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  • Solution to the griefer problem

    Can't the physics simply be turned off? The main route griefers take to destroying peoples buildings is simply to destroy the foundation of the building, which in turn makes the whole thing topple over. If the game can be set so that buildings don't fall just because one block below it was destroyed, then we wouldnt have near as many issues with people griefing. Its easy enough to destroy buildings simply by picking at it or using the shovel or by simply shooting the blocks. I don't think that turning physics off would sully the game play in any way. It would allow people to make interesting bridges, towers, etc. I think it would make the game play much more enjoyable and give it a lasting experience.

    I enjoy the game, but its frustrating knowing that I simply cant build anything cool or useful for the team because some nerd will come and destroy it for fun, or that someone on the opposite team will get raged and team-switch to ruin it (Both instances have happened to me). I'm sure that anyone who has attempted to make anything cool in the game has had the same experience.

    So to reiterate, simply turning off the physics system in the game would solve a lot of the problems with griefing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it could be server side, because destroying dirt nade blocks is defiantly easier with physics.

    Also, if the building isnt helping the battle, please dont make it

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow deleting peoples posts now? Ok obviously you're just a forum-whore who has no real intent on making any contribution to the game or to help it. I'm not going to waste my time. Yet another hole-in-the-wall game with a forum ran by some tyrannical loser who spends his hours deleting posts of different opinion. Guess that wraps this up for me. Go ahead and delete this post you pathetic nerd, I know you want to.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I actually really, really want to test this but limited to only a few servers just for fun. It would make intel capturing completely impossible but would also make bridge building gameplay viable and open up that unexplored territory completely. It could be fun yeah.
    Also, maybe it would be better if you edited the thread title and posted in suggestions forum, and added some tags. Nice one!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @jayboltz, or maybe you should stop multi-accounting and ghost bumping your thread. And I think I've contributed quite a bit to the community. Thanks.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like to see you code Spadille and PySpades, Jayboltz

    Posted 13 years ago

    @tyler, people who cant code asked for a shotgun, and look. Same with autoclimb.
    It'd have to somehow still have effect over water though. Makes thigns much harder

    Posted 13 years ago

    I didnt come on here to have a nerd-battle via forum posts. Look idiots I made a simple suggestion because everyone is having a problem with griefers.

    And no, that wasn't a double account you idiots I live in a dorm and I have the same IP as some of my friends that play the game. The first response I get is from some doucher that attacks me and makes some vague statement about building shitty castles or something. It made no sense and didn't contribute to the discussion. You deleted someones post for pointing it out. That tells me you're just a bunch of fags who don't like constructive criticism. No one came on here and said anything nasty or anything "troll-like" until you just deleted someones post because you didn't agree with it. That's just sad.

    Its too bad because this game has an original idea, but it has some problems. Apparently you don't want to address them for some reason. Obviously others agree with me.

    Also this is'nt about me being able to code "KomradeTyler," you dipshit. I made 1 simple suggestion that would probably solve all the griefer threads you see here.

    But forget it, continue on with your forum-lording. You're all pathetic. Anyway, this is my last post. I just wanted to address the losers who are abusing their almighty forum admin powers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    dude you are so cool

    Posted 13 years ago

    No I didn't delete any post for the sake of disagreeing with it. The dorm theory would make sense, if both forum accounts weren't created at the same time with 2 emails shockingly similar (one has an extra character). Plus what are the chances that you and your friend both happen to sign up at the same time and post in the same subject, with similar emails on the same IP?

    Rage all you want, it's not going to do anything but prove you just learned a few swear words and need some kind of anger management.

    And the coding reference I'm guessing was in response to your ever-so-thought-out claim that I haven't contributed anything to the game.

    Also, it's not a good idea to get bent out of a shape when people disagree with your opinion. Welcome to the internet.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Has anyone else noticed a trend? Every single person who I've seen try to solve griefing on the forums has had some major mental defect.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago
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