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  • New roles

    now that we have basic combat weapons we need
    short range, med range, and long range

    we need to start getting new role types and special weapons to dd new playstyles to the game. a couple ideas

    mortar- shoots a rocket into an enemy zone
    advantages- deals lots of damage every shot and less risk because you can stand back
    disadvantages- no way of aiming other than a view of the map, mortar aims by zone, so you choose what zone to shoot a mortar at. it has a high reload time and is uneffective except in groups of 2-3 mortars.

    mines- lays a mine on target block, turning it into an explosive block. if an enemy gets within 2 blocks in any direction the mine blows up and kills them.
    the use of this weapon is to kill diggers and advancing units. place it at the frontline or deep in the ground to stop diggers. you can place them every couple blocks up and down to stop diggers completely.

    turret- places a powerful turret at location
    advantages-extremely powerful and hard to kill. has 1000 health and protects operator from front
    disadvantages-has to be carried, slowing you down, and takes awhile to setup. primarily defensive as chances of successfully setting up on frontline are slim.

    I feel like these weapons may give players a chance to be on the defense instead of having the NEED to attack and leave noone to defend. It would add more depth and strategy to the game. The weapons are not my suggestion, my suggestion is to add roles to the game and perhaps a way to make defending more viable.

    tell me what you think :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    All have been suggestd.
    Short, Med, and long range weapons
    Short = Shotty
    Med = Rifle/SMG
    Long = Rifle

    Mortar, been suggested before, personally do not like your version of it.
    Mines, suggested before. Mines are not proxy mines. They never have been.
    Turret, OP always.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the idea of the turret, but just one problem is that your version is overpowered.
    I was thinking the special would be slot 6, and be either the mines or turret. In some servers there is an airstrike which is a reward for getting 6 kills in a row aftr kill 15.
    The mines could be "blocks". once contact is made with a gun, pickaxe, or player, it blows up. To give a chance to defuse and kill, it blows up if contact by stated items is made with the mine or the adjacent tiles. If someone touches it with a shovel, they get a free mine if they have the mines in slot 6.

    For the turret, it only has 100 health and the "headshot" area is the swivel point between the tripod and gun. Also, if the player is hit, the gun "absorbs" the damage until it has no health left, at which point it is destroyed. Another ide would be for the turret to have a limit of 100 round clips with 200 rounds of backup and a 10 second reload time. Or, the turrets could start out as being already on the map, and once the turret is out of ammo, it is unusable until the round is over.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Mortars should be aimed at 2 angles, one for direction, one for elevation (increasing and decreasing the distance). Damage/RoF/Max. Distance/Min. Distance etc. etc. are all debatable, but the aiming should be like that.

    Turrets have -kind of- been suggested before, in the form of machine guns on bipods etc., but I really like your version of it, even though you have suggested a ridiculously overpowered one there.

    As for mines - yes, but not proxy. It should be upon contact, and there should also be a subtle indicator of a mine there (maybe a slight tint in block colour, a barely-noticeable bulge, or whatever), and it should be removable with a spade.

    So that's my ideas for your ideas.

    Posted 13 years ago
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