Mexer's Ace of Spades suggestions.
I do NOT expect you to agree with 99% of them, but I'd love to see at least one of those being implemented in the next version. So here it goes. (I will add them in the order of how much I would want to see them added, -1- being the most important, and so on)
No more fog in the sky, but a real sky. A sky you can edit by gradient colors. Let the fog only modify the way blocks look, but not the sky. Imagine fighting with a sunrise somewhere and a great atmosphere.
Imagine having real bullets, not clicking an enemy and boom there the bullet hits. What I'm talking is bullet delay and gravity effects on it depending on the distance of the target. I've come up with this idea when I was first trying shoot the enemy with the yellow flashing bullet effect that came out of the barrel and tried to aim in front of him (where he was running) so the bullet will hit him. Only after that I realized that's a fake bullet effect and what you actually hit is what you aim with your cursor.
Side arm / Knife Melee / Punch. The game lack's of a melee weapon. I'd love to have a knife melee or punch to be more funny, bound to the middle mouse click.
After you reach 50 kills, you can build a Stationary Gun and use it. In order to build it you'll have to know how to build its pattern with gray blocks. Once you do it perfectly, you can enter it and shoot with it. To avoid griefing or such, it will do very little or no damage to block, but only to players. To avoid spawnkilling or excessive use, it will only last 30 kills and you will have to build it no further from the center of the map. It can be damaged only by enemy grenades.
Player animations on the reloading of the weapons (+drawing the players hand in FPS). Player animations will have to be visible from another point of view of the player e.g. You see a guy reloading his shotgun, you go after him and kill him not to lose the opportunity.
(for fun) Some little accessories on the player like some signs on his face, beard, glasses, some different clothing he can use. (i know im asking too much but it would be fun)
A sound of bullet impact and a mark on the cursor just like in COD:MW. (when you hit the enemy youll hear a very short and subtle sound of bullet impact like in cod)
When switching to iron sights, make an animation with the player bringing the gun to the eye, then instead of the last frame, you switch to the iron sights jpg (so you'll have the clear sights as well, not the gun zoomed like in modern games).
-10- (yeah, I have much more.)
Balanced weapon attachments (and by balanced I mean it shouldn't overpower the weapon or be better than the weapon without the attachment). Things like Sniper Scope, that would be good for sniperists, but bad for close ups and it would remove the crosshair as you would have without the scope. A flashlight as well for tunnels n stuff would be nice. (that if you can work with dynamic lighting in this game).
The ability to add lights on to walls or the ground. Or fire torches like in minecraft.
Ingame voice chat.
When building something, you will have the option to choose (with + and - ) the material of the blocks. Each material , when stepped on or shot at will produce a different and specific sound. What I was thinking about was: Concrete- Tough on bullets but pretty weak when someone's pickaxing it. Metal-Tough at pickaxing but weak on eating bullets, Wood- between them.
Rope, for suspended structures, such as for keeping bridges not fall. (yeah pretty retarded idea)
Deeper water zones in which you can actually swim. With that, even a system of water dynamics how minecraft has. I think it will be exploited by griefers though.
Ability to join the spectators team even though you will not be able to talk to players to avoid spying.
Players with score less than 5 or 10 cannot use the pickaxe on any structure, to avoid trolling griefers to come and grief all the way. Make them shoot some enemies first , then maybe they will forget about griefing.
Doors :D (k maybe not)
An addition to the attachments idea, Players having 5 or more headshots in a row will be given a sniper scope choice, as they are recognized as sharp shooters.
Mark the intel on the map with a symbol that cannot be done with regular blocks by players to avoid decoys.
A high flag at the tent so players will see it more easily (especially when teammates block it for some reason so you can't reach it)
The ability to take a thrown-by-enemy grenade from the ground and throw it back. When you pick it up, so the player will actually have a chance of throwing, the explosion timer will have an additional 3 seconds or such. (like the player is holding the grenade's thingy that holds it from exploding)
Ability to be the team's medic (maybe even the teams will be able to vote for their team medic, each player not able to vote for himself). The team medic will wear a white and red thing on his head or/and his shirt so it can be more easily spotted by teammates and enemies. Enemies will not get any point for killing him, nor will he be able to kill anyone with regular weapons so he will only have a melee weapon. He will heal teammates by approaching them and even taking out a tool that heals players. To avoid exploit of his abilities (e.g. a player will have a medic on his side all the way to enemy's base so he's immune) when shot, he will be able to get healed only after 5 seconds if he's not shot again. Also the medic will be able to give a player during healing , ammunition as well.
The player that picks up the enemy intel will leave behind a thing like coloring every block from 5 blocks distance with a pink color (that color being undo-ed after he scores the intel). This idea is only for the sake of following the intel guy so you will see where he has been.
Same thing when leaving the water; the blocks behind you will gain a more darker color, then they will come back to normal after like 30 seconds.
If you're hit in the legs, or have 30 hp you will walk slower.
Offroad motorcycle 8D . k no
The ability to form a squad with somebody and on the radar you will see their player symbol in the team's color. Also, they will have a squad sign over their heads so you will recognize them better when you're not hovering your crosshair over them so you can read their name. Even more, the squad members will all gain one more point if one member of the squad kills an enemy. This will enforce more teamwork.
Deaths to the TAB score list.
The number of players in a team on the TAB list, so you will know where to join to make the teams more balanced.
Players on the radar will have a small arrow pointing where they're looking at. Also, make the radar refresh a bit more quick.
Players being votekicked are not allowed to switch the team. If they quit the game while being votekicked they will automatically get banned. (as the server has it)
Sprint key, as in Day of Defeat. Every time you tap the sprint key, the sprint (stamina) bar will start flowing from a lower level so that if you tap the key without holding it you will be left with no stamina left. (for dummies: if a sprint bar has 0 to 10 levels of stamina, when you sprint you will go from 7 to 0 , not 10 to 0 so players cannot tap the sprint key so that they appear laggy and dont get shot).
-34-Equipment such as Mines, claymores, c4 bombs, flash grenades etc. (even an uav called by killstreaks :D)
Enemies being seen by teammates will be seen on the radar (with that red circle). As soon as the enemy leaves the player sight it will disappear from the radar. To make him visible, you have to look at him at least 1.5 seconds to avoid over-exposure of the enemy team.
More game modes, like Team deathmatch, Free - for - all , Protect the vip (so he can reach the some zone in the enemy base), plant the bomb (or maybe not) .
Another mode that I've come up with is: The round starts with an empty map. The teams will have 2-3 minutes to build a fortress. During those 2-3 minutes there will be an invisible barrier at the center of the map. When the match REALLY starts, the barrier will disappear and teams will have to use their used fortress wisely (and they will not be able to place anymore blocks or repair.)
FINAL IDEA SO FAR: prone position.
Thank you for reading, I hope the developers of this game reads my post and even tries to add one of them to the game. What do YOU think about them ?