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  • Insomnia

    Does anyone have any ways of getting to sleep easier? And don't say get off the computer and go to bed. I've already tried to go to sleep and I can't.

    Posted 13 years ago

    See a doctor

    Posted 13 years ago

    For insomnia? I can buy sleeping pills. I think I have them in fact. I just can't take them... or something.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Insomnia is a pretty serious medical condition

    There's some chemical imbalance in your brain, see a doctor.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know... you sound like you know a little bit about it so here's what I experience...
    I have trouble falling asleep even when I'm tired, however I feel extremely tired watching TV when I'm already tired. Even if I sleep for 12 hours I will feel sleepy when I wake up and will not get much more awake during the course of the day.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Dude, its the same for me too.
    I sometimes stay up for 1-3 nights straight, because I couldn't sleep.
    Its been like that for me since I was like 3.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't think I have EVER been awake fore 24 hours. Except once... I think I may have been a few minutes out though. But it's because I'm SO tired when I wake up. Like, I fell asleep at 6pm once, woke up at 12am and was too tired to go out.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Do your homework.
    I'd recommend buying sleeping pills.

    Posted 13 years ago

    you over sleep when you do, actually. You dont have insomnia, you jsut dont know how to make a sleep cycle. From 12pm to 8am, just lay in bed na dtry to sleep. If you cant, just lie there with no electronics. just keep doing it everyday, and dont nap or sleep other then in those hours +/- 2 hours

    Posted 13 years ago

    Keep in mind that insomnia is not the same as sleeping problems. I have sleeping problems, sometimes I stay awake until 8 or so in the morning before falling asleep, that's not insomnia though, that's just a fucked up sleeping pattern.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I know I don't have insomnia.
    I just have somewhat sleeping problems.
    Oh well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Maybe not insomnia. But still major sleeping problems. The title was maybe a little over exagerrated. But I have two stories. One is that right now, I'm awake and yet I have to be up in about four hours. The other is that yesterday, I was supposed to be going to the cinema. I fell asleep at about the same time it is now(6:30am), probably a bit later. I had to get up at 10:30am. My alarm went off, I woke up and turned it off but because I had had just over 3 hours sleep, I fell back to sleep. I thought that it was just me and two of my friends going. During the two hour period between the film and when my alarm went off, two girls who I know, one of whom I like agreed to go with us. My friend texted me this. I woke up again at 4pm and looked at my texts which is when I saw said text. A few minutes later, my friend called me asking why I didn't go, how good the film was and informed me that the girl I like is now going out with the other friend who went. And if it wasn't for my FUCKING SLEEPING PROBLEMS, this probably would not have happened.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well first thing is first you have to actually be tired. It may take a couple days to get back into your normal sleeping pattern but just take it a day at a time, try to go to sleep an hour earlier than you usually do.
    With me, I just have trouble falling asleep even if I'm really tired. I can't concentrate enough to fall asleep because I'm constantly thinking about other things so I actually have to think "sleep, sleep, sleep". It works eventually.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago
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