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  • Rocket Launcher

    I think a Rocket Launcher or RPG would add a lot to the gameplay. With the Voxel Terrain You could do a lot of interesting things. Please consider!

    Posted 13 years ago

    its a bad idea adding rocket launcher will just make greiffing so mutch easyer

    afro samurai
    Posted 13 years ago

    well the rocket launcher or RPG could hurt players but it would be best if it didn't do terrarin damage. then it would be awesome

    Posted 13 years ago

    If it didnt do terrain damage it would be terrible, if a green fort is taking my troops down i would like to blow that shit up, but due to griefing, a rocket launcher will most likely not get added.

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    We need jetpacks and plantable explosive charges. And flamethrowers.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    NO. JUST NO.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If we're going to have a rocket launcher, it's not going to be any of that CoD shit.

    Here's how you balance the rocket launcher SHOULD it be available.

    -VERY Slow movement speed
    -Only given 4 rockets, you must get more ammo at the tent, and even then, your ammo count only rises by 1 every 5 seconds you are near the tent. You are vulnerable to friendly-fire near the tent.
    -*If a sidearm is introduced, no sidearm is available while using the RL*
    -To fire a rocket, you need to stand still for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.
    -While you are preparing to fire the rocket, you are visible on enemies' maps as a red blip.
    -After the rocket is fired, you need to spend 10 seconds reloading your rocket launcher. Again, for these 10 seconds you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.

    Bam. Rocket Launcher balanced for combat and made griefer-unfriendly.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Soldierihazmanynumberzcuzitmakesmehkewl: Wow, just wow.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's a little too much...
    Could just be a single shot Panzerfaust that takes up the grenade slot and is inaccurate?

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    A little too much? People are complaining about a rocket launcher's potential to be a deadly griefer weapon, and I am offering a solution.

    Could you tell me what is wrong with it?

    Posted 13 years ago

    You really need 20 secs to fire a rocket launcher?With the reload time I agree,and have only 1 with you,maybe 1 or 2 extra.Maybe 5 or 10 secs to shoot?

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 13 years ago

    20 seconds is needed, otherwise it'd be too overpowered for combat and too easy for greifers to use.

    Keep in mind that there WON'T be a restriction to the amount of rocket launchers on one team. The 20 second waiting time and forced standing is needed to lower the effectiveness of mass spamming of rocket launchers.

    Having a whole team of rocket launchers would not be fun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make it a javelin that can only come down on the enemy team, which wil prevent team greifing, ok maybe not the enemy team but it will come down a few blocks on the map away. (Which means it would come back down in about three coordinates map-wise in the direction your shooting it in.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    I think its a good idea. Who supports my idea?

    Posted 13 years ago

    It would be best with terrain damage and really cool for fort destruction. But you would definitely have to have a low ammo cap and maybe move slower.
    I do agree though, greifing is a big problem in this game. But I would still love to the this appear in the game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Here's how you balance the rocket launcher SHOULD it be available.

    -VERY Slow movement speed
    -Only given 4 rockets, you must get more ammo at the tent, and even then, your ammo count only rises by 1 every 5 seconds you are near the tent. You are vulnerable to friendly-fire near the tent.
    -*If a sidearm is introduced, no sidearm is available while using the RL*
    -To fire a rocket, you need to stand still for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.
    -While you are preparing to fire the rocket, you are visible on enemies' maps as a red blip.
    -After the rocket is fired, you need to spend 10 seconds reloading your rocket launcher. Again, for these 10 seconds you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.

    Bam. Rocket Launcher balanced for combat and made griefer-unfriendly.

    Wow- I agree that a rocket launcher could work if put in properly, but this is probably the worst kind of rocket launcher setup I've ever seen.

    Vulnerable to friendly fire while restocking ammo for twenty seconds and aiming for twenty seconds!? Why!?

    Oh wait- thirty seconds including the forced immediate reload while being forced to stand still. Half a bloody minute!

