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  • [MAP RELEASE] SkyTrenches v 1.0

    Hi there, I'm just posting my latest map creation spawned from boredom and a desire to grief without being criticized... anyway it's basically a nice linear map set really high and meant to be griefed, or not! Up to YOU!

    Here are some screenshots:

    And a download link:

    Posted 13 years ago

    I really like the idea of this map, but I have a suggestion.

    Perhaps edit it so there are more than one "skytrench"? Just one trench would make this another pinpoint, with absolutely no way to get the intel without a full-on assault. Other skytrenches would help somebody sneak around and get the intel, but only if the opposing team were careless enough to let them.

    If you don't like my suggestion, It's fine, I understand You made this map, not Me.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    Haha nice idea, I definitely appreciate the input. Though there are ways up from the bottom that involve a little digging - so it's like if you took the typical horizontal gameplay and made it vertical instead

    Posted 13 years ago
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