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  • [SUG]Balanced Classes

    Can't wait for this shit to get flamed to hell


    -SMG with 60 rounds, 30 in SMG and 30 in reserve.
    -Pickaxe and grenade replaced with 7 Health Packs that are thrown like grenades(CAN NOT USE OWN HEALTH PACKS, MUST REFILL HEALTH PACKS AT TENT. You recieve 1 health pack for every 5 seconds you are near the tent. However, you can be refilled by the Regular class' Ammo box at a 1Box:1Pack ratio)
    -Slightly faster movement speed.
    -Slightly Smaller hitbox and player model
    -85 Health
    "Your everyday Medic. Fresh out of whatever quack-ridden backwater-basic healthcare class they were drafted into, the Medic is what his name suggests; a doctor. An annoyance when you don't want to see him, your Savior when your is gone and your bleeding in places you wish you were never got shot in. Lucky for you, his Health Packs pack (Dohohoho) quite a punch and they'll heal you right up. He's not much in a fight, especially with his lack of ammo, so it's a good thing this guy runs pretty fast. However, for a man whose profession is all about health and wellness, you'd think he'd be a little healthier. Valuable for any team. Don't let him die."

    -Faster firing but less accurate Rifle with lowered recoil. 70 rounds, 10 in Rifle and 60 in reserve. Deals same amount of damage as regular Rifle.
    -Pickaxe and shovel replaced with 10 Ammo Boxes, can replenish Medic's health packs (1:1 ratio of Box to Pack) and other players' ammo reserves. DOES NOT REFILL GRENADES.
    -Picking up own Ammo Boxes only gives you 10 rounds of ammunition. Spread the wealth.
    -3 Grenades
    -Very Slow, Slowest Movement Speed
    -Larger hitbox, larger player model
    -150 Health (Rifle headshots do 88 damage rather than 100, SMG headshots do 40 damage)
    "This is your Infantry on steroids. Sporting a modified Rifle intended for taking on multiple enemies at mid-to-close range, the Regular is a combination of man and tank. With quick, precise aim, Deuces drop like flies. The fact that he's a walking ammo dump makes him valuable for Engineers, Medics, Anti-Armor, and Infantry classes wanting to refill their gear. The one problem? He's as big as he is mean, which makes him a big target and slower than molasses. It's a good thing he has more health than the average Infantry, because on the battlefield, you're either quick, or you're dead. Still, best to let the Infantry act as bullet sponges while you pick off Deuces one by one. A Medic's best friend."

    -Scoped Rifle, higher aim-down-sight zoom, slower rate of fire but slightly higher accuracy and body/limb damage. 10 Rounds in Rifle and 10 rounds in reserve (MAKE EVERY SHOT COUNT.)
    -Grenades, Pickaxe and Shovel replaced with binoculars.

    When your binoculars are out, all enemies in your coordinate square (A1, G6, etc) will be revealed on yours and your allies' minimaps as red blips, as if you captured the intel.
    When you put away the binoculars, the red blips go away immediately, so you can't be a walking radar and sniper at the same time.
    While binoculars are out, you can "tag" enemy players you see for your teammates to fire at. Tagged players will be seen on yours and your allies' minimaps until they are killed.

    -Same size player model
    -Faster Movement Speed
    -60 Health (What, you think a great perk like binoculars is going to come without a cost?)

    "Everyone hates campers. Lone wolves picking off useless Deuces two kilometers away without helping you by taking out the guy who has a rifle pointed at your square head. This is one camper you're gonna love. Decked out with a pair of binoculars for his ailing eyesight, the Recon/sniper/scout/campingfaggot actually HELPS your team by...showing you where your enemies are!

    Of course, the effect only lasts as long as the Recon class keeps his binoculars out, and even then it only works on the coordinate square he is at. However, he can tag Deuces with his binoculars so they'll always appear on your minimaps until you administer the best medicine for any Deuce; cranial lead poisoning. He's not much of a fighter aside from his nifty Rifle, however, so enjoy your walking radar hack for as long as he stays alive. If he can, that is."

    -Semi-Auto Shotgun, faster firing rate than regular shotgun, less ammo. 24 Shells, 8 in Shotgun, 16 in reserve
    -Faster Pickaxe and Shovel
    -Start with 100 Blocks
    -Engineer's blocks take 2.5x more damage/time to destroy.
    -Trades Grenades for 10 blocks of TNT. Can not be obtained again from the Tent. Upon the Engineer's death, all TNT blocks are turned into regular blocks.
    -TNT works akin to Minecraft TNT. I think you know what TNT does. Large 6x6x6 area of effect.
    -TNT can either be triggered by gunfire, pickaxe, or can be randomly triggered by an enemy stepping on any block in its 6x6x6 area of effect. The closer the block that an enemy steps on, the higher the chance that the TNT will be triggered. Deals damage based on the distance a target is from the TNT's origin.
    -Holding the shovel out will prevent you from activating TNT. However, if you are directly above TNT, you WILL trigger it, shovel or not. This is to provide the "original" 3 classes (Rifleman, Submachinegunner, and Shotgunner) with a chance to fight back against the Engineer's TNT where the "new" classes will have difficulty.
    -You can defuse TNT with the shovel.

