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  • Help With Running An Ace Of Spades Server With Hamachi

    Hello, I was wondering how to run an Ace Of Spades server with hamachi
    I got up to the last step but this guy just said that he got it to work and didnt explain it


    Any Help Appreciated 8)

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    It should just be a matter of connect to whoever is hosting the server. Spadille has an easy to use IP converter built in under Tools > Converter. If you are hosting you should be able to just push the Get My IP button, then Convert. Then just copy and past the URL (example: aos://4076014796 ) to your friends/people in your Hamachi Network.

    Then they just need to drop it into a web browser and it will launch Ace of Spades, there is also a command to connect to a server.

    I haven't actually used Hamachi for Ace of Spades yet, but that's how it works for any other game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    do you portfoward for your other games?
    Because i dont want to portfoward thx anyway 8)

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    Not sure if the mods would be happy about people by-passing the master server.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    No Hamachi makes it so you don't need to port forward, you will want to setup the server so it doesn't list on the master server. Then you just need to have everyone in a hamachi network. Hamachi basically makes up a network of computer that are linked, You can access the shared files that people have on their computers...So when your not using it/sleeping you should shut it off, unless you trust everyone in your hamachi networks.

    Why would you think that? There is an option to list or not list on the Master server built in. Plus sometimes you want to play a game that doesn't have 8 or so people only griefing or building.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^I now how hamachi works, I used it to run a MC server. I suppose your right but last time I used it it was a bit laggy but I suppose it's a good way to skip port forwarding.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    thank you i got it working

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago
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