    Posted 13 years ago

    My version (nothing on damage or radius)
    Takes up grenade slot
    1 shot disposable (no going to the tent to get more rockets)
    Must aim down sights to shoot
    There is a 3 second prep time to fire, you are open to friendly fire during this time. (as in press trigger and a forced 3 second countdown until it fires, the big fireworks go up at this time)
    Highly inaccurate, huge spread for the rocket to go
    Very noticeable, Kinda hard to miss the fireworks during the launch.
    Easily dodge-able, if you see it coming, chances are you can move out of the way.
    Does hurt teammates
    Long Range, if you can somehow sight a target with help, the range is past fog.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    It's to stop griefers.

    And the reload won't be forced after you shoot.

    However, maybe the 20 seconds are a bit too much.

    Here's how you balance the rocket launcher SHOULD it be available.
    -VERY Slow movement speed
    -Only given 4 rockets, you must get more ammo at the tent, and even then, your ammo count only rises by 1 every 3 seconds you are near the tent. You are vulnerable to friendly-fire near the tent.
    -*If a sidearm is introduced, no sidearm is available while using the RL*
    -To fire a rocket, you need to stand still for 10 seconds. During these 10 seconds, you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.
    -While you are preparing to fire the rocket, you are visible on enemies' maps as a red blip.
    -After the rocket is fired, you need to spend 10 seconds reloading your rocket launcher. Again, for these 10 seconds you are vulnerable to friendly-fire.

    Bam. Rocket Launcher balanced for combat and made griefer-unfriendly.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's still ridiculously nerfed- nobody would EVER use it, for many reasons, the main ones being:

    *The movement speed for everyone should remain the same
    *No weapon should have a time penalty on restocking ammo for any reason
    *Nobody should ever. EVER be vulnerable to friendly fire unless actively griefing
    *Nobody should ever appear on enemy radar unless the intel has been captured.
    *10 seconds to reload is preposterous.
    *Nobody should be forced to carry only one weapon with a miniscule amount of ammo. Ever.

    Try this on for size:

    two ways a Rocket Launcher could actually work:

    As Bobbunny suggests, it takes up the grenade slot. You get two rockets, instead of your two grenades. You can run and jump as fast as anyone else, but while moving the RL has the 0.54 rifle cone. Standing still makes it pinpoint, but the projectile moves slowly anyway so good luck hitting a moving target. This way, the RL will only be used about as often as grenades do, because it isn't the primary weapon. That already solves people from overusing it, without implementing all these other limitations that render it nigh on useless. Teammates won't be able to teamkill you while you're aiming/reloading just to annoy you for one thing...

    Now, the blast works one of two ways. Either a) it creates a fireball on contact that expands and kills anyone in the radius, but does little/no damage to blocks, or b) we take a leaf out of bf1942's book and give it almost no splash damage whatsoever. it will decimate the block it hits shotgun style, and maybe a grenade's worth of blocks around it/next few blocks and people along the path of travel, but will not kill anyone it does not hit.

    Useful. Balanced. Actually worth using from time to time. Simple.

    Seriously- why would you allow teamkilling while some poor sod's standing still out in the open just praying he'll be able to line up his shot before he gets his head blown off? Or just minding his own business reloading??

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can smell the griefing

    The autistic tears

    But sadly, I don't want the risk of griefing with this weapon.

    I'll give you 5 seconds to fire and 5 seconds to reload.

    A powerful weapon needs powerful drawbacks, yo.

    Posted 13 years ago

    True it needs drawbacks, but considering you'd only want to fire when seeing an enemy/enemy structure that is probably manned, and that the average life-expectancy out in the open when spotted by an enemy and not moving nor returning fire is about a single second at most, it just wouldn't work if you can't fire immediately. Reward standing still with pinpoint accuracy by all means, but if you can't expose yourself long enough to fire the damn thing, what's the point?

    Posted 13 years ago

    >person comes up with a genuinely good, pretty balanced idea (kingofhearts)
    >people totally ignore him and continue to beg for the game to be even more like cod

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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