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  • Taking from enemy CP

    I don't see what is wrong with it, getting supplies from the enemy tent makes complete sense. Gives the enemy something to do as far as protecting their supplies as an enemy that makes it to the base is a significant threat. Also makes reconnaissance more important as well. Constructive criticism welcome, trolling is not.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I had thought this a long while back, has already been suggested, though not in an official thread..
    It takes time to even locate the enemy CP, let alone reaching it - a nice idea in my opinion.

    Posted 13 years ago

    but what about enemy tent spawncamping?
    I like the idea but a few glitches need ironing out.

    Taking the enemys CP?, um, whatever floats your boat...

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    thats what i was thinking im always on maps like pinpoint low on ammo and so i go to tent and spazz out because i cant steal there stuff.

    true ninja
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, if you want to expand the sabotage thing, you could make tents destroyable, but they could be build back with the pickaxe or making some kind of structure with blocks?

    Posted 13 years ago

    no thanks. I like the idea that you could get ammo from it, but not enough to spawn camp forever. Like 5 bullets every 30 seconds? Also, if you get killed once from there and know where you just shoot the tent....free kill

    Posted 13 years ago

    I support.
    But maybe it'll refill your supplies at half the speed? That will stop people from griefing/sniping next to the CP.

    EDIT: oh maybe [Komrade]Nowa90 above is saying that exact thing:P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good idea. I cant see any problems with the suggestion and I think this should be added.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was under the impression that CP is illegal.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I had this idea months ago, and whenever I reach the enemy base I snicker because I can't use it. I love this idea! It should be implemented into the game as a treat to those who are pro enough to find and reach the enemy base.

    Posted 13 years ago
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