    -If Engineer is within TNT blast distance, the TNT will have no effect on any blocks should it be triggered.
    -Engineer can be killed via friendly fire ANYTIME if he places TNT. Killing the Engineer renders his TNT useless.

    -Slower Movement Speed
    -80 Health

    "You WON'T be seeing DISPENSERS and TELEPORTERS on THIS tour of duty, MAGGOTS! But DON'T you be disappointed. The Engineer is no slouch when it comes to personal defending the TEAM'S INTELLIGENCE and erecting FORTRESSES. With a faster pickaxe and shovel along with double the amount of strengthened blocks, he can carve a lasting image of Mount Rushmore in the time it takes your tunnel-rat enemies to put up a bunker. And he do it while giving Lincoln a HAT of his own. His TNT is no slouch either; lay them over a plateau and watch your enemies cringe in fear with every step they take. Firefights are his worst enemy. Keep him safe, keep him hidden, keep him alive if you want him to keep you alive.

    Seriously, this guy does have a shitton of experience. Makes you wonder who his previous employers were."

    -Regular shotgun with 24 Shells. 6 in shotgun, 18 in reserve.
    -Trades Shovel and Blocks for Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher.
    -Carries 4 rockets at once. 1 in Launcher and 3 rockets in reserve.

    -Must stand still for 5 seconds to fire a rocket. Vulnerable to friendly fire for those 5 seconds.
    -You will appear on enemy mini-maps when you are preparing to fire a rocket.
    -Reloading the rocket launcher will cause you to stand still for 5 seconds. You are vulnerable to friendly fire for those 5 seconds.

    -Rockets can be reloaded by the Regular's Ammo Boxes, at a 1Box:1Rocket ratio.
    -Rockets deal heavy block and player damage in a roughly 6x6x6 sphere, with the point of impact as the center of the sphere.

    -Slower Movement Speed
    -110 Health
    -"Walls were meant to keep people out. Buildings were meant to keep people safe. And rockets were made to break them all down. So make way for the fat boy called the Anti-Armor. Packing close to 50 kilos of anti-armor rounds and a hefty rocket launcher to boot, this guy is your best friend when it comes to taking down any structure standing in your way. Which is good, because he won't be going anywhere fast. Keep the man covered while he does his job."

    EDIT: I guess the vanilla class (Rifle, SMG, and Shotgun) will be named "Infantry".

    -Choice to carry two weapons, from vanilla Rifle, SMG, Shotgun
    -Can switch between these two weapons anytime, even in combat (!)
    -50 Blocks
    -Shovel, Pickaxe and 2 Grenades
    -Normal Movement Speed
    -100 Health
    -Respawn 2x faster than any other class
    -"Raw, green (blue?) recruits eager to die for a cause they don't fully believe in. The bread and butter of any tunnel-rat army, Infantry can erect makeshift cover and buildings with ease. Although not as big as their cousins the Regulars, they make up for it with their ability to carry two guns. Shotguns to sweep trenches, SMGs to rip buildings and unwary flesh apart, and the Rifle for expert marksmen to pick-off anything else. They are as fragile as they are versatile but that's not necessarily a bad thing: Their expendable nature is a blessing in disguise. When one falls, two more take his place."

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know about classes. I mean, it just seems like having to be stuck with a certain weapon or specialty or whatever would be quite a turn-off. But, if the classes are implemented, we should take a Red Orchestra approach to it, with each class having two or three choices for weapons. This way, you can defend yourself at longer ranges as a medic, or having an SMG for the engineer, instead of a shotgun. It'd make AoS a tad more choice-based, if you will, but still have classes.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh don't worry, it's not like you can't play the vanilla rank-and-file Rifles, SMG, or Shotgunners anymore, so you still can have a choice of what weapon you want from there. They'll still be available (And with the cons of some of the more "specialized" classes, they'll still see more of a use. Especially the SMG with the lower health classes.).

    The point of having the weapons for these "new" classes fixed and static is to keep the classes specialized and different, with no chance of their roles overlapping each other. A Medic with a Rifle, for example, would devalue the usefulness of the Recon class's own specialized Scoped Rifle, for they serve similar purposes.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I might like to see this implemented, but chances are it'll take a while to be included in the game, if at all.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    If I knew jackshit about modding and code, this'd be on my to-do list.

    If melee damage, simulated airstrikes and red blips showing enemy positions after capturing intel can be done (Which they are), most of these should be possible through modding.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    That's a wonderful argument you've got there Deuce

    Care to explain why?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks and no my opinion is completely biased as I did not even read the OP please disregard my comments.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    Needs more hats.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Donate to Ben Aksoy today and receive the one-of-a-kind Deuce's Delight Helmet for the Soldier class in Team Fortress 2

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. Most of the stuff you suggesting would take ages to implement since only one guy working on this game.
    2. No classes. Inventory system would be much better.
    3. Suggesting more toys for griefers? wtf?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Battlefield FOREVER.
    What AoS needs from battlefield:
    64 player matches
    Maps the size of some country

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make use of the free labor of the forums Ben.
    I agree with most of those.
    Not Jets.
    And only if I can pilot them somewhat easy with a mouse and keyboard.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago




    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 13 years ago

    i only care about the medic.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago
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