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  • Released map: Slam

    With this map I wanted to force all players to a certain central area of the map, I decided to go with a canyon, there are no bridges to cross this canyon, but there are stairs to the bottom of the map, where you can then cross to the other side. There are three sets of stairs on each side, you could destroy two and defend one, or defend all tree, or you could defend them down at the bottom as well. I wanted to make all of the players cross the central area, rather than allow for bottom of the map diggers that will rarely be seen again.

    Download & Screenshots

    Release Log

    Beta 2 (8-19-2011)
    A few changes made to the colors, and the block placement on the surface of the map. There is now more variation on the top surface.

    Beta 1 (8-9-2011)
    Initial release, a canyon map with three staircases on each side, and a base building in the back. As well as a few cactus.


    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow the cactus's are awesome! what a cool idea. Nice layout too.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Impressive. Those columns at the bottom are a nice touch.

    Although, you really can't expect that base building to stand for long.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I made up five different variants of the cactus that I placed around the map, though in actual gameplay I'm sure they will be the first thing to tumble down :P

    I don't (expect the base building to stand) although the base building should be right around the team spawn, so unless your own team knocks it down it could stand the whole game. It's main purpose is to serve as a landmark, from the base building you can see one of the stairway bunkers. The base building is double thick walls, with columns inside, around 102 blocks that needs to be broken for it to fall down.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Any suggestions/feedback for how/what would improve the map?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Maybe more buildings, plants, stuff like that. Feels very empty.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I updated the map today, with a few small changes. The colors will be a little bit different, but not by much. There are more bumps on the surface area now, than before.

    Use the same download link as above.

    I'm not sure if I want to add more buildings and whatnot, a desert/canyon area tends to be empty, and I already have a number of buildings added.

    Running on my new server (Thanks to jestservers.com/)

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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