildoff and he said he was capable of being an Admin while I was out of the server working on some things.

    Apparently someone didnt follow the guidelines I set before Kicking or banning, I shall work on it thank you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Not sure if one week=necro or not, but I have a new addition.

    I was on ORS tonight just playing, when I was suddenly temp-banned for no reason. I went to their Xat, and one of the admins said I was an impostor. I informed him I wasn't, and the guy said to let the temp-ban run out. We got upset, because he shouldn't have just instantly banned us, and he said he'd tell the main admin when he got on, and he'd probably be demoted.

    Later on the main admin agreed to demote him for a week, then I got on and jokingly said "He also called me the N-word. Just saying." And seeing how they can't take a joke, I got this:

    They told me to get on the server if I wanted to talk. I did, where after a few minutes, I was met with this:

    tl;dr Fuck you ORS.

    Posted 13 years ago

    the Komrade server is a piece of shit.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    for me it was probably one of those aloha servers that hosts the same boring map all the time, i think it is just that they never changed maps, and it was on something very common. but the server was fine, i haven't ran into any rude administrators or anything like that, so there is not very much to compare

    Posted 13 years ago


    By what admin and when were you banned from Goon Haven?

    Or where you votekicked?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah.. back on topic, I joined the Fort Wars server, and it was a good map, can't tell a lie, but some of them banned me for 15 mins just because I was in a squad and kept respawning my friends in the enemy tower, I mean, really, if you can't kill me and my friends before we respawn then you can't stop us. and they said the reason was "spawnkilling" there used to be a glitch in the server where I kept respawning on the top of the tower no matter what, so they just spawnkilled me so I wouldn't be an annoyance, luckily I was able to escape, and it was freaking hard because they had 3 people on the tower, and one of them with a shotgun was spawnkilling me from 1 block away, I escaped being spawnkilled twice and killed them off twice, I left the server and then rejoined so the glitch doesnt work anymore, Then I rejoined, they votekicked me again, this time they suceeded.

    (I thought of taking revenge, I tried rejoining until my 24" screen was completely filled up by more then 70 error messages, I think attempting to join the server might lag a bit because obviously you have to go in, then the server will have to check if you were already tempbanned, then immediately prevents you from joining. all of that MUST take up some server activity, so I figured if I do it fast enough it will cause SOME lag.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm about to go on the ORS server and ask them why they banned ReubenMcHawk. Wish me luck (not to get banned :P).

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Good luck xD

    Posted 13 years ago

    I could ask, I get on well with the admins.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago
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