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  • Equipment such as. . .

    Does anyone else agree there should be
    Claymores to protect yourself in your base, Medic Packs to heal yourself or others when away from base, and Goggles to see enemies from a distance?

    Posted 13 years ago

    claymores, people would spam them, medkits, you can go to the tent, or it's not worth you're time, Goggles, just use your sight/scope.
    So no, don't mean to be an arcehole about it though, so sorry.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Claymores,hurts allies,can only have one at a time,and cant use it...lets say,inside an area of 30 blocks from the intel and CP?
    About the medkits,go to the tent,if in the heat of battlefield,maybe something that uses the grenades slot,and heals over time e.g 5 hp/sec for 10 secs?Googles,just use the the sights

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 13 years ago

    Claymores would be spamed(unless you only got one.
    Medic packs sound good but im not sure how they would be implemented.
    Goggles...eh mabye if they could see through the fog a bit.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    No proximity weapons.
    I'd say either Grenades, or a Detonator-pack.

    Medic-packs should also fill the grenade slot.

    Binoculars are not a bad idea either...

    It's starting to make me think that the slot the Grenade occupies should just be an "Item Slot" of a sort.

    Posted 13 years ago

    how about just new weapons

    Posted 13 years ago

    well i suggested this in a game a few hours ago.....a medic class where on your back as a mini tent that worked like a tent or only respplied every 20 secs or did it slowly over time (like the bf1942 and bf vietnam ones did) and they walked 20% slower because of the weight and only had a pistol....the good side to them though is that they take headshots to take out (not that hard being that 1/3 of a guys body is a head) and that there can only be 1-2 at a time...maybe after like 15 resuplies they run out...idk i just want medics but not op medics and i think my idea is good but not op/barely op....so tell me what you think

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ I'm confused...the medic has a tent on him? What?

    But, about those ideas...

    I like the idea of having the grenade slot as an 'item' slot, so you can swap out grenades for something. Also, WE NEED A WAY TO HEAL ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Resupplies would be a good idea, too.

    The claymores are a massive NO though. Perhaps landmines that you step on and they blow, but not claymores.

    As for the goggles, surely you mean Binoculars? We really don't need those.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nades or Satchel Charge.

    Not only have proximity mines/weapons not been invented, I simply hate it when everyone thinks Bouncing Bettie's or Claymores are proxy mines. BBs have to have been stepped on and claymores are triggered via detonator.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Claymores-I think that they should NOT be restockable, the only way to resupply them is to die, and when you die any claymores you placed should go away. Also, they shouldn't be able to be placed within a 30x30x30 cube around the intel, like Chaos_BR said. However, I think they shouldn't hurt allies, and that you should start with two. And I also agree with BobBunny, the claymore should be remote detonated. PERFECT for ambushing. Also, ther should be C4, with he claymore having a directional blast, but the C4 just being a spherical blast. The only downside would be griefers.

    I agree with the fact that there should be a Medic Kit and Resupply Kit, and like someone mentioned they should have only a pistol, but can be killed normally and can act like a spawnpoint.

    Goggles-hell no. However, there should be an official sniper rifle, with adjustable zoom.

    Also, I think there should be a "special item" slot (slot 6) that would have all of thse ideas. And i support having contact mines that look like blocks but when contact is made with the block or the adjacent blocks, it explodes in a 3x3x3 sphere, destroying teammates and enemies.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So is it everybody's aim to make AoS Call of Duty in this forum?

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago

    Claymores should be restockable, but you can only have one down at a time. If you put a second down, the first disapears. Medic Packs should heal 50 health, and you get 2. Binoculars sound like a GREAT idea. Being able to see for farther distances is always good in this game. I don't think it would be very overpowered though, with the other equipements you can put in your box of goodies(Grenade slot). Contact mines: HELL NO think about it, on a map like hallway, or of that sort, spawntrapped, and contact mines everywhere near your base!?!?

    Posted 13 years ago


    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^what he said

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^what i he said

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^What I he I said

    Posted 13 years ago
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