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    Let the feedback flow, everyone.

    Personally I'm overjoyed that my rifle works properly again, and the SMG finally seems worth using from time to time. The way the shotgun works is exceptionally well done. It's interesting to see my ping now- I seem to be averaging between 190-300 ping and it still runs mostly smooth somehow. At one stage I got killed by a grenade but was told it was a shotgun, but that's a minor quibble.

    A bigger problem though it the hit indicators- nothing wrong with them being there, but they need to be tweaked. several times I was being fired on from in front- the guy may have been near the side of the screen but he was still firmly in front of me. I see tracer coming at me from in front, and the same hit registers a 'side' display on the hit detectors. It's happened a few times and it can get a bit distracting. Instead of trusting in the tracers I instinctively think I'm being attacked from my side as well, turning to face the new threat only to find there's nothing there...

    ...then I usually get killed by the guy in front. I think that needs a bit of fixing but otherwise the release seems pretty good.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I think the problem with the indicator is that it only shows front, left, back and right. It needs to be a dynamic 360 degree sensor.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I like AoS, I don't care what CoD kids say.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 12 years ago

    im just glad my lovely rifle is back.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 12 years ago

    The shotgun's range is too large and the SMG feels underpowered.

    Other than that, this has to be one of my favorite updates.

    Posted 12 years ago

    The shotgun is not overpowered you have to be within 7 blocks to kill someone for me.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 12 years ago

    If you fired at someone from the side when they are on an elevation it is next to impossible to even hit him.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I personally hate the shotgun, everybody seems to be killing me with it and I can't kill anyone with the shotty.
    I other news, it's good that the rifle is back to normal. I also feel that the smg changed that much but it's still my favorite gun. :p

    Posted 12 years ago

    I dont like the shotty thaaaat much.It' good to some maps that are small,but now I prefer the SMG,and the rifle is really good with this new accurace.

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 12 years ago

    Just SO happy to be able to shoot straight with the rifle again. So very happy.

    Posted 12 years ago


    Posted 12 years ago

    I love the shotgun.
    I've seen people complain that it needs to be nerfed but I have no idea why they would want to say that; at long ranges you can't do shit. It should kill instantly close up as well, it's a fucking shotgun.

    What pisses me off about the rifle though is that it's instant kill with those who know how to aim at the head well. So basically this makes all other guns obsolete because it will always be an instant kill (assuming you can always get headshots, which is very possible) at any range with exact accuracy. Plus it isn't like you aim down the sight or anything slower.

    Keeping this in mind compared to other guns, the shotgun is only instant kill up close (sometimes, it depends where you shoot) and doesn't have the range, and the SMG takes about 999999 bullets to kill someone anyways and has awful kick and accuracy.

    Posted 12 years ago

    dont aim with shotty burst with smg and scope with semi thats all you need to do

    Posted 12 years ago

    I dont think the shotgun needs to be nerfed,I like it,I just think that the SMG and the rifle are better.

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 12 years ago

    I think the problem with the indicator is that it only shows front, left, back and right. It needs to be a dynamic 360 degree sensor.

    Why though? existing indicators that have 4 directions have always worked fine in other games- and how would you implement a 3D display anyway?

    Posted 12 years ago

    I'm just saying that I once got shot in the side, turned to my left (where the indicator said I was shot from), saw no one and then died. It turned out the guy was between my left and my back. If at least there was more than four directions (say 8? 16?) then I think it would work better and if it moved depending on where you were looking (say if I get shot in the back and I turn around, the indicator would now be facing in front of me) which is what I call dynamic, it would also work better.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I think he means that it turns with your character, and is more exact with the hit direction. Instead of left or right, it shows its like 27 degrees north or something.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Yeah basically. Doesn't have to be that precise though. Just like N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW.

    Posted 12 years ago

    i love the shotgun, i dont think its strong enough, i can hit someone 2 times in the chest at point blank and he turns around and kills me

    Posted 12 years ago

    I think it's strength is fine however the spread isn't large enough. Make it wider and I think it would be fine.

    Posted 12 years ago

    some of them are probably hitting his arm. It happens to me a bit while using the rifle and someone is crouchin. (.54 days)

    Posted 12 years ago

    Smg still feels outclassed in everything but wood pecking (destroying blocks to get to people behind it), and i shouldnt be able to get sniped by a shotty (but maybe its just the killed by thing glitching in psyspades idk). other than that i love the new fog thing and rifle acc system.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 12 years ago

    Oh well if it's a compass-like hit display you mean, then yeah, I'd be all for that too.

    I agree with Fluttershy about the SMG, but I think the shotgun is just right.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I'm surprised to say that the SMG is my weapon of choice now. I'm total ace with the rifle, so using a different gun adds more challenge. Plus, I find SMG kills more satisfying.

    Posted 12 years ago

    i think that the shotgun has to mutch range

    afro samurai
    Posted 12 years ago

    protip for shotty ppls: dont go rambo in wide open or U DED

    Posted 12 years ago

    Its brilliant that the rifle is really fun to use again. Very happy about that, great stuff!

    Posted 12 years ago

    Sea sniping is possible again.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Rifle>All guns at any range but CQC
    Shotgun> All guns (Unless you are godly with the headshots) in CQC
    SMG = Something.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 12 years ago

    I think the sound files for the shotgun, or how they are reproduced, need a bit of tweaking. I oftentimes hear as if I were being shot in the face at point-blank when the shooter might be several blocks away, even not aiming at me or with layers of blocks between us (say, underground).

    Also, the shotty isn't that great for really really really close CQC. If you miss the first shot, which is very possible given both of you are chimping out like Negroes on PCP, Jamal will very likely outgun you given the time it takes to cycle a boomstick.

    Daddy Warbux
    Posted 12 years ago
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