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  • New Minecraft Clan: Seekers of Victory

    [center][size=40pt][color=blue][b]Seekers of Victory[/b][/color][/size][/center]

    Seekers of Victory searches for other Clans to war with and uses Sun-tzu's teachings to achieve total victory. We make the enemy panic because we are masters of deception; as they deal with our stronger, faster, and smarter moves, victory is already ours. Seekers of Victory is for those who are inspired by Valarius Maximus' post on The Art of War in Minecraft, which can be found here. It is also for those exited about helping to overcome the challenge of gathering a large group of people together to become the perfect war machine. However, Seekers of Victory understands that our members also have lives and does not require attendance obligations of its members.


    The clan is open to anyone who wants to join as well. When we are not at war we are teaching each other techniques, training, working on clan builds, goofing around, or doing something else that is fun. Clan members are encouraged to game together outside of Minecraft and help each other with any other projects as well. The goal is to have a close-knit community that will be online when a member logs on. In this way each member doesn't have to wait for action and can spend more time in real life, too.


    Every member is expected to idle in the clan IRC (chat room) whenever they are on the computer. When you are accepted you will be given a link to the channel. You can then bookmark the page and every time you turn on your computer just open up that page and minimize it. Or you can chat, of course.

    Members are required to download Mumble. It is just like TeamSpeak and Ventrilo, but it has almost 0 latency. Go to the Mumble website and download the client to the right. Install and configure, and then when you are accepted you will be given the server address.
    You do NOT need a mic! All you need to be able to do is hear the people who do have mics.

    We need LEADERS!

    Those who wish to join Seekers of Victory could be exited about:

    the idea of being part of an eventually super effective army
    leading people to victory
    being a stealthy, patient, skilled, and intelligent ninja or spy
    going into battle knowing that death means the loss of time invested in your equipment
    outsmarting your opponent
    working with the same squad until you work perfectly together
    making perfect traps and redstone circuits
    supplying an army better than anyone else
    having the enemy panic because we make it seem like we are stronger, faster, smarter than them all the time
    epic clan builds when not at war



    In-game name:
    Do you have a mic?:
    Describe in moderate detail what you are exited about after reading Valarius Maximus' post or this thread:
    Describe yourself in moderate detail:
    List some other multiplayer games you own:
    (optional) List the rest of the multiplayer games you own:


    8/13 First Clan Build
    - We will discuss what we want to build that would be a great setting to discuss the Art of War in. The Art of War as in the actual book, by Sun-tzu.

    Posted 13 years ago
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