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  • [Clan]The Second Legion [Recruiting]
  • 123

    -------------A little description-----------
    The Second Legion is a roman-inspired clan. Our structure is similar to the old Roman legions, so we are based on discipline.

    ------------- Ranks -----------
    Legatus legionis(Legate): The leader of the Legion. It has the full control of all the legionaries.

    Tribunus laticlavius(Experienced tribune): The second in command. This tribune will take the command of the Legion if needed, as if he was the Legate. He will be choosen by the Legate.

    Praefectus castrorum(Camp prefect): He's a very experienced soldier, and also, the third in command. He will be in charge of training the legion.

    Tribunus angusticlavii(Junior tribunes): There will be 4 tribunes, choosen by the legionaries. This tribunes will help the Experienced tribune in his duty, following his orders.

    Primus pilus (PP Centurion): He's the senior centurion of the entire legion. He will always be in the front line, encouraging the legionaries. He will be able to reach the Camp prefect rank if he gets enough experience.

    Centurion: He's a legionary that has proven to be brave and intelligent.

    Optio: The second hand of the PP Centurion.

    Decanus: He leads small groups of legionaries.

    First Class Legionary: He has the option of getting an specific duty, which will give him honor and it will help him while advancing in his career.

    Legionary: The regular trooper.

    Trainee: He isn't yet a legionary, and he will do all the manual work of the Legion while being trained.

    The Legion will organise in squads of 2-4 people. The highest rank will lead inside of the squad, and each squad will have an specific duty.
    This duties are:
    Attacking squad: The objetive is clear: Destroying enemy positions and clearing 'em of enemies for the defensive squad.
    Defensive squad: They will take the captured positions and secure them with defensive structures.
    Leadership squad: This squad can act as an attacking one or a defensive. The highest ranked member of the Legion on duty will be leading this squad. The squad will coordinate the attacks and defences, and if there's a weak spot it will go there and raise the morale.
    Scouting squad: Information is power, and in AoS it's important to know where the enemy is. This squad won't attack the enemy unless told to do so, and they will act as a flanking unit during the combats.

    -------------Special duties-----------
    Aquilifer: This duty marks a person as the Flag carrier and guard. He will build the flag in the base and if it gets shot down, he will rebuild it.
    Cornicen: This person is in charge of the communications. If he's in a squad, it will be the radio man.
    Combat engineer: From defensive structures to siege ones, a combat engineer is always needed.
    Sniper: The person with this role is able to go on his own as a scouting squad.

    -------------Member's list-----------
    -Coldheiser, Legatus legionis
    -fersel, Tribunus laticlavius
    -Pnut, Praefectus castrorum
    -Yasso, Tribunus angusticlavii
    -EpicSoldier, First Class Legionary
    -+__=(D)ead, First Class Legionary
    -Logibear, First Class Legionary-Sniper
    -DevilRanger, First Class Legionary-Combat engineer
    -Commandergree24, First Class Legionary-Combat engineer
    -O'Sasherra, First Class Legionary-Cornicen
    -Grene, First Class Legionary-Combat engineer
    -Kandrark, First Class Legionary -Sniper
    -Shotgun_Alpha, Trainee
    Members count: 13
    ------------- Rules -----------
    1.- Be active. If there's a reason to be inactive, just tell us.
    2.- Don't grief unless told by a commanding officer. (And it should be a structure built by the SL)
    3.- Don't be an asshole. We want serious players, we won't tolerate trolls.
    4.- Discipline. Learn to follow orders, it will let you give proper orders when you rank up.

    ------------- Applications -----------
    In order to apply for a place in the SL (Second Legion), you will need to follow this format:

    -Rank you want to apply for(This will be disabled when the Legion gets enough members):
    -Why do you want to join the SL:
    -How would you benefit our clan:
    -Do you have an steam account, skype or something to contact you?:
    -Some extra information:

    We won't care about your killing skills. We are looking for activity and discipline. Following orders is the key to win a battle. Write a message in this thread with the proper format.
    If you are accepted, add an SL. tag to your name.

    ------------- Forums-----------

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good luck from iMuun's Clan!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Damn, this is pretty good for a new clan, good luck from the longtimers

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good if I did not have a clan I wood join this

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good to see a clan with near accurate historic representation.
    Well made structure and rank, I hope to see some formations made by your clan used in game in the future if you gain enough members.

    Good luck!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks to everyone.
    @KomradeTyler: Well, I also hope to see some formations :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good luck from Everyone at [OTD]

    Edit: I mean OTD

    Left RF

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    kk, so here we go my application:
    1. fersel
    2. don't really think that matters, can do what u want and what u think i can do.
    3. wanna play and meet good ppl and that stuff.
    4. ok, i can shoot annnnd... hide? steal intelz? we'll see=)
    5. just wanna offer u promote the idea of using TS3. Really helps u know.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @fersel: Accepted. You will join me as the Tribunus laticlavius.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    I am applying for Praefectus castrorum, we already spoke over steam. I am quite interested to see where this clan my lead.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Pnut, accepted (But you could have used the application format ._.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    2-Will work in any Place u put me in!
    3-Play in an organized manner...and meet and talk with new people!
    4-Im a good builder, and a sharpshooter ;)

    Posted 13 years ago

    -Praefectus castrorum
    -I don;t have clan and i want to join it
    -Help for battle. And i can host server.
    -I don;t know what write :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    Both accepted, Yasso you will be a Junior Tribune, Igor(Epic) you will be a Centurion, since the Camp prefect rank is already taken.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Ave. True to Caesar.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ lol i though it was kaisar

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    it's pronounced "kaisar" but is spelt as Caesar.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    ahhh thnks

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    -+__=(D)ead (i can change my name)
    -anything you want me to do
    -i dont have a clan and would like to join
    -i am average at pretty much anything

    Posted 13 years ago

    @leaugeofplayers: your nickname is +__=(D)ead ? Accepted, you will join us as a First Class Legionary

    Posted 13 years ago

    Posted 13 years ago

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Preacher: You are accepted, your humbleness has impressed me. You will start as a Trainee, if that's what you want, although I would like to see you as an officer one of this days.
    Preacher and +__=(D)ead, would you add me con steam? My steam is "Coldheiser" (I think)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, I want to repeat: we have an IRC channel, #SecondLegion.
    Kinda waiting for u there=)

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. [COCO]Logibear
    2. Sniper
    3. I want to meet people and have a fun time with the other members
    4. I am a good sniper
    5. I'm NOT a griefer and I hopw i make it into the clan :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Logibear: isn't [COCO] a clan tag? Btw, if you join us, I would like you to join at first as a Legionary First Class (We need more non-officers)

    Posted 13 years ago

    no its not i just support a youtube account named = cocosmackdown

    Posted 13 years ago
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