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  • Ladders and Furniture

    A lot of custom maps have houses, barns etc built on them, which I think adds a huge amount of immersion and fun to the game, but their interiors are a bit lacking. Perhaps a way could be found to give individual blocks a custom texture during map editing so they appear to be beds, chairs, window frames etc without changing their behaviour in-game.

    Ladders would also be reskinned blocks that aren't buildable by the players, except that they enable the player to climb vertically. Their main use would be in ready-made tunnels or sniper towers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't think so much on furniture, no idea how it would work.

    However, I do like ladders.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the idea of ladders a lot, though not sure on how I feel about furniture. Wouldn't a bunch of chairs and what not make fighting in a house a bit more awkward?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Fighting in a house should be awkward, not saying chairs and tables should be everywhere, but just enough so you have cover and difficulty moving.

    Bipolar Hernandez
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd be interested in a more general entity structure system. You know how when you sever some blocks from their support, the blocks themselves disappear and you get this tumbling mass of stuff? That stuff, but such that it doesn't disappear, so you just have this material that's higher resolution that the stuff around it. I'd go one step further. Map the player's body as taking up a certain bit of space in the map, as an entity, and use the collision physics that takes place with falling severed blocks and the ground. This way, you can not only have a higher-resolution chair in an otherwise standard-res house, but you can kick that chair around so it doesn't make CQC awkward.

    Plus AoS soccer (football) tournaments. That most important bit.

    I don't really know the exact terms of art for this stuff, so there's a good chance this is pretty confusing, but I'll be happy to try and clarify this idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good ideia.

    Black Op
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ladders/climbing ropes should be added, making sniping towers more usefull and cliffs not so much of a nuissance.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I support the idea of ropes.

    Posted 13 years ago
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