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  • A Statement on "Global Banning" in General

    I mean no offense to anyone here, sorry if my thread enrages you for whatever reasons; however, by me stating that this thread might enrage people, I am not implying that my intentions are to enrage people, rather, usually some people have rather negative responses to my threads. Keep in mind I speak of future propositions in this thread. Also, on a lighter note, inb4uspelledsomethingwronghere, grammarerrorthere, ufgtgriefr, sumsup1stresponsebasedupontitle, sumsup1stresponsebaseduponskimmingthearticle etc; I don't care and you're not making me angry but please act a little sensible.

    I've been reading throughout the threads over time and whatnot and I've noticed some discussion about the implementation of some sort of required registration system (whether it be free or paid, that's a whole different story, I prefer free) which would also most likely go hand-in-hand with a banning system of some sort; usually most people have spoken that this banning system should be GLOBAL as well. In fact, this feature has already been practiced with pyspades.

    I find it very absurd that in the future some random teenager could be given the ability to permanently ban someone globally from every server in the game thereby preventing said person from playing a FREE, PUBLIC GAME at all, even in local friend's servers, griever tolerance servers, etcetera.

    Where to start.
    At the very basics, what I'm saying that it is nonsensical that there is the possibility (and let's just assume it's going to happen) that I'll be unable to play this game at all one day; due to one instance where I grief some guy's structure and accidentally make the child a little mad that day (and might actually throw a temper tantrum IRL, idk some do) and he complains to a more powerful server admin that I took down his 10 block lego house (and might over exaggerate what happened just to "get the votekick through") and that server admin just adds my IP and account to the global ban list and there, I'm done; eventually the little boy gets over it anyways and goes about his business while I lose access to a pretty decent game.

    This is crazy. As mentioned briefly before, this is a PUBLIC game; not some private circle-jerk and/or cliques only initiation-before-appreciation game. It should be assumed that since this is a PUBLIC game, anything is subject to grieving due to an array of variables including time, amount of people, attention span, etc. In other words, a structure is going to be grieved whether you think it is or not, whether it be by map reset, by the opposite team, by someone in game while you're in protecting it, or by someone in game while you're not protecting it and left. It's going to fall. Keep in mind I'm also talking for Minecraft builders, who make pointless large structures. I don't speak of essential builders, who actually make forts on the battlefront, those should be expected to fall apart eventually due to battle stress. But when grievers grief random pointless out-of-the-way items such as creepers, faces, text, etc, that were built by people who are basically thinking "free minecraft", in context with AoS, should not be grieving unless it is a "Build only" server (free minecraft servers) because they are out of place and serve no purpose to the point of the game in most servers, which is to capture the flag (and more-so Team Deathmatch now).

    Ok, I understand that any type of grieving is bad anyways in most people's eyes, ban me from that particular server, but don't ban me from every last damn one of them, simply because some anon made you temporarily angry on a virtual shooting game on the internet (it's just a game, rebuild another one). By giving me a GLOBAL BAN, you're assuming that I'm going to run around grieving EVERY server I go into, not just YOUR server. Valid assumption, I suppose, yet very faulty, what if I don't want to grief a different server, rather, simply play in it or do whatever really?

    Q/A Section
    Well you do realize that not everyone would have the power to do this correct?
    Yes, however, it still only takes someone to piss off the wrong person with that kind of power or persuasion, whether it be close friends of those who can add global bans or the ones that can, etcetera. And of course, when the limits are pushed, it comes down to the morals or thought process or whatever of that person. I personally don't know any sort of grieving on any structure that would be severe enough to constitute a permanent, global ban from every server. For starters, the structure can be rebuilt, manually or by rollback, if you really want the fort or minecraft structure back. It's only temporary. You know you're gonna go build something new anyways and as I've said before, it WILL fall eventually no matter what standard server you're on. Something that should constitute global bans might be account hacking or etc.

    (This question might apply to current issues) Well since ur banned frum pyspades y don't u just g0 2 a different survr (or mke ur own wo piespayds?) ?/
    I've seen this question before, mind you, and it's a cop-out excuse. If you look on spadille after a few weeks of a major release (like recently with 0.54) you'll notice that about 75-80% are pyspades? I did. If you look at the normal servers without pyspades, they're normally ass and have pings out the roof, with no users in them. Also, I'm running off an average connection with an ass router, so servers with people in it are out of the question.

    Now, with (assumed) future implementation so that every server has global ban capabilities, I can't do anything I'm done.

    Well u shoulda thought b4 griefing my struct huh umad?
    See this whole post. You'll get over it eventually, you can always rebuild, it's just a game, etc etc etc etc, so please stop crying to every server admin for a ban.

    All grifs R eVIL u hav NO opinon!
    You're 12.

    Are you actually banned from it right now on pyspades?
    No. In this whole post I'm speaking of possibilities and scenarios/future scenarios

    I can't think of anything else to say it's 3 am and im bored nite

    Posted 13 years ago

    I definitely agree that a global ban should not be something any server admin can apply. If such a feature gets added, it should be restricted to a very small group of people, such as Ben and the current forums admins. Getting a global ban against a player is something that should require the player doing serious foul deeds on a bunch of servers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It was said only a few special selected admins can globally ban people.
    By the way a global ban for griefing is like life sentence for bullying
    Also it shouldn't be permanent.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Fleek please do not copy me!

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    I said bullying not littering

    Posted 13 years ago

    Another excellent post from Jazz. I anxiously await the griefer patrol's arrival, disregarding the entire post based on the theory "all grifurs=sociopathic 12-year-old sexually confused kid whose daddy hit him".

    Posted 13 years ago

    y do so many people on this forum write essays, most of it is repetitive

    Posted 13 years ago

    Why do so many people on this forum have bad grammar?

    Posted 13 years ago

    You prove a lot of valid points jazz. A lot of people are blinded by the desire for a registration system that they don't properly think it through, which is nothing new for this game. I guess I can respond to this in 2 ways, on behalf of the current unofficial banlist and a possible future official banlist.

    Present *Unofficial* Bans:

    As I've stated in the main thread regarding the blacklist (which I'm fairly sure you've probably read), only certain admins are given access to the blacklist. At first it was private but I realized that in the act of fairness, it should be able to be judged by the scrutiny of the public. Additionally, these admins (and myself, which is rare) are to only add to the blacklist for certain cases such as cheating, "hacking", and as some described it - excessive griefing. Whether you scoff at the term "excessive griefing" or not, it is an issue. When users (sometimes in groups) go from server to server and grief or consistently grief in a single server, they posses the ability to be added to the list. A single reported instance of griefing doesn't constitute as a viable reason to be added to the list in my opinion.

    As I've seen already, average users (not saying that in a demeaning way) are already requesting that certain users be added to the blacklist. This isn't how it works. Unless there is explicit proof that insists that they should be added, any requests will be ignored.

    Not all servers use this blacklist currently, though they possess the ability to. Pyspades, by default, subscribes to it, and vanilla server admins can do the similar thing by via Spadille's syncing or manually appending bans to the ban list.

    This blacklist will be improved overtime until some sort of registration system or something similar comes along.

    Future *Official* Bans:

    I've discussed this many times, weighing the pros and cons of a master blacklist/registration system. A lot of my thoughts on the subject can be found here. It's something that needs to really be thought out a lot ahead of time. Making servers abide by a global blacklist (or registration system) should be optional to the admin in my opinion.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    how long have I been away for?
    I think a global banlist would be unfair. Esspecially in summertime when all the Nine-year olds are not in school.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    i forgot i posted this

    i shall read all of your responses soon

    Posted 13 years ago
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