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  • What's you WTF?! moment?

    It could be anything(In-Game,IRL,etc.)Just make sure it's that moment made you go WTF?! or froze for a couple of minutes by seeing it.If your asking why i'm doing this it's because i'm bored and i'm pretty sure you too.Okay i'll go first.

    Last day i was in that dark fort server.I was using the semi rifle then go to the center of the map.Then,Suddenly 2 green scum pop up which scared the shit out of me when i ran backwards and tried to shoot them i thought i missed then a miracle just happened i actually killed those 2 in 1 bullet! i froze for about 3 minutes just seeing that after that i just play again but i wished i could i have recorded it and put it on my montage but anyway,it was really a lucky and a very rare kill i've ever done in a PC game in my entire life.

    But i'm guessing it was a glitch.But that moment will stay in my memory forever.

    The Man
    Posted 13 years ago

    I have one that happened in real life. I had just come out of the cinema and I saw about 50 MASSIVE bags of popcorn (not the corn but actual ready done popcorn). Walking to the park from the cinema, I noticed a trail of popcorn leading to the park. I was headed that way anyway, and in the park, in the cafe, I noticed four guys munching on popcorn from a MASSIVE bag. How they stole it, I have NO fucking idea considering the bags were next to where you buy your tickets. Me an my friends were like WHAT THE FUCK?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I watched this.


    Posted 13 years ago

    WOW JUST WOW chris

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Whenever I find a racist guy I guy WTF!

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    OK this is real:
    I wake up at 6 in the morning on a weekend and decide to make some kind of lego mortar. After 3 hours of playing around with diferent mechanisms I finaly finished it, however when I fired the projectile only shot 1meter, I knew I could do better. So I added several more rubber bands giving extraordinary pressure to the weapon, unfortunately when I fired the gun literaly exploded and peices went flying everywhere!

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    also, this.


    Posted 13 years ago